Public&private security exam 2

Internal Relations

-Cooperative efforts w/ individuals & groups w/in an organization that a loss prevention dept. serves
- Loss prevention managers should provide employees, at a minimum, with the following:
-New employee orientation
-Security Manual
-Periodic Security Trai

External relations

-Cooperative efforts w/ external individuals & groups that assist in loss prevention objectives
-Prosecutor and the police are the main components of public law enforcement
-Public safety agencies, other than law enforcement, are important when a new faci


-Policy statements should be made through the media by a designated spokesperson.(director of corporate communications)
-6 don'ts for the media
-don't return hostilities from an interviewer
-don't lose the audience
-don't say no comment
-don't make up ans

Benefits of prosecuting employee offenders

-Deters future
-Rid of employee
-Appear strong
-Morale is boosted. (rotten-apple) is gone
-Company would live up to its word

Benefits of NOT prosecuting

-Shows sympathy, has heart, morale boosted
-Saves time and money
-Won't lose experience employee.(must agree to pay back)
-Litigation and labor trouble avoided
-Bad news to stockholders avoided

Loss Prevention Attire

-The appearance of loss prevention personnel has an impact on how people perceive a loss prevention program
-Subtlety= Blazers, warmer less threatening image
-Visibility= Public uniform

Security Services

-Duties performed by personnel to further the goals of security and loss prevention

Security Systems

-Hardware and software that protect people and assets (intrusion detection systems)
-Rotten Apple syndrome= Bad vendors that take advantage of CEOs and sell them items that they don't need

Cardinal rules of purchasing

-Buyer beware= Sellers trying to sell you on something that is falsely labeled
-Team approach for decision making
-Properly evaluate the needs of the organization to be protected
-Acquire information and know the state of the art
-Analyze the advantages a

Why hire a loss prevention consultant

-Lacks knowledy about loss preventions and the company doesn't retain a proprietary loss prevention professional
-Is a loss prevention professional but lacks expertise in a specialized field
-Does not have the time to deal with a task or problem

A client interested in hiring a loss prevention consultant will be involved in three specific phases:

1. Selection
-hire most appropriate person for the job
�2. Direction
-becoming familiar with the business and the problem
�3. Evaluation
-evaluating the consultant


-Purchasing from outside companies services that were previously performed in-house
-Bill Gates="an important reengineering principle is that companies should focus on their core business and outsource everything else.

Contract Lifecycle Management

4 steps
-Contact governance and oversight= consists of internal council of specialists and they participate in ever single phase
-RFP(request for proposal)= Seeks the costs of required components of security system. Plus equipment performance criteria


-Loss that has to be dealt with immediately
-Fire, crime and accidents are all major internal loss problems


-Employee's who abuse the allegiance to the employer and commit workplace theft

Productivity losses also illustrate the range of internal losses

Theft of time.
-Late to work
-Abusive coffee breaks, etc.

Employee theft (int. threat)

-Stealing by the employees from the employer
-30% of business failures due to employee theft

Pilferage (int. threat)

Steal in small quantities

Embezzlement (int. threat)

-When a person takes money or property that has been entrusted in their care
-Breach of trust

Peculation (int. threat)

Synonym for embezzlement

Defalcation (int. threat)

Synonym for embezzlement

Occupational fraud

Use of ones occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse os misapplication of the employing organizations resources or assets

Employee Theft

2 major causes
-Personal problems
*effect behavior on the job
*43% of people of steal leave beyond their means
*37% financial difficulties
*Strongest predictor of internal theft
*Management needs to ensure a corporate culture that gives respe

Edwin Sutherland

Differential association
-Criminal behavior is learned during interaction with others, and a person commits crime beacause of an excess of definitions favorable to violation of law over defintion unfavorable to law
-Social learning from superiors is more

Donald Cressey

Employee theft formula
-Motivation+Opportunity+ Rationalization=Theft


-More in depth study
-Management needs to divide in 4 different groups
-Based on Age and length of service*can then identify needs and what threats pose
-20 and under and new to employee
*greatest threat theft
*higher fear of being caught then experienced

Rational Choice Theory

-Related to deterrence theory
-Points out that a person studies the consequences of a crime against the benefits prior to committing the crime and chooses a criminal act if the rewards offset the consequences

