Geosystems Test 2

What are the 4 local winds?

Sea breeze, land breeze, mountain breeze, valley breeze, cover relatively small area

Sea Breeze

during day- land heats faster, lower pressure on land than water, air flows from water to land

Land Breeze

at night- land cools off more than water, cool air descends, flows from land to water

Mountain Breeze

mountain air cools at night, descends

Valley Breeze

valleys warm faster during the day, air rises

What are the 2 regional winds?

Katabatic winds, monsoons, cover larger area

Katabatic winds

gravity drainage winds, layers of air at surface flow downslope, cooler air so becomes dense, speed up and heat up


very strong seasonal wind, caused by annual shift in global pressure belts, brings recurring cycle of precipitation

Forces effecting ocean circulation

Main: frictional drag of wind
others: coriolis, density differences, continents, astronomical

Surface currents

Caused by subtropical high pressure cells
Gyres, W intensification, upwelling/downwelling currents all fall under this category


circulation systems that dorm circular patterns in oceans

Western intensification

water "piles up" on west side of oceans (about 6 in higher)

Upwelling currents

when surface water swept away from coast

Downwelling currents

excess water gravitates downward

Thermohaline circulation

deep currents flowing along ocean floor, travel full extent of ocean basin - slower speed than surface currents, but much greater volume

Where did most of Earth's water come from?

formed inside Earth, got to surface through outgassing (volcanoes and geysers)


world-wide change in sea level caused by change in volume of ocean water
colder times = more ice, lower sea level, more land area
warm times = less ice, higher sea level, less land exposed

What is dominant cooling process in Earth's energy budget


Latent heat

heat stored within water, released with phase reversal


water vapor content in air, depends on temp of both water vapor and air

Relative humidity

(actual water content)/(max capacity) X 100
temperature and RH inversely related

Maximum specific humidity

max mass of water vapor a specific amount of air can hold at a given temp

Saturated air

air holding max capacity of water, RH is 100%

Dew point temp

temperature at which air becomes saturated

Measuring humidity

hair hygrometer, sling psychrometer

Air parcel

body of air with specific temp and moisture characteristics

Air stability

tendency of air parcel to stay in place vs. rising/falling

Unstable air

warmer and less dense that surrounding environment


when air parcels rise/fall without exchanging heat with surroundings
cools by expanding, density decreases with lower pressure
conversely, heats by compressing

Dry Adiabatic Rate (DAR)

5.5 F per 1000 ft change in altitude

Wet/Moist Adiabatic Rate (MAR)

3.3 F per 1000 ft change

Lifting condensation altitude

elevation at which air becomes saturated as it rises

Types of air mass moisture

c = continental (dry)
m = maritime (wet)

Types of air mass temperatures

P = polar
T = tropical
E = equatorial
A = (ant)arctic


occurs when air is forced to cool below dew point temp

Condensation nuclei

a particle/surface is needed for water vapor to condense, prerequisite for cloud to form
dust, smoke, pollen, salt, etc.


droplets fall dur to gravity, when weight exceeds for of turbulence (force holding particles up)


visible groups of liquid/solid water suspended in air classified by form, altitude, function

Preconditions for cloud formation

1) presence of cooling mechanism (which causes)
2) saturated air
3) availability of condensation nuclei

cloud form

Cirriform = wispy
Stratiform = layered
Cumuliform = puffy

Cloud altitude

Cirro = high
Alto = middle

Cloud function

either produces precipitation or not
Nimbo = rainmaking

2 main types of fog

Advection: air in one place migrates to another place where saturated conditions exist
Radiation: radiative cooling chills air layer directly over ground to dew point temp (moist ground, no air moving)

Types of advection fog

Evaporation: "steam fog" when cool air flows over warm water
Upslope: when moist air is forced up to higher elevations, as it rises it cools
Valley: opposite of upslope, cooler/denser air settles in low-lying-chilled areas

4 types of atmospheric lifting

Convergent: air flows from various directions to low pressure system, then ascends
Convectional: stimulated by local surface heating, hot air rises
Orographic: air being forced over a barrier
Frontal: two air masses with different properties meet along le

4 types of weather fronts

Cold, warm, stationary, occluded

Cold front

steep face with ground hugging nature, move faster
forces warm air to rise- wind shift, temp drop, unstable air

Warm front

slowly overtakes cooler air and rises over it at gentle slope
can produce nimbostratus clouds and rain, move slower

Stationary front

when air masses meet but aren't displacing each other

Occluded front

cold front overtakes slower moving warm front
cyclonic system, force warm air up leaving cold air at surface, produce heavy rains at contact point and winds shift


short term condition of atmosphere

Midlatitude Cyclonic system

dominate our weather patterns
migrating center of L- converges, rises, spins CCW

Life cycle of Midlatitude cyclonic system

Cyclogenesis, open stage, occluded stage, dissolving stage


beginning of MCS, surface air converges and air aloft diverges, happens in Pacific for US

Open stage

low pressure system has developed, CCW flow, draws warm air from the south and cold air from the north

Occluded stage

cold catches warm front, colder/denser/more unified air moves faster than warm air

Dissolving stage

system entering Atlantic, running out of energy (heat)


Result of heat energy being exchanged in atmosphere, latent heat released and warm air rises in cloud
Happen in mT air masses, not really in cP


electrical discharge in atmosphere, superheats air (27000F)
90% of strikes happen over land, convection is warmer

Severe thunderstorms

really wast wind, really big hail, or possibility of tornado all classify severe


spinning, cyclonic, rising column of air
related to energy change during phase change

Funnel clouds

smaller, dark gray pulse at bottom of mesocyclone
if hits ground = tornado
if hits water = water spout


warm dry air migrates across plains, converges with warm wet air forcing it up, mesocyclones form in them


Pressure is 10% lower than surrounding air
Fujita scale: measures wind speed and related damage

Tropical cyclones

form in areas of warm air masses and warm oceans
surface air spins in toward L, ascends, flows outward aloft
Saffir-Simpson Scale: hurricane damage potential, mainly based on windspeed, 1-5

Atlantic hurricanes

hurricane season June 1-Nov 1
begin with warm desert winds/weather of West Africa
warm sea surface gives energy

Azores H system


Hurricane structure

Rain bands: moisture being pulled in toward L
Eye: center, where L is
Eye wall: two closest rain bands to eye, fastest winds and heaviest rains


daily and seasonal weather regime for a place over long periods of time, weather patterns over time
no two places have exact same climate
Order: recognizing patterns and grouping similar "things"
Disorder: recognizes individuality we see in world

Climate components

Insolation: uneven over Earth's surface, varies w/ latitude
Temperature: varying daily and seasonally
Air pressure/masses: areas of consistency, like ITCZ
Precipitation: varies depending upon local conditions

Climate classifications

Tropical, mesothermal, microthermal, polar, arid/semiarid

Tropical climates

-36% Earth's surface, most extensive
-Generally straddle equator, consistent day length and insolation
-ITCZ brings rain and wind seasonally
-Warm ocean temps and unstable maritime air masses (higher energy)
- Amazon, central Africa, Indonesia, etc.

Mesothermal climate

- midlatitude, mild winters
- warm temp climate with seasons
- 27% of land but 55% population, relatively consistent weather
- shifting air masses, changeable weather conditions as air masses conflict
- SE US, Europe, China, S Brazil, coastal Aus. etc.

Microthermal climate

- mid to high latitudes, cold winters
- winter season with some summer warmth
- 7% Earth's surface
- greater temp ranges related to continentality and air mass conflicts
- continental interiors serve as source regions for intense cP air masses
- habitable

Polar climates

- polar regions
- don't have true summer, daily temps never get above 50 F
- 19% Earth's surface
- Extremes in daylight related to insolation, low humidity leads to low precipitation
- northern Canada/Russia, tundra and ice caps

Arid/Semiarid climates

- permanent moisture deficits
- 35% Earth's surface
- water demand exceeds supply, dry subsiding air in subtropical H
- deserts form in rain shadows of mountains, usually far from moisture anyway (continental)
- mainly along tropics

Effects of climate change

Physical: droughts, melting ice, earlier snow melts, rising sea levels
Ecological: spread by insects/pests, earlier migration of animals, coral bleaching

El Ni�o

warm surface water shifts East toward S and central American coasts b/c trade winds weaken or stop, waters warm above average
involves unstable air in atmosphere interacting with ocean and planetary-scale wave

La Ni�a

opposite of el ni�o, when surface waters in central/east Pacific cool below average

Mechanisms of climate fluctuation

Eccentricity: change in orbit around sun, orbit goes through cyclical change about every 100,000 years
Precision: wobble in axis, every 26,000 years
Obliquity: variation in Earth's tilt, varies between 22-24, changes every 40,000 years

Tectonics effects

land masses migrate over millions of years, experience various climate conditions
as ocean basins open/close, large climate effect over time

Hydrologic cycle

evaporation, condensation, precipitation.....
surface runoff, subsurface flow, etc also part


water moving within the ground


movement of surface water to subsurface

Water budget

Losses: runoff evaporation, transportation (loss from plants)
Stored: lakes, ice caps, groundwater
losses > gains/stored, rapid depletion
Deficit = more demand on water than what is supplied
Surplus = more water exists than needed, stored in reservoirs/da

Soil moisture

Gravitational, capillary, hygroscopic water

Gravitational water

percolated through soil, exits as runoff
soil is at "field capacity" when it is holding max amount possible, after gravitational water is gone

Capillary water

held by surface tension and hydrogen bonding, available for plants
wilting point = when all capillary water has been used

Hygroscopic water

bonded to soil/rock, too strong for plant to break, not available for plant to use


water that lies beneath surface but is tied to surface supplies, largest potential source of freshwater, from surface to about 2 miles below (22%)

Zone of aeration

soil is less than saturated, capillary/hygroscopic water

Zone of saturation

soil is saturated, where gravitational water collects/stored

Water table

contact point between zones
above is aeration, below is saturated


storing groundwater, high porosity and permeability
Confined: not open, bounded by aquiclude
Unconfined: water table is top, easy to get to


impermeable layer, low porosity or permeability or both


ratio of void space to solid in an object
depends of arrangement of pores and how much it has been compacted, not necessarily related to permeability


ability for water to run through, not necessarily related to porosity

Aquifer characteristics

Recharge area: surface area where water enters aquifer
Potentiometric surface: only exist with confined aquifers - pressure level caused by aquifer's own weight
Drawdown: when pumping rate exceeds horizontal flow
Dry well: when depth of well is shallower


gaining stream: receive groundwater when water table is high
losing stream: contribute to groundwater reserves when water table is low

Groundwater mining

When water is extracted faster than it can be replenished, like squeezing out a sponge, but once aquifers are "squeezed" they can't be filled again so lose that resource
can result in land subsidence and other ecological problems