Chapter 2 The Earliest human Societies

What is culture?

Beliefs and tradition

Where did humans live 3.6 million years ago?

West Africa

Which type of early humans camped all day every day?

Hunters and Gathers

How did early humans interact with their environment?

Hunting animals and gathered plants for food

What were hunter-gatherers

Nomads because they moved from place to place

What do hunter-gatherers do to get food?

Hunt and gather up animals

What did hunter-gathered do when they run out of food?

They moved to another place with more food

In what ways did the early humans interact with their environment?

Tools, shelter, food

Where did early humans live, with who and what did they eat?

In Africa, with their tribe and they ate animals

What did nomads use to move from place to settle in another?


What happens if two groups of hunter-gatherers meet?

They either share their tools and ideas or they kill each other.

What are some tools created by early humans?

Carrying bags, axes, drills, bows, and spearheads

What did fire provide for early humans?

Helped them cook their food, and provided light and warmth

What was technology for early humans?

It apply knowledge and tools that meet their needs.

What kind of culture did early humans create?

Language, religion and art

Why was language developed?

It was developed so people can communicate to each other.

Why was religion developed?

To worship of a higher power.

Did early humans believe everything in nature had a spirit?


What new farming tools and methods did early farmers invent?

Planting seeds, hoes, digging sticks, sickles and slash-and-burn.

Why was the domestication of animals important?

Helped with food and tools.

What changed the lives of early humans?


Why would a village develop?

People stayed in the same area to be near their crops.

What are the stages of early development?

.villages started
.hunting and gathering
.agricultural revolution

What did not allow people to farm?

The ice age

What is surplus?

More than you need to survive.

What did people do after surplus?

Learned a type of skill(specialization)

How did life in villages become more complex?

Surplus, specialization, trade, social structure, government.

What are artisans?

People trained in skills a and have special jobs

How did life in complex villages compare to simple villages?

Larger population, government, 1st public buildings, trade, and social classes.

What are advantages with living in a complex village?

More help in work and fighting predators