Slavery - Definition Book

Cash Crop

A crop sold for money


A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company.


A group of people who move to a new land and are ruled by the government of their native land.


A trade product that is sent to markets OUTSIDE a country.


A trade product that is brought INTO a country.

Indentured Servant

A person who agrees to work without wages for 5 to 7 years in exchange for passage to the colonies.

Middle Passage

The name given to the ocean trip from Africa to the Americans in which a large and unknown number of enslaved Africans died.


A large estate farmed by many workers usually to grow cash crops.

Representative Government

A government in which voters elect representatives to make decisions and laws for them.

Slave Code

Laws that controlled the lives of enslaved African Americans and denied them basic rights.


When a person or group of people are forced into bondage to serve a master or household without wages or pay.

Triangle Trade

Colonial trade route between the New World, Europe, and Africa that's included trading goods for slaves.