
Albuterol Sulfate / Brand Names

Proventil, Ventillin

Albuterol Sulfate / Generic Name


Albuterol Sulfate / Official Name

Albuterol Sulfate, USP

Albuterol Sulfate / Classification

Bronchodilator (GTC EMS)

Albuterol Sulfate / Mechanism of action

Binds to Beta2 receptors to relax smooth muscles in the airway (GTC EMS)

Albuterol Sulfate / Indications

Wheezing due to asthma or COPD (Book)

Albuterol Sulfate / Contraindications

Hypersensitivity, Tachycardia & CVD (GTC EMS)

Albuterol Sulfate / Side effects

Anxiety, Chest discomfort, headache, Palpations, & perspiration (Book)

Albuterol / Dosage & Administration (MDI)

1 - 2 90mcg sprays (Book)

Albuterol / Dosage & Administration (nebulized)

2.5 mg diluted in 2.5 mL over 5 to 15 minutes (Book)

Albuterol Sulfate / Overdose Management

Tx: Symptomatically, possible beta blockers

Albuterol Sulfate / Route

Inhalation (Nebulized) (Book)

Albuterol Sulfate / Precautions

Watch for CV effects (especially in pts with Hx of CVD)

Which IV solution contains multiple electrolytes?

Lactated Ringer's Solution

Patients with __________________ should not receive lactated Ringer's solution.


Which medication is a beta2 selective sympathomimetic?


AEMTs need to be cautious when administering ____________ to patients with asthma or liver disease.


The proper route of delivery for glucagon is ____________.


Which medication is considered both an analgesic and an anesthetic?

Nitrous oxide

Which medications are naturally occurring hormones?

Epinephrine & glucagon

What is the action of the antidote for organophosphate nerve agent poisoning?

It blocks acetylcholine uptake

Normal Saline contains _____ percent sodium chloride.


Albuterol acts primarily on which type of cellular receptors.

Beta2 Sympathetic

Nitroglycerin / Single dosage amount

0.4 mg

Nitroglycerin / Contraindications / Class of drugs

ED drug usage within 24 - 48 hours

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Brand Names

Anacin, Bayer, Ecotrin & St. Joseph

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Generic Drug Name


Acetylsalicylic Acid / Class

analgesic, antipyrectic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory & Platelet aggregation inhibitor

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Mechanism of Action

Blocks part of the chemical response for activating platelets

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Indications

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or stroke

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Contraindications

Hypersensitivity or Children with Viral illness (Reye's Syndrome)

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Pharmacokinetics

Onset: 20 - 30 minutes (Metabolized in the liver)

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Side Effects

GI Upset, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, & wheezing

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Dosage

160 - 325 mg PO of chewable aspirin

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Overdose management

Contact Poison control, Tx symptoms, Maintain ABC's

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Route


Acetylsalicylic Acid / Precautions

Asthma, Seasonal allergies, stomach ulcers, liver or kidney disease, or alcohol abuse

Acetylsalicylic Acid / Official Drug Name

Aspirin - USP

50 pecent Dextrose / Class


50 pecent Dextrose / Mechanism of action

Increases glucose serum in blood