chapter 3 section 1-4


elements in carbohydrate are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and functions are to produce energy


carbon, hydrogen and oxygen fuctions are to store energy for later use


carbon, hydrogen oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfar. fuctions are: form parts of cell membranes and make up many of the organelles in the cell


any substance that cannot be broken down in simplier substance.


an element smallest units


two or more elements combine chemically


is the smallest unit in a compound


chemical reactions within cells could not take place without

organic compound

contains carbon includes carbohydrates,lipids,proteins,and nucleic acids

inorganic compounds

they do not contain carbon


is made up of carbon,hydrogen,and oxygen

How do cells use carbohydrates

cells use carbohydrates for sources of energy and energy storage

three examples of lipids

fats,oils,and waxes

how are lipids like carbohydrates

both contain carbon,hydrogen,and oxygen and they are both energy-rich organic compounds

what do cells store in lipids to use later



fom parts of cell membranes many of the cell organelles

what small molecules make up proteins

amino acids

what do enzymes do

speed up chemical reactions

nucleic acids

very long organic molecules that contain instructions that cells need to function

what are two kinds of nucleic acids


What is selectively permeable

Some substance can pass through the cell membrane

three ways sbstances can move into and out of a cell

active transport

in difussion

molecules move from anarea of
higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

in osmosis

water molecules diffuse through a selectively permeable membrane

difussion and osmosis

two ways of moving things into and out of cells that do
NOT need energy are

How does active transport differ from passive transport

requires energy

2 ways that cell moves things by active transport

transfers protein in and out of cell

steps of photosynthesis

sunlight strikes leaf
chlorophyll captures light energy
uses the sugar and and oxygen when it needs it


In the process of photosynthesis , plants use the energy in ___________to make food


autotroph directly
heterotroph indirectly
heterotroph indirectly

2 stages in the process of photosyntesis

capturing energy in sunlight
cell uses energy to produce sugar


the green pigment in chloroplast and it absorbs light energy from the sun


small openings in the upperside of the leaves

products of photosyntesis

oxygen and sugar

what is the chemical reaction of photosynnthesis

6co2 + 6h2o --------> c6h12o6 +o2

raw material of photsyntesis

carbon and water

what happens during respiration

cells break down simple food molecules such as sugars and release the energy they contain


cells store energy in this form

How do cells "withdraw" energy

breaking down the carbohydrates in the process of respiration

what stage takes place in the mitochondria

second stage only

takes place in the cytoplasm

first stage only

oxygen is involved

second stage only

energy is released

first and second stages

glucose molecules are broken down

first stage


Plants produce ____________Organism use____________

carbon dioxide

plants use ____________organisms produce______________________


is an energy releasing process that does not require oxygen

2 types of fermentation and where each take place

alcoholic fermentation it occurs in baking and brewing
lactic acid fermentation it occurs in the muscle when you exercise