Routine Activities Theory

Crime occurs when 3 elements converge
1. Motivated offender
2. Suitable target
3. Absence of capable guardian

Management Support (Management Countermeasures)

Good management team sets the atmosphere

Effective Planning and budgeting (Management Countermeasures)

Thoroughly understand the problem, so you can find ways to prevent to be more reliable

Internal and External Relations (Management Countermeasures)

Professional and treat employees with respect will allow for employees to be more reliable

Job Applicant Screening and Employee Socialization (Management Countermeasures)

Proper background checks, more of a prevention tool

Policy of Procedural Controls (Management Countermeasures)

-Policies and procedures are to be communicated through memos and training
-Policies are management tools that control employee decision making and reflect the goals of management
-Procedures guide action to fulfill the requirement of policies

Signs (Management Countermeasures)

Beware of dog"
Short, brief and to the point

Loss Reporting and Reward System (Management Countermeasures)

-Toll free numbers
-Internet, where people can report anonymously
-Reward system is there to reinforce the system

Investigations (Management Countermeasures)

-Under cover investigation is the best way to investigate something
-There to outwit the employee of thief
-Graph-based anomaly detection
*Consists of mining data sets to check for irregularities that may indicate insider threat

Property Losses and Theft Detection (Management Countermeasures)

-Marking the property so if stolen you are able to receive it again*
-Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)**
-Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
-Maintain proper inventory system

Insurance, Bonding (Management Countermeasures)

-Insurance does the bulk work against losses
-Insurance should be used as a supplement, not a huge counter measure. Premiums will go up.
-Insurance is more reactive, Bonding is more preventative

Confronting the Employee Suspects (Management Countermeasures)

-Never accuse anyone unless you are absolutely certain of theft
-Theft should be observed by a reliable person. Not hearsay
-Make sure that intent can be shown
-Ask suspect to into office for interview, b/c employee has no right to attorney during that me

Integration and Convergence (Physical Security Countermeasures)

-The control & operation by a single operator of multiple systems whose perception is that only a single system is performing all functions
-Technology Convergence
*Voice,data,video devices interact w/ each other
-Organizational Convergence
*Aims to integ

Access Controls (Physical Security Countermeasures)

-Regulate people, vehicles & items during movement into, out of, and within a building or facility
-Assets easier to protect
-Least number of entrances &exists are best for access control and lower cost
-Authentication, Authorization, and Cryptography

Locks and Keys (Physical Security Countermeasures)

-Basic purpose is to hinder unauthorized entry
-Many see a lock only as a delaying device that is valued
-Many different types of locks. Ranging from simple methods to modern technology
-Smart locks
*Combine traditional locks with electronic access contro

Intrusion Detection System(Physical Security Countermeasures)

-Detects and reports an event of stimulus within its detection area
*Detect intrusion
-Control Unit
*Receives alarm notification from the sensor and then activates a silent alarm/annunciator

Interior Sensors (Physical Security Countermeasures)

*Component that can interrupt an electrical circuit
*Magnet can offset these
-Supervised wireless sensors
*Have become a major advancement because sensors can be placed at the best location without the expense of running a wire
-Operational Zoning

Security Officers (Physical Security Countermeasures)

-When present an enhance loss prevention atmosphere prevails
-Deter theft

Safes,Vaults,File Cabinets

*Made of steel, generally withstand losses from fire, or burglary
*Huge safes that are usually inside building
*Front is made from steel, surrounding areas are reinforced concrete
-File Cabinets
*Insulated and lockable can provide fair prot


-Search for information
-6 basic questions to ask
*what happened
=Helps establish motive for the activity. Once established, suspects can be eliminated

Investigative reports lead to

-Punitive actions
*Discipline, prosecution or both
- Non-Punitive
*Exonerating suspect, hiring/promoting employee, or improved loss prevention program

Process of investigation

-Deciding to begin
-Select investigator
-Planning/methods of investigation
-Gathering accurate facts
-Factual report to management
-Management decision making

Applicant background (Types of Investigations)

*Requires adherence to laws of applicant screening

Criminal offense (Types of Investigations)

-Have to know local and state laws when investigating

Financial (Types of Investigations)

-Audits, checks on fraud and embezzlement

Computer Crime (Types of Investigations)

Hacking/I.T systems

Accident investigations (Types of Investigations)

Knowledgeable about safety/workers comp.

