Chapter 4 and 5

energy conversion

the transfer of energy to an object by using a force that causes the object to move in the

elastic potential energy

energy stored inside elastic


when plants convert the sun's light energy into chemical energy

potential types

Chemical, Mechanic, Nuclear, and Gravitational

kinetic types

Thermal, Kinetic, Sound, LIght, and ELectric


weight * height



mechanical energy

potential energy + kinetic energy


chemical in food used as kinetic when digested and people do activities

Machines can

convert energy into different forms

Elastic potential energy

potential energy in elastic


the capacity to do work

kinetic energy

the energy of an object that is due to the object's motion

mechanical energy

the energy that an object has because of the position, shape, or condition of the object

potential energy

the amount of work an object can do because of the object's kinetic and potential energies


measured in joules

kinetic energy


gravitational potential energy

weight * height


work force * distance

mechanical energy

kinetic energy + potential energy

Thermal energy

all of kinetic energy due to random motion of the particles that make up an object

Chemical energy

energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are rearranged

Sound energy

energy cuased by an object's vibrations

Nuclear energy

energy that comes from changes in the nucleus of an atom

Electrical energy

energy of moving electrons

light energy

energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles


when two nuclei are fused together


when a nucleus is split apart

the greater the temperature

the faster the particles move

the lesser the temperature

the slower the particles move


a simple machine that consists of a bar that pivots at a fixed point called a fulcrum


a simple machine that consists of a wheel over which a rope, chain, or wire passes

wheel and axle

a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes; the wheel is the larger of the two circular objects

inclined plane

a simple machine that is a straight, slanted surface, which facilitates the raising of loads; a ramp


a simple machine that is made up of two inclined planes and that moves; often used for cutting


a simple machine that consists of an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder

compound machine

a machine made of more than one simple machine


a fixed point on which a lever pivots

block and tackle

When a fixed pulley and movable pulley are used together


the distance from the center to the edge


the transfer of energy to an object by using a force that causes the object to move in the direction of the force


the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed


the unit used to express energy; equivalent to the amount of work done by a force of 1 N acting through a distance of 1 m in the direction of the force (symbol, J)


the unit used to express power; equivalent to a joule per second (symbol, W)


W=f x d force x distance




one Joule per second j/s


a device that helps do work by either overcoming a force or changing the direction of the applied force

work input

the work done on a machine; the product of the input force and the distance through which the force is exerted

work output

the work done by a machine; the product of the output force and the distance through which the force is exerted

mechanical advantage

a number that tells how many times a machine multiplies force

mechanical efficiency

a quantity, usually expressed as a percentage, that measures the ratio of work output to work input in a machine

common machines

chopsticks, lever, wheelchair, and scissors

work increase or decreases

according to distance traveled and force applied

machines change

the size of force and distance applied

mechanical advatage

output force/input force

mechanical efficiency

work output/work input * 100

ideal machine

a machine that has 100% mechanical efficiency


the capacity to do work

kinetic energy

the energy of an object that is due to the object's motion

potential energy

energy stored due to an object's position or arrangement

mechanical energy

the amount of work an object can do because of the object's kinetic and potential energies