Chapter 12


Help customers make satisfying buying decisions with ongoing relationship

Company Website

Online purchases and product information

Extensive Decision Making

Little or no previous experience with an item

Organizational Selling

Sales exchanges between two or more companies


Gather information about customers and advise on products suited to needs

Social media

Companies in touch with customers via Facebook and Twitter

Sales contract

Product or service offered, how much, at what price


Phone solicitation to make a sale

Personal Selling

Direct contact between a salesperson and a customer


Payment when item sells

Illegal & damaging to reputation

Type of sales techniques prohibited by most businesses

Customer Relationship Management

System involves finding customers and keeping them satisfied

Sales regulations

Protects customers from fraudulent or unethical practices

Call report

Written report that documents a sales representative's visit with a customer

Sales quota

Dollar or unit sales goal

Limited decision making

Used when a person has bought a product before, but not regularly

Routine decision making

a person needs little information because of regular prior experience.

Sales managers

Has many duties including establishing guidelines and policies for the sales team.

Cold Call

Occurs when a sales representative makes a visit or call without an appointment