Fire/Arson (Types of Investigations)

What is the probable cause

Negligence/Civil Liability (Types of Investigations)

Gather evidence to determine if reasonable care was exercised

Insurance (Types of Investigations)

-Indemnification to indemnify another party to compensate them for the loss that has already occurred, or what could occur in the future

Labor (Types of Investigations)

Relate to workers activities when they are on strike

Due Diligence (Types of Investigations)

The amount of attention and care that you put forth towards the investigation

Proprietary Investigation

-All done in house by a single employee
-Not regulated by gov't which makes it positive but expensive

Contract Investigation

-Hire someone out of house to do the investigation
-Downside: It has gov't regulations

Private Investigation

-More about property
-Serve private sector

Public Investigation

-Serves the public
-Devoted towards crimes against people not property

Overt Investigation

-People know that there is an investigation going on. Usually done when there is an immediate loss
-ex. someone steals a safe you call the police they show up
-Shows we care, and acts as a deterrent that lasts for 6 months

Undercover Investigation

CSMT (Counter Social Media Techniques), supervisors conduct investigation to find out as much as possible from a digital footprint

Direct (Types of Evidence)

Directly proves or disproves a fact without drawing an inference.
ex. if an offender confess' to a crime

Circumstantial (Types of Evidence)

Indirectly proves or disproves a fact and an inference must be drawn

Hearsay (Types of Evidence)

-Not admissible in court
-Second hand information or what someone heard
-Exceptions: death bed, spontaneous declaration of guilt

Chain of Custody

-How evidence was handled
-The accountability of evidence, from its initial discovery, through judicial proceedings and to its final location

Interviewing and Interrogation

Both methods of gathering information from people


Suspect supplies information willingly


-Gathering information from people
-Suspect is unwillingly

Strategies for investigator

1)Asking open-ended questions
2)Maintaining silence
3)Building up interviewee memory
4)Test honesty
5)Using Trickery (Frazier v. Cupp, 1969)
6)Discuss the seriousness of the incident
7)Request the story several times
8)Appeal to emotions
9)Point out incon

Frazier v. Cupp

Supreme Court upheld the use of false information to obtain a confession if the technique does not shock the conscience

Intensive interview

More appropriate and less threatening term for private sector

Legal Restrictions

-Investigator ability to obtain usable information in today's privacy-protected environment has been reduced
*Method of seeking information under false pretenses
-Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
*Grants citizens access to public documents be

Scene of the loss (Investigative Leads)

-Crime scene, where a thorough search can lead to answers to investigative questions
-Offenders at a crime scene often leave something or take something with them either of which ties them to the crime scene

Victims (Investigative Leads)

Good leads can be obtained by checking background of victim

Witnesses (Investigative Leads)

-Investigative leads are frequently acquired from witnesses
-Good interviewing is essential

Informants (Investigative Leads)

-Often provide false information
-Investigators test them by asking questions they already know
-Common practice is to catch individual in violation of a law but not seek punishment, if the individual supplies investigator with useful information

Modus Operandi (Mode of Operation)

-How someone commits crime
-Use information to search for suspects who fit the crime at hand

Computer and Software (Investigative Leads)

-Various types of software to assist investigators
*Artificial intelligence
*Data mining
*Link Analysis
*Identi-kit= used to draw facial features of suspect

Digital Evidence (Investigative Leads)

-Electronically stored records or information located on a computer, server, storage network
- Meta-data
* "data about data"
*Digital forensics= Application of investigative and scientific skills and specialized tools and software to examine digital media


Act of watching or observing an individual

Stationary Surveillance

Stay in one spot while observing

Moving Surveillance

Investigators follow the suspect

Audio Surveillance

-Wiretapping and ease dropping
-Can only used strictly under law

Report writing begins...

