marriage and family interaction final

Inconsistency is the main reason to avoid redundancy of information in a database.

often centers on simple, inexpensive activities and involves outdoor recreation.

Most people need intimate relationships with other people. Intimacy is sharing with another person all of the following EXCEPT:


The most transitory family system is a/an:

nuclear family.

Flexibility is defined as:

the ability to balance stability and change.

According to Waite and Gallagher, "Not being married can be _____ to your health.


Which of the following is NOT one of the differences between married and cohabitating couples?

Married couples have less positive views on marriage than couples that live together.

A set of interconnected ideas, concepts, and assumptions is:

a conceptual framework.

The economic, educational, and other related resources available comprise one's _____ .

social system

Awareness, knowledge and skills are the three critical components of cultural competence.


Which of the following statement is true, according to current U.S. Census studies?

The fastest-growing ethnic group is Hispanic.

The most common stressors couples and families face are _____.

financial stressors

The author's goal in Chapter 2 was:

to point out the strengths of various ethnic groups and the positive things that many cultural groups bring to a well-functioning society.

Three major dimensions of cohesion, flexibility, and communication comprise the _____.

The Couple's and Family map

From a family systems theory perspective, when a child of a single parent constantly gets in trouble at school:

everybody in the family (including the noncustodial parent) is the problem.

Your social environment consists of all of the following EXCEPT:


The ethnic group with the highest median household income is:

Asian Americans.

A family's flexibility relates to its ability to:
adjust rules.
share power.
all of these.
switch roles.

all of these

Which conceptual framework studies families as an interconnected group or system?

family systems

Strategies designed to engage citizens to make changes in their communities is known as the _____.

Families and Democracy Model

In intimate relationships, conflict is considered


In the diagram of a hierarchy of conflict

Problem solving follows decision making

Irregular eye contact, infrequent nodding, and continuing another activity while speaking are all characteristics of a :

Male listening style

Frequent nodding, uninterrupted eye contact, and use of uh huh are all characteristics of a

Female listening style

Many experts agree that often times, males use conversation as a means to

establish dominance

Gender roles are

Expectations about people's attitudes and behaviors based on whether they are female or male

The unequal division of emotion work affects men's marital satisfaction more than women's.


Sexual attitudes and behaviors differ in a.other countries
b. Based on gender
c. Between different types of couple relationships
d. All of these

all of these

The teenage pregnancy rate is


The famous landmark large scale sex survey in the US in the 1950s was...


approx what percentage of the US population marries at least once?


which american ethnic group has the highest percentage of single parents?

African American

of those people who get divorced, about __ eventually remarry.


currently, about __ of all american adults are married.

less than half

currently, about __ of all american adults are divorced.


any definition of family should be broad enough to encompass a range of family structures, dynamics, and:


which of the following would be part of your family, as defined by the US Bureau of the Census?

your brother, who rents a room in your basement

contemporary families may include:

-families with disabled parents and children
-same-sex parents
-foster care families

the emotional and legal commitment of two people is called:


who is most likely to get divorced?

african americans

what is the median age for first marriage for men and women?

28 for males, 25 for females

in 2005, the number of single-parent families was:


which of the following is not a factor associated with failure of a second marriage?

women who reported their children were wanted

the birth rate in the US hovers around __ births per woman over the past 20 years.


which of the following is NOT an impact of marriage?

married people have less sex

suicide alone resulted in over __ deaths in 2006 in the US.


your social environment consists of all of the following EXCEPT:


waite and gallagher report there is growing evidence that people are __ if they are in a marriage.


all the factors in society, both positive and negative, that impact individuals and their relationships is one's

social environment

marriage by its nature is a __ institution


besides occurring in couple relationships, intimacy occurs in:

-parent-child relationships
-relationships with extended family
-relationships with those who take the place of family

according to fowers and davidov, to lead to self-awareness, a person must begin with:


the nuclear family is an example of:

a conjugal family system

which of the following is the best example of a pseudo-kin relationship?
