ES 344 test 2: Motor & Sensory III

balance and locomotions involve ___________________ control and vestibular (internal ear) and somatosensory feedback

involuntary movement


spatial position and movement of body relative to support surface; position and movement of body segments


position and movement of head in space, assists in resolving sesnory conflict



the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear contribute to ___ and ____.

balance and posture

vestibular apparartus provides information about _______ and _____ to control motor neurons in spinal cord.

head rotation and accelerationhair cells: vestibular receptors

what is in the spinal cord control the coordination of limbs during balance and locomotion?

autonomous" neuronal networks

what two things are coordinated during locomotion?

flexors and extensors

what 2 things send continuious feedback to modulate muscle contraction?

touch and proprioceptors

what is is example of involuntary movements controlled by the spinal cord:

-stretch reflex-crosses-extension reflex

1)vestibular feedback about the position and movement of head in space


2)spinal networks that process sensory information and automatically control involuntary movments involved blance and locomotion


3)somatosensory feedback from touch and proprioceptors about het spatial position and movmenet of limbs and body


how are balance and locomotions monitored ?

-CDP : computerized dynamic posturography: -the gait cycle :based off steps/walking

changes of balance during aging:

-losss of receptor cells (hair cells) in the vestibular system-high influence of visual inputs to control balance-higher levels of postural instability when two of the 3 sensory systems are manipulated (visual, vestibular, somatosensory)

changes in locomotions during aging:

-gait speed is reduced by 20%-stride length is reduces and stride frequency is increased