FACS vocab

Visual Learning

you learn by using your eyes to see information

Auditory Learning

you learn through listening and hearing information

Tactile Learning

you learn by touching or physical engagement with information


the way a person feels about him/her self

High Self-Esteem

a person feels good about themselves

Low Self-Esteem

a person feels bad about themselves


the way a person see him/her self


the feeling of being sure of your and your abilities


someone you like and who likes you


a group of people related to one another by blood(birth), marriage, or adoption

Family Type

the makeup of a family


all the people who are born and live about the same time


a person's place in a group


a married man and women and their biological children

Single-Parent Family

one parent (mother or father) raising child or children due to death, divorce or abandonment


1 or both parents have been married before bringing their children from the previous marriage into the family. They may have children together.

Extended Family

2 or 3 generations living under one roof

Foster Family

a child that is temporarily placed with a family until the child's "family problems" are settled

Adoptive Family

parents go through the courts to make children legally their own

Birth Order

order in which children are born into a family

Beginning Stage

newly married couple without children

Parenting Stage

children are born and parents care for their needs

Launching Stage

teens become independent and leave home

Senior Stage

parents adjust to being a couple again and enjoy more leisure activities or change careers


the response given to a message sent

Active Listening

restates what the speaker says to make sure he or she understands the message

Conflict Resolution

the process of finding a solution to a disