Review Topic Questions

What is the best definition of polymorphonuclear?

multi-lobed nucleus

The surrogate light chain is expressed in:

pre-B cells

What enzyme is found in tears and can directly lyse bacteria?


TGF-Beta is produced by what cell?

Treg Cells

The "CD" in CD3 and all other CD proteins stands for:

Cluster of differentiation

What cell type has to stay in the secondary lymphoid tissue to carry out it's function?


Antibody and complement have partially overlapping functions and are often compared to each other. When they bind to antigen, antibody forms a ______ bond, and complement forms a ______ bond.

non-covalent; covalent

What is the ligand for CTLA-4?


What will be the end result if NK cells are outnumbered by DC in their synergistic interaction?

NK cells will cause DC to mature and activate adaptive immune response

What is the usual antibody isotype secreted by B-1 B lymphocytes?


What stage of B lymphocyte development are the RAG proteins expressed?

pre-B and pro-B cells

The TLR family that recognizes ______ is located in cell endosomal membranes

nucleic acids

What two cell types participate in linked recognition?

B lymphocytes and T helper lymphocytes

The ability of complement products to activate blood endothelial cells and initiate inflammation properly defines it's function as:

an Anaphylatoxin

B cells activated by soluble self-antigen in the bone marrow will undergo:

clonal anergy

The spleen is a (primary/secondary) lymphoid tissue


Polyspecific antibody is verbally associated with ____ isotype


Which macrophage cytokine can trigger systemic shock if released in too high quantity throughout the body?

(when your appendix ruptures, TNF-alpha is released in the system)

What is the dominant signal which controls eventual phenotypic/functional subset choice of a naive T lymphocyte following activation?

cytokines around the T cell

What is the main role of TLR in immune function

activate inflammatory cytokine production

What percentage of developing B cells are successful in light chain gene rearrangement?


C3b is a critical amplification component of the complement system since if can trigger the activation of the _____ pathway.


Of CD19, CD21, and CD81, which functions as a complement receptor?


How do you correctly describes "respiratory burst"?

consumption of O2 by phagocytic cells

What is the major function/role of activated CD8 T lymphocytes

Cytotoxic T cells

This antibody is always produced as a pentamer:


Which T cell is the major source of IL-5?


Beta-2-microglobulin is:

a structural component of MHC Class I

Receptor Editing is preformed by B lymphocytes in an attempt to prevent ______ selection


What complement fragment is produced by degradation of C3b by factor I?


Type IV hypersensitivities are caused by what immune mechanism?

CD4 and/or CD8 T lymphocytes

Which immune cells have been shown to cause an autoimmune disease?

CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, B cells

Which protein is associated with autoimmunity when it is mutated, absent, or somehow reduced in function?


An HLA allele has a calculated relative rise of 0.2 for Grave's Disease. That means if you have that allele, you have ______ risk of developing the disease compared to the general public.

lower, (less than 1 is lower, greater is higher)

Epitope Spreading in autoimmune diseases:

is responsible for chronic worsening of autoimmune disease the longer the person has it, and can be attributed to sloppy linked recognition between B and T cells

True or False:
Monoclonal antibody preparations are a mixture of antibody isotopes and affinities


Acute disease flares of systemic lapis, which of the following assays will have a higher test result in patients?

C-Reactive protein

Which anti-dsDNA titers would correlate with more serve disease in a patient previously diagnosed with Lupus?


Anti-CCp autoantibody is associated with which autoimmune dissent?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

True or False:
The agglutination test for rheumatoid factor is specific for RA diagnosis


The RF test must be positive in order for a person with appropriate symptoms to be diagnosed with RA


Most autoimmune diseases are associated with what type of hypersensitivity to self antigens?

Type II

Hashimoto's Disease is due to what type of hypersensitivity?

Type IV

Which disease results from autoimmune destruction not the pancreatic beta?

Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease that results in cobalamin deficiency?

Pernicious anemia

Myelin basic protein is one of the two most common auto antigens targets in which autoimmune disease?

Multiple Sclerosis

An immediate hypersensitivity is the same as ________ hypersensitivity

Type I

Histamine is responsible for many of the symptoms of what type of hypersensitivity?

Type I

What is a disadvantage to the Skin Prick Test for allergies?

testing is traumatic to the patient, the patient must discontinue the use of antihistamine for 48 hours, there is potential of inducing systemic anaphylactic shock

Serum sickness can be a symptom of which type of hypersensitivity?

Type III

Which hypersensitivity initiates inflammation?

All of them!

Which stage of syphilis can present with a well-defined painless ulcerated lesion with red raised borders, usually on the genitals?

Primary Syphilis

In nontreponemal tests for syphilis, the reagin antibody in the patient serum is binding to:


Charcol particles are a common component of the test reagent for which test for syphilis?


The causative agent for Lyme Disease is:

Borrelia burgdorferi

The confirmatory test for Lyme Disease is:

Western Blot Assay

Heterophile antibody is associated with what infection?

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

Epstein-Barr Viruses infects nasopharyngeal epithelial cells and _______.

B lymphocytes

Besides immunocompromised patients what other population is highly susceptible to CMV and Rubella?

babies; in utero

Which herpes family virus persist in a latent state in myeloid cells such as macrophages?


What is the usual target tissue for HSV-2?

Genital Epithelium

Which hepatitis strand is transmitted by contaminated blood/body fluids?


Parenteral transmission is the same as:

Blood/Body fluid route

A positive EIA test for which of the following would most correlate with past infection and immunity to a virus?
A. Vitral Protein Ag
B. IgG anti-virus antibody
C. IgM anti-virus antibody

IgG anti-virus antibody

What perfect of human HAV infections become chronic infections?


For HBV, what age group has the greatest likelihood of chronic infections?

infant (less than a year)