After the investigator has invested time and energy in collecting sufficient information on the basic investigative questions

Use standard reports

Used and formulated by management

Deposition (Testimony)

-Pretrial discovery method whereby the opposing party in a case asks questions of the other party under oath, usually in an attorneys office, and while a word-for-word transcript is recorded
-Help present both evidence of each side in a case

Well-prepared testimony can be assured by:

-Prepare and review notes and reports
-Dress in conservative manner, if not in uniform
-Maintain good demeanor
-Pause and think before speaking
-If you bring notes, the opposing attorney can request notes be evidence
-Request feedback from associates to i


-Premeditated, politically motivate in its violence perpetrated against non combative targets
-National Institute of Justice (NIJ):the Unlawful use of force or violence against person or property to intimidate or cooers a Gov. civilian population, or any

Sicarii and Zealots

-Zealots (Jewish ancient Palestine)
*Fanatical Partisan
-Fought against Rome and the Catholics
-Stabbed Roman sympathizers around Holidays
-Did it for religious aspects because they believed the Messiah would intervene and save the Jewish people


-Concept of terrorism
-Assassin literally means Hashish-eater
-Come from religious groups
*Believed Muslim community for purified Islam, went to war with Sunni's
*Suicide believed that they would be welcome to "heaven"
*Shiite Minority sect to Su

French Revolution "Regin of Terror

-Historic milestone for terrorism
-First time terrorism has nothing to do with religion. All for political
-During this time terrorism was viewed in a positive light and it was declared that terrorism is prompt justice and a consequence of democracy appli


-Maintains status quo and tries to prevent change in the United States
-Wasn't just about blacks vs whites
-Targeted Jews, Catholics, Irish, Italians

State Terrorism

-Context of spread of Communism
-ex. when communism was spreading across Russia
-Take steps because they are fearful, to eliminate other socialists and left wing activists from their own country
-Eliminate their potential threat
-Violence by the governmen

Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)*

-Yasser Arafat pioneered hijacking jet airlines, reasoning was to publicize their goal of having a Palestinian State put
-Try different tactic that hadn't been used before to cause terror for their message.
-Goal was to destroy Israel and form an Arab sta

Black September

-Splinter group
-1972 Munich Olympics, took Israeli athletes hostage and killed 11 of them

Arab Spring 2011

-Consisted of political uprising and protests ended up leading to a revolution. In North of Africa (Egypt, Libya, Algeria)
-Ended up ousting all of the autocratic rulers
-Demanded democracy and freedom, civil liberties and government accountability

Psychological (Causes of Terrorism)

-Look at factors within the individual
-Not mentally disturbed
-To be recruited it is hugely selective
-Psychopathy(antisocial personality disorder)(you dont feel empathy/cant put yourself in another persons shoes) is unwanted, its going to cause friction

Rational Choice (Causes of Terrorism)

-Views terrorism as a logical political choice among alternative options
-Help understand the circumstances surrounding terrorism to just choose violence
-Explain the timing of the attacks

Structural (Causes of Terrorism)

-Explains terrorism as a response to social, structural conditions that groups are powerless to deal through the conventional political or military methods
-Conditions include access to
*Services, rights, protection
*Laws and policies of gov't, roll of po

International Terrorism

Terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country

Western Countries are critical of international terrorism because

-Democratic justices is the norm and terrorism is sees as criminal
-West is ofter a target of terrorism
-West finds specific methods of warfare to be acceptable and terrorism is not one of them

Developing nations may find terrorism acceptable because

-Anticolonial revolutionaries (terrorists) have become national leaders
-Terrorism was the best choice to from colonialism
-Many revolutionaries crafted an effective fusion of ideology and terrorism that became justified and legitimate


-A process of worldwide changes that are increasingly integrating and remolding the lives of the people of the world
-Economic changes are the driving factor

Asymmetrical Warfare

-Describe tactics, organizational configurations, and methods of conflict that do not use previously accepted or predictable rules of engagement.
*9/11 attacks are examples of this=Used box cutters and planes as missiles to destroy buildings

Domestic Terrorism

-Groups or individuals who are based and operate entirely within U.S. and Puerto Rico without foreign direction and whose acts are directed at elements or the U.S government or population
-Also called Homegrown terrorism
*difficult to define, categorize a

State Sponsored

-Gov't authorities that have passed laws and supported policies that have intimidated Americans and fostered violence
-Removal Act of 1830
*Forced march of Indians, many died due to poor conditions

Leftist Class Struggles

Splinter groups that were anti-establishment and supported change for the less fortunate


-Political ideology that reached America from 19th century Europe. Opposed centralized gov't and favored the poor and working class
-First anti-establishment radicals that opposed both capitalism and Marxism and advocated revolution

Eco Terrorism

-Use or threatened use of violence against innocent victims or property by an environmentally oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often symbolic in nature
-Animal Liberation Front (ALF

Racial Supremacy/ Religious Extremists

-Racial supremacy and religious extremists often overlap but developed separately
-White supremacists without religion, and religious extremists without racism

Lone Wolf

-Commit terrorist acts solely by themselves and without link to others
-Difficult to detect because they use the internet to radicalize

4 Advances that have helped facilitate terrorism (Classifications of Terrorism)


Cellular model of organization(Classifications of Terrorism)

*Characterized by more discretion, very little if any communication within a larger chain of command. Self sufficient, and has a greater pressure to be creative and resourceful. Also called leaderless resistance

Terrorists maintain an advantage over analysts because terrorists plot and analysts must seek to uncover the plots


Old" terrorism

Being somewhat negotiable and hesitant to commit mass murder

New" terrorism

Religion plays increasing role, which facilitates suicide attacks and efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction for a higher body count

IED (Improvised Explosive Device)

-Name for homemade bombs
-Readily available materials
-Secondary explosion
*Larger explosion that is meant to kill greater amount of people once they assemble to help the wounded from the first explosion

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

-Something capable of inflicting mass casualties and destroying or rendering high-value assets as useless
-Don't actually need to be bombs

Weapons of Mass Effect (WME)

-Refers to the human reactions to WMD
-May be sensationalized by the media, panic, and social/political change

Homeland Security

Concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damages and recover from attacks that do occur

National Strategy for Combating Terrorism:

-Defeat: Attack terrorist sanctuaries, leadership, command, communication, material support, and finances
-Deny: Terrorist sanctuaries, to exist, to train, to plan, execute attacks
-Diminish: Reduce political, social, and economic benefits the terrorist c

When prevention fails gov't must respond by

-Assist civilans
-Ensure continuity of gov't
-Ensure continuity of military operations
-Border and coastal defense
-National Air Defense

Homeland Security Act of 2002

-Largest single reorganization of the federal government since 1947
-Established DHS

External Loss Prevention

-Focuses on threats from outside the organization
-Internal and external countermeasures play an interdependent role in minimizing losses

Forced Entry (Methods of Unauthorized Entry)

-Gaining unauthorized access, windows, doors.
ex. glass cutter

Smash and Grab Attacks (Methods of Unauthorized Entry)

-Mostly happens to retail stores, smash display window and quickly grab all merchandise and leave
-very quick
-alarm goes off once window is smashed so you do not want to take a lot of time

Unforced Entry (Methods of Unauthorized Entry)

-Wherever there is a lock that is supposed to be use, if it is not locked properly any access is possible
-if you forget to lock it
-doesn't work properly
ex. picking a lock,

Surreptitious Entry (Methods of Unauthorized Entry)

-Using sly methods to get in
-ex. waiting outside the backdoor until they are ready to close and lock up
ex.hiding in Walmart or Target bathrooms until they close

Countermeasures for External Threats

1.Deter- presence of physical security, should convince the offender to not commit crime, even signs
2.Detect- offenders should be detected, and there location should be pinpointed as soon as they step on the premise. ex.CCTV
3.Delay- Frustrating the offe

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

-Relationship between architectural design and crime prevention
-Wilson and Kelling broken windows theory, used to develop CPTED
*Suggests that if there are deteriorating buildings that remain in disrepair AND there is disorderly behavior around them, all

Situational Crime Prevention (SCP)

-Focuses on managerial user behavior factors, its all about looking at the opportunities in specific situations at specific time for a specific crime
-Looking at each situation
-Everything is specific to what happen, case by cases basis
-Comes from 3 diff

Lifestyle Perspective

-Talks about how the activity of the victim is the contributing factor to the criminal attack and their victimization
-Victim blaming
-Sometimes the victim starts the crime
-Victim does account for some of the behavior of the offender

Terrorist incidents can be classified into 5 categories

-Explosive Agents

There are 7 methods to confront terrorism

1. Diplomacy
2. Intelligence
3. Military
4. Financial
5. Law Enforcement
6. Homeland Security
7. Business and Organizational Security