Social Psych test 2


are generally considered to be summary evaluative reaction of a target that include dimensions such as good/bad, harmful/beneficial and like/unlikeable

Need to evaluate

the idea that evaluating is a fundamental part of human nature and that we have a so-called

MODE Model

Views are both conscious and and unconscious

Expectancy Value

our evaluation of a target arises as the result of the beliefs we form about that target.

Meta-Cognitive Theory

past attitudes are still there


hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront.

Types of Aggression

Verbal Assault
Active or Passive.

Physical assault

Domestic violence

Verbal assault

harsh gossiping

Indirect aggression

destroying someone else's property

Direct aggression

mostly physical assault or any behavior that is aimed at the target person directly

Active agression

Hitting your classmate,

Passive aggression

Forgetting" to bring your classmates notes to an exam

Rape Prone cultures

These cultures in which rape is committed against women from enemy group during times of war.
They keep women away from education and making political decisions.

Executive Cognitive Processes

(prefrontal cortex) high order thinking related to reasoning, impulse control and understanding the consequences of ones behavior.


plays an important role in emotional learning, response to fear and other emotions and regulation of emotional reactivity.


(brain chemical) Serves as an inhibitory effect in the frontal part of the brain. Also serves to inhibit the firing of the Amygdala.

Behavior Genetics

Biological roots of aggression. Seeks to uncover the differences among people at a gene level that explain some trait or behavior.


Good genes" which involves trying to improve the genetic composition of a group by discouraging mating among those who posses a weak genes. (castration)


which can affect the brain function as well as interact with genetic vulnerabilities.

Frustration- agression hypothesis

people who experience other people interfering with their goals with be motivated to act aggressively.

Displaced aggression

Acting out of aggression onto a less powerful and more accessible target than the one that initially frustrated you.

Excitation transfer model

emphasizes the cognitive processes entailed when one decides whether or not to engage in an aggressive response.

neoassociationist model

proposes that an aversive event is one that result from being provoked, frustrated or exposed to loud noise, heat, crowding and so on. This generally elicits a negative arousal.

Hostile attribution bias

we tend to attribute the behaviors of others to hostile motives even when those behaviors are ambiguous.

Hostile Expectation Bias

refers to the tendency to expect others to react aggressively to conflict.

General Aggression Model (GAM)

- Develop out of experience
Influence perception at multiple levels, from basic visual
- patterns to complex behavioral sequences
- become automated with use
- contain affective states behavioral programs and beliefs
- are used to guide people's interpret

Personality Variables

emotional susceptibility
dissipation versus rumination

Trait Aggressiveness

the tendency to engage in physical and verbal aggression, to hold hostile cognitions, and to express anger frequently.

Trait Anger

highly correlated with trait aggressiveness; the tendency to feel anger more intensely, more often and for a longer period of time than others; tendency to respond angrily when unfairly criticized or treated unjustly.

Trait Irritability

tendency to be angrier in general, and take offense to the slightest provocation as well the propensity to be offensive in the use of aggressive behavior.

Emotional susceptibility

tendency to feel distressed, inadequate and vulnerable to perceived threats; tendency to experience negative affect and become upset and defensive when confronted with personal attacks and insults.

Type A personality

feelings of inadequacy regarding self-worth these people often need to "prove" themselves.


inflated but vulnerable sense of self-worth; have an unstable self-esteem and are thus extremely sensitive to insults and criticism.

Cycle of violence

Minority of children who were physically abused then later physically abuse their children.

Weapons affect

the presence of a weapon can increase a person's aggressive thoughts and behavior.

Heat hypothesis

refers to the finding that unconformably hot temperatures can lead to aggressive motives and behavior.

Victims of Prejudice









a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.


the practice of analyzing and describing a complex phenomenon in terms of phenomena that are held to represent a simpler or more fundamental level, especially when this is said to provide a sufficient explanation.

extrinsic religiosity

religion is a means to an end, such as achieving social status security or some other personal benefit

intrinsic religiosity

religion is an end in itself. It provides a unifying and central motivating role in ones life. religion is seen as a pathway to truth.

quest orientation

this type of religious orientation includes a tendency to view religious issues as complex and to resist clear cut answers to the difficult questions.

IAT (implicit association test)

is used to asses racist and prejudice judgements