Autonomic Motor Division - Lecture 10/4 (Exam 3)

The autonomic nervous system is made up of two divisions, which are:

sympathetic and parasympathetic

True or False? Every system in the body is controlled solely either by the sympathetic or parasympathetic system:

False, in reality most systems have a dynamic equilibrium between sympathetic and parasympathetic control.

True or False? Sweat glands and regulation of blood vessels are both under sympathetic control only.

True, they are exceptions to the dynamic equilibrium rule

How does relaxation occur if a system has no parasympathetic response?

The system returns to the relaxed state when there is no further stimulation from the sympathetic system

Blood vessels have a __________ level of contraction, which means they are always slightly contracted even at rest.


True or False? Autonomic reflexes, such as spinal reflexes, require integration in the cerebral cortex in order to have a response.


Draw a general efferent pathway for the autonomic nervous system.

Preganglionic -->autonomic ganglion -->postganglionic. Preganglionic neuron extending from CNS to autonomic ganglion; postganglionic neuron extending from autonomic ganglion to target tissue.

True or False? The autonomic ganglion always transmits its message to one specific target cell, allowing greater specificity of reactions.

False, there is usually divergence in the autonomic ganglion so the message is transmitted to multiple target cells

For the autonomic nervous system, the thoracolumbar division represents the _____________ pathway, while the craniosacral division represents the _____________ pathway.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

In the thoracolumbar division, there is a (short or long) preganglionic fiber to the collateral ganglia and a (short or long) postganglionic fiber to the effector.

short; long

In the thoracolumbar division, the neurotransmitter released at the first synapse is ___________ and it binds to _____________ receptors.

Acetylcholine, nicotinic cholinergic receptors

In the thoracolumbar division, the neurotransmitter released at the second synapse is usually ___________ (it can also release ____________ but it's less common) and binds to _____________ receptors. The exception to this rule is your sweat glands, which release ___________.

Usually norepinephrine, sometimes epinephrine; binds to alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. The exception for the sweat glands is that they release acetylcholine

In the craniosacral division, there is a (short or long) preganglionic fiber to the ganglion and a (short or long) postganglionic fiber to the effector.

long; short

In the craniosacral division, the neurotransmitter released at the first synapse is ___________ and it binds to _____________ receptors.

Acetylcholine, nicotinic cholinergic receptors

In the craniosacral division, the neurotransmitter released at the second synapse is ___________ and binds to _____________ receptors.

Acetylcholine, muscarinic cholinergic receptors

Neurons in the efferent autonomic division release neurotransmitter from _______________, which are "swellings" along the axon, instead of the traditional synaptic terminal that we previously discussed.


Alpha and beta receptors are both involved with the (sympathetic or parasympathetic) system.


Alpha1 and alpha2 receptors respond strongly to this neurotransmitter _____________. They can also respond to ______________ more weakly.

norepinephrine ; epinephrine

Activation of alpha receptors generally result in ____________________ of blood vessels.


Beta1 receptors are associated with what organ?


Beta1 receptors respond to ____________________ and ___________________, and generally cause the heart to beat _________________ and _____________________.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine; faster (increased rate) and harder (increased contractility)

Beta2 receptors generally respond to ___________________ as a (neurotransmitter or hormone).

epinephrine as a hormone

Activation of beta2 receptors generally result in _______________________ of blood vessels.


Beta3 receptors have a stronger response to _____________________, and are typically found in ________________ tissue.

Norepinephrine, adipose tissue (results in the breakdown of fat for energy)

An example of an antagonist to the muscarinic receptors in the heart would be ___________________.

Atropine. Muscarinic receptors are involved with the parasympathetic control of the heart. As an antagonist, atropine counters this effect by increasing the heart rate.