Morality Chapter 6 Study questions and ppt

What's the difference between a human act, and an act of a human?

A human Act is done with full knowledge, will, intellect, and consent. An act of a human is involuntary, like sneezing, breathing, etc.

What are the three components of moral choice?

the object, the intention/ end, and the circumstances.

What's the aim of Christian Morality?

To enable a person to make the correct choice in all situations.

What's the key element in doing good and avoiding evil?

Being disposed to do the best that can be done in all situations.

What does the object determine?

the morality of the act.

What does an intention do?

It can make a moral act immoral, but it can't make an immoral act moral.

What are the six circumstances of an act?

Who, what, where, why, when, how

What effect does the object leave on whether an action is moral or not?

it is the primary and decisive element for moral judgement because it establishes whether it is capable of being ordered to the good and to the ultimate end, which is God.

What is an intrinsically evil act?

It is one that can't be good for any reason because the act itself foes against the role of God.

What are some errors derived from Ethical Relativism?

Situation ethics, consequentialism and proportionalism.

What are three errors in Consequentialism?

the effects of an action are overvalued, so that it ignores the principle set by St. Paul; it justifies the morality of means, regardless of their nature, and violates the basic moral principle that "the end does not justify the means; it could happen tha