Ch. 9 - Launching A New Republic (1789-1800)

What were the three precedents that THEE MAN set?

So help me God."
Outdoor Inauguration
Swearing in on a bible.

What were two warnings that THEE MAN said?

Political Parties and Staying Neutral.

What did Hamilton think about Payment of Debts?

He thought that the Federal Government should pay off the war debts of states.

What is a Tariff?

A tax on imported goods

What are two purposes of Tariffs?

To protect the American Industry from other foreign industries and growth in the economy.

What are two things Hamilton hoped the National Bank its creation would accomplish?

Gives the government a safe place to keep the governments money and it allows them to issues bank notes as the national currency.

What is Judicial Review?

The Supreme court has the final say in the Constitution.

What did we get from the Battle of Fallen Timbers and the Treaty of Greenville?

We gained present day Ohio and part of Indiana.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

The uprising of farmers that wanted to not have tax on alcohol. THEE MAN himself led an army to Pennsylvania and put a stop to the Rebellion.

Who was the leader of the Federalists?


Who was the leader of the Democratic-Republicans?


Were the Federalists strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution?


Were the Democratic-Republicans strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution?


What did the Federalists think about the Payment of Debt?

They thought that it should be payed by the National Government.

What did the Democratic-Republicans think about the Payment of Debt?

They disagreed that the national Government should play the debts.