Microsoft Word & Excel - Review Game Prep

Microsoft Word

software produced by the Microsoft company to produce text document such as letters,essays, resumes, reports etc.

Microsoft Excel

software developed and manufactured by Microsoft Corporation that allows users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns


an area at the top of an office program window that contains commands for working with the open file; the commands are organized under tabs.

blank document

A new blank document opens each time you start word. The word document has a temporary name, such as document 1. When you finish typing in the document, you can save it with a new name

cursor/insertion point

point on a display screen where the next character or space is entered.

red underline

Means the flagged text is not in Word's dictionary

green underline

Indicates the text may be incorrect grammatically

blue underline

correctly spelled word used inappropriately

Home Tab

called the primary tab, contains the more frequently used commands

Default page margins

1" top and bottom, 1 1/4" left and Right, this refers to the amount of non-printable space on a page.

Formatting Marks

special symbols that represent spaces, tabs, and paragraphs, that do not appear on paper when a document is printed

Undo button

A button on the Quick Access toolbar that you can click to undo (or reverse) your last action.

Quick Access Toolbar

A toolbar located in the upper-left corner of the program window, which displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons by default but can be customized to include any command.

Word AutoCorrect Options

An automatic feature in software that corrects common spelling and capitalization errors, and can replace certain designated characters with special symbols

Microsoft Clipboard

It allows you to copy up to 24 multiple text and graphical items from Office documents or other programs and paste them into another Office document. By using it, you can arrange the copied items the way that you want in the document.


Pressing the enter key twice (2) leaving one blank line. This can also refer to line spacing using the word processing feature to leave one blank line between each line of text.

footer or footnote

a printed note placed below the text on a printed page

Hanging Indent

a paragraph format in which the first full line of text is not indented but the following lines are indented


text that is printed at the top of each page

line spacing

The amount of space between lines of text


flush with right margin with ragged left edge


A feature that allows the user to view synonyms and antonyms, and automatically replace words for enhanced writing

works cited page

a list of all the sources cited in a research paper (sources you acknowledge by including parenthetical citations/internal citation)


a summary of your academic and work history


a feature that includes pre-made documents that allow the user to fill-in-the blanks to create new documents, such as calendars, invoices, reports, resumes, etc.; enhances user's efficiency and creativity


the area on a sheet of stationery where the name, address and other information is printed

Quick parts

items you can insert include fields, such as current date, author, title, will update automatically

paragraph formatting

the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph

Application window

the main window that serves as the primary interface between the user and the application.

document window

occupies most of the screen


a saved document

file compatibility

the ability to open and work with files without a format conflict.


hold and organize files and other folders in your computer


the shape the mouse pointer takes when it is positioned on text in a document


An area at the top of an Office program window that contains commands for working with the open file; the commands are organized under tabs.

save a document

To store a document on a disk or other storage medium (control S)


A balloon containing information that is displayed when you rest your mouse pointer on certain screen elements


The placement of text or graphics on a line (right, left, center, or justified)

drag-and-drop editing

The action of using a mouse to drag a selection from its original location and drop it in a new location.


prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting

first line indent

first line of paragraph is indented but not the others


the typeface or design of the text

format (Word)

To change the appearance or look of text.

Format Painter

a button on the Home tab that allows you to copy formatting from a selected object or cell and apply it to another object or cell


the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line

landscape orientation

a page layout in which documents are printed across the length of a page, making the page wider than it is tall

manuel line break

A paragraph mark created by pressing the Enter key.

manual page break

A command inserted by the user to force a page break at a specific location.


the blank space that surrounds the text on a page

portrait orientation

A page layout in which documents are printed across the width of a page, making the page taller than it is wide

default settings

settings used unless another option is chosen

word wrap

The process of breaking lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins of a document or window boundaries.


An electronic note that the author or a reciever adds to a document.

hard copy

A printed copy of a document


the revision marks and comments that appear in a document

Portable Document Format (PDF)

format developed by Adobe Systems designed to preserve the visual appearance and layout of each page and enable fast viewing and printing

read-only document

users can open and view the document, but they won't be able to make any changes to the document

soft copy

a digital copy of data

ascending order

lists data alphabetically or sequentially


The intersection of a column and a row in a table or worksheet.

descending order

Organizing or sorting information in order from largest to smallest, Z-A or 9-1


boundary lines in a table used for layout purposes; they show on the screen, but they do not print

merging cells

in excel, combining multiple cells by removing the boundaries between the cells, usually done to create a title or informational text for the worksheet

quick tables

built-in tables with sample data & table formats


A spreadsheet is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns


Horizontal line of cells


the intersection of a column and a row; the "boxes


A vertical line of cells

Cell Address

The column and the row number of a cell, e.g. C13; F27;

Formula Bar

A toolbar at the top of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet window that you can use to enter or copy an existing formula in to cells or charts. It is labeled with function symbol (fx). By clicking in this, or when you type an equal (=) symbol in a cell, this

: (the colon)

Range operator: Means inclusive; including all the cells. For Example; B3:B37 means b3,b4, b5, b37,


Adding two cells


the basic formula for most computations; autosum


2 or more cells that are selected to create a source to be used in a formula


Putting data in order


the largest number =MAX(the first cell address:then the second cell address) For Example: =MAX(C1:C33)


the sum of all numbers divided by the amount of numbers. =Average(A15:A37)


The number in the middle. =MEDIAN(D2:D17)


The lowest number, =MIN(F14:F55)


column is not wide enough


error in your formula


You need numbers in your cells. You can't divide by zero,


Completes previously typed words when you begin to repeat the typing

Format (Excel)

Making a change in the default settings

Charts (Column, pie, bar, and line)

Graphic representation of data


A single sheet within a workbook


An Excel document; contains worksheets


Combining two or more cells into one

Number format

Formatting option that changes the way data looks in a cell.

Fill handle (cursor)

The black square in the lower-right corner or the active cell or range that you drag over the cells you want to fill.

Absolute cell reference

Do not change when copied or moved to a new cell; indicated by $; =($D$2+C3)


Words or text in Excel; "January" or "Sales


Numbers in Excel; "$1234" or "58%


The equation used to calculate values in a cell.


The given formulas within Excel, such as AutoSum or AVERAGE

Conditional Formatting

Formatting based on specific rules or criteria


A formula within a formula

Resizing cursor

This cursor allows you to change the size of rows and columns.

Google Sheets

The Google version of Microsoft Excel

Google Docs

The Google version of Microsoft Word