Postural Drainage

Anterior Apical Segments

Sitting, angled back, pillow on lap and at back. Percuss superior to clavicle bilaterally.

Posterior Apical Segments

Sitting, head down on table into pillow into arms. Percuss above scapula, fingers curve over the shoulder.

Anterior Upper Lobe Segments

Supine, no wedges, pillow under head and knee.
Percuss just above the nipple or breast bilaterally

Left Posterior Segment Upper Lobe

Incline, One wedge, lying on the right side, pillow between legs and hugging pillow.
Percuss over the left scapula.

Right Posterior Segment Upper Lobe

Prone, pillows under abdomen and head for support, 1/4th turn from prone to the left.
Percuss over the right scapula.

Left Lingula of the Upper Lobe

Two wedges head to head, decline, 1/4th from supine on right side, left arm brought back and supported by pillow, pillow between knees and under head.
Percuss just under the left breast.

Right Middle Lobe

Two wedges head to head, decline, 1/4th from supine on left side, right arm brought back and supported by pillow, pillow between knees and under head.
Percuss just under right breast.

Posterior Segment Lower Lobe

Two wedges head to head, prone, make sure whole upper body is on wedge, pillow under pelvis and head.
Percuss lower portion of ribs bilaterally.

Right Lateral Segment Lower Lobe

Two wedges head to head, decline, left side lying, pillow under head, between knees, hugging pillow, hips directly under meeting of wedges.
Percuss laterally over lower portion of ribs.

Left Lateral Segment Lower Lobe

Two wedges head to head, decline, right side lying, pillow under head, between knees, hugging pillow, hips directly under meeting of wedges.
Percuss laterally over lower portion of ribs.

Superior Segments of Lower Lobe

NO WEDGES, prone, pillow under pelvis and head. Percuss bilaterally just inferior to the scapula.