Muscles (origin, insertion, action)

Epicranius (Occipitofrontalis) (Frontalis & Occipitals)

Origin = occipital bone ; tendon
Insertion = tendon; skin at eyebrows
Action = raises eyebrows: facial expression

Orbicularis oculi

O= medial wall of orbit
I = eyelids
A = closes eye ; Facial Expression

Orbicularis oris

O = surrounds mouth
I = lips and corners of mouth (skin)
A = "kissing",
puckering facial expression

Buccinator "bucc" means cheek

O = maxilla and mandible
I = orbicularis oris
A = compresses cheeks, keeps food between teeth facial expression


O = Fascia of deltoid and pectoralis major.
I = Mandible
A = depresses mandible inferiorly, draws lip inf.and post. facial expression cows


O = Maxilla and zygomatic arch.
I = Mandible ,angle & ramus
A = elevates the mandible superiorly, chewing muscle.


O = Temporal bone
I = Mandible coronoid & ramus
A = elevates the mandible, chewing muscle.


O = Zygomatic bone major & minor
I = corners of mouth.
A = Smiling. facial expression. Facial nerve


O = sternum and clavicle.
I = mastoid process of the temporal bone.
A = rotation and or flexion of neck.ext


O = C7 - T6
I = occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
A = extend head


Located between the ribs.
A = raise and lower the rib cage.
External elevates
Internal depresses during forced exhalation


Floor of the thorax
A = most important breathing muscle

Rectus abdominis

O = pubis (pubic
I =sternum and
ribs 5-7
A = flexes vertebral column as in doing sit-ups.

External oblique

O = lower 8 ribs
I = Iliac crest and linea alba
A = acting separately -
trunk rotation, "twisting"; acting bilaterally -
compress abdomen, flex vertebral column.

Internal oblique

O = iliac crest ++
I = last 3 or 4
ribs and linea alba.
A = acting separately -
trunk rotation, "twisting"; acting bilaterally - compress abdomen, flex vertebral column.

Transversus abdominis

O = Ilium and lower six ribs.+
I = linea alba, xiphoid, and pubis.
A = compresses abdominal wall.

Serratus anterior

O = Ribs 1-8
I = Medial (vertebral) border of scapula.
A = abducts scapula.

Pectoralis major

O = clavicle, sternum and ribs 1-6.
I = greater tubercle of humerus.
A = adducts and medially rotates humerus.

Pectoralis minor

O = ribs 2-5
I = coracoid process of scapula.
A = abducts and rotates scapula down.

Trapezius (named by shape)

O = occipital bone; cervical and thoracic vertebrae.
I = spine and acromion process of scapula; clavicle.
A = extend head, elevate scapula as in shrugging shoulders.

Latissimus dorsi

O = T7 - L5, iliac crest
I = between the tubercles of humerus.
A = pulls humerus down and back - "swimmer's muscle.


O = spine and acromion process of scapula; clavicle.
I = deltoid tuberosity
A = abduct humerus

Teres minor

O = medial border of scapula.
I = greater tubercle dorsally.
A = lateral rotation of humerus.

Teres major

O = medial border of scapula.
I = between the tubercles of the humerus anteriorly.
A = medial rotation of humerus.

Biceps brachii

O = coracoid process and supraglenoid area of scapula.
I = proximal end of radius.
A = flexes arm at elbow


O = Distal half, anterior surface of humerus.
I = coronoid process of ulna.
A = flexes arm at elbow.


O = Lateral and distal end of humerus.
I = styloid process of radius.
A = flexes arm at elbow.

Triceps brachii

O = proximal end of humerus dorsally and the scapula.
I = olecranon of ulna.
A = extends arm at elbow.

Sartorius (longest muscle)

O = lateral surface of ilium.
I = medial side, proximal end of tibia.
A = flexes and laterally rotates thigh (pulls knee up and out as in sitting Indian style).


O = pubis
I = medial side, proximal end of tibia.
A = adduct the thigh

Adductor longus

O = pubis
I = medial surface of femur.
A = adducts the thigh. Femoral triangle

Quadriceps femoris-largest muscle in the body, actually made up of four separate muscles.
Rectus femoris

O = ilium
I = tibial tuberosity via the quadriceps tendon to the patella and then the patella ligament.
A = flexes hip and extends leg at knee.

Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius

O = proximal end of femur.
I = tibial tuberosity via the quadriceps tendon to the patella and then the patellar ligament.
A = extend leg at knee.

Tensor fascia lata

O = ilium.
I = tibia via the iliotibial tract.
A = flex thigh

Gluteus maximus

O = ilium, sacrum, coccyx.
I = lateral surface of femur.
A = extends thigh (very powerful) and laterally rotates thigh.

Gluteus medius

O = ilium.
I = greater trochanter.
A = abducts thigh (powerful).

Gluteus minimus

O = ilium.
I = greater trochanter.
A = abducts thigh.

Hamstrings (three muscles)
Biceps femoris
Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus

O = ischium.
I = lateral condyle of tibia. medial surface of proximal end of tibia and medial condyle of tibia
A = flex knee.

Tibialis anterior

O = lateral condyle of tibia.
I = Metatarsal I
A = dorsiflex and invert foot.


O = medial and lateral condyles of femur dorsally.
I = calcaneous via Achilles tendon (calcaneal tendon).
A = plantar flex foot and also flex knee.


O = head of fibula and medial surface of tibia dorsally.
I = calcaneous via Achilles tendon (calcaneal tendon).
A = plantar flex foot

Psoas Major

O= Lumbar
I= Lesser trochanter

Levato Ani

Keeps you from falling out through your pelvis