HORT Module 1 Quiz

We study the origins of plants for many reasons. Check all those listed that are legitimate reasons to study plant origins.

Breeding to create better, more resilient plants, Conservation of germ plasm, Learn about historical use of plants by humans, Understand site-specific cultural requirements of plants

Who proposed the theory of eight centers of origin of most economic plants?

Nikolai Vavilov

Frederick Law Olmstead helped establish the American Society of Landscape Architects. T or F?


Who was the guy who is known for being one of the first people (that we know of) to catalog plants for medicinal purposes?


The presumed center of origin for corn is

Central America

The theory of the 8 centers of origin suggest that most of the economic crops come from regions evenly distributed throughout the world T/F


Georgia is high (now #1) in total value in which of the following fruit crops?


The presumed center of origin of tomatoes is Italy. T/F


Someone who studies the care of urban trees is called an


The Columbian Exchange refers to

The global movement of crops through explorations and subsequent slave trade as a result from Christopher Columbus's explorations

The Law of Limits as proposed by Justus von Liebig describes

How plants take up mineral elements, or more specifically, how the growth of plants is limited by nutrients in short supply in the soil

Theombroma cacao is originally from

South America

Pineapples are originally from

South America

Gregor Mendel is the Father of Plant Genetics T/F.


Who is considered the father of plant taxonomy?

Carl Linneaus

The peach (prunus persica) is originally from


The three crops being grown by native americans when the pilgrims arrive that are native to Central America were

Corn, squash, beans

Which of the following apply to Andrew Jackson Downing?

Was an advocate for good landscape design and proper landscape maintenance, Popularized landscape design among more middle class, Died tragically in a steam boat accident

The study and cultivation of broccoli would fall under


The species portion of the botanical name , Coffea Arabica "Upall Knight" is
