The Progressive era-2016

Law establishing regulation of food and drug items for public consumption

Pure food and drug Act

Term applied to the breaking up of monopolies

Trust Busting

Form of city government which called for the division of responsibility among five to seven elected officials

City Commission

Form of city government which called for a hired professional administrator to run the city

City manager

Established the first income tax

Underwood Tarriff

Established the constitutionality of a personal income tax

16th ademedment

Created during Wilson's administration this was to end unfair business practices in interstate commerce

Federal Trade Commission

Law designed to regulate railroads and establish maximum rates

Elkins Act

Allowed voters to decide their party's nomination for political office

Direct Primary

Anti-trust law which also recognized labor unions

Clayton Anti-trust Act

The first black civil rights organization


Roosevelt's independent party in the election of 1912

Bullmoose Party

Reform party of the last part of the 1800's which began as a farmer's party and set much of the agenda for the Progressives


First law passed designed to break up monopolies and regulate trusts and big business

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Was responsible for the case Muller v. Oregon

Florence Kelley

Founder of the NAACP

Web DuBois

Author of the Jungle

Upton Sinclair

Known as the "Trust Buster

Teddy Roosevelt

Taft's Secretary of the Interior who advocated private development of federal reserves

Richard Ballinger

Conservationist under Taft's administration who argued for conservation of natural resources

Gifford Pinchot

Founder of the American Socialist Party

Eugene V. Debs

Preservationist who also founded the Sierra Club

John Muir

Founder of the National American Womens Suffrage Association

Carrie Chapman Catt

Wrote The History Of Standard Oil which helped lead to its breakup

Ida Tarbell

Progressive president elected in 1912

Woodrow Wilson

Wisconsin governor who helped lead lead the Progressive movement

Robert La Follette

Elected president in 1908, many Progressives became disappointed in his actions

William Howard Taft

Founder of the American Federation of Labor

Samuel Gompers

Progressive mayor of Toledo, Ohio who reformed its government

Samuel Jones

Court case which established the 10 hour workday for women

Mueller v. Oregon

Law created in response to the JUNGE which called for quality standards in the meat packing industry

Meat inspection Act

Railroad conglomerate controlled controlled controlled by J.P. Morgan that was broken up by Roosevelt

Northern Securities Company

Gave voters the power to create laws


Gave voters the power to remove existing laws


Gave voters the power to remove elected officials


First mine employees union

United mine workers union

Term for investigative reporters in the Progressive Era


Law which provided funds for land restoration and irrigation projects in the West

Newlands Reclamation Act

This law made the giving of railroad rates illegal

Hepburn Act

The National banking system created in 1913 which created "banker's banks".

Federal Reserve System