neuro and mental health


a positive Brudzinki's sign is indicative of


is the abnormal feeling of burning if stinging that accompanies nerve compression

patient who experience TIAs (transient ischemia)

have temporary symptoms, because the tissue ischmia is short-lived

parasympathetic nervous system

slow the heart rate, constricts the bronchioles, and increases digestive system function

sitff neck

primary symptom of meningitis

patiant who suffer from migraine haedaches

frequently experience an aura before the onset of pain

MS is caused

by progressive demyelination of the covering on the axon of the neuron

repetive movements

may result in compression of the median nerve, producing numbness and tingling of fingers

lumber puncture

often is performed to extract CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) to evalute for phathogens, infection for diagnosis of illness


to which part of the nervous system do the cranial nerves belong


condition is not usually associated with injuries caused by accidents

Migriane headache

if a patient describes seeing an aura before the onset of a severe headache, this aften is a sign of a


a patient calls to report symptoms that are commonly associated with the flu. however he has not improved after 2 weeks of rest, so he may have

is temporarily unable to connect with the environment

a patient suffering from delirum

for which neurologic disorder should patients with hypertension and an elevated cholesterol level be monitored

CVA (cerebrovascular accident)

in what way does the medical assistant contribute most to the diagnosis of neurologic disorders

careful observation of and listening to patients


inflammation of the covering of the brain


term for conditon of difficulty speeking


pertaining to the head and to the tail

dura mater

tough outer layer of the meninges

TIA (transient ischemia)

they rsult short-term ishemic episodes, they may be precursors to a CVA (cerebrovascular accident), they indicate the need for comprehensive diagnostic evaluaton

parkinson's disease

affects men and women, is caused by a defiency of the neurotrsmitter dopamine, is progrssive and has no cure

multiples sclerosis

it causes a wide range of neurologic problems, it is a progressive neurologic disorder without a kown cure, patients with MS have repeated cycle of exacerbation of symptoms and remission

cerebellum is responsible for

balance, equilibrium, posture, and muscle coordination

subdural hematoma is more likely to occur in which patient

an erderly patient who falls

risk factors associated with TIAs (transient ischemia) include

hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, carotid artery disease

peripheral neurapathy is frequently seen in patients with what other health problem

diabetes mellitus