Fractured Lands Part 1 and 2

What role did Gamal Abdel Nasser play in modern Egyptian history?

Gamal Abdel Nasser used the Free Officers movement to overthrow Egypt's king.

What actions led to growing distrust of Hosni Mubarak, the leader who followed Anwar Sadat?

When Mubarak continued to have alliance with he USA and Israel and then he ordered a security crackdown on Egypt.

How did Qaddafi come to power in Libya? Explain.

Quaddafi spread wealth around, which let people live a comfortable, middle-class life

How were the regimes of Nasser (Egypt), Qaddafi (Libya), Saddam Hussein (Iraq) and Hafez al-Assad similar (Syria)? How were they different?

All of them developed "personality cults" and they focused on public works projects. They are different because each country had different religions that needed different assistance.

Who are the Kurds? What is the relationship between the Kurds and the Arab states?

From Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. They were culturally separate from their neighbors.

What is the Pesh Merga?

The military forces on Kuridistan

Describe the religious composition of Homs? Where is Homs?

Very diverse religious composition. Homs is in Syria.

How did Bashar Al Assad come to power in Syria?

Bashar's brother was automatically supposed to take power, but he got into an accidental car accident and died-so Bashar got the power.

What was the Coalition Provisional Authority? What countries were involved? How?

A transitional government for Iraq that aimed to take out the Saddam Hussein.

What initiated protests in Egypt in 2005?

People were continuously dying from the Iraq war, causing their views to become stronger.

What factors contributed to Mubarak losing public support? What groups then started to gain support?


Define the following terms: nepotism, stagnation, intrinsic, supplant

Nepotism- favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. Stagnation- being still and not moving. Intrinsic- belonging naturally;essential. Supplant-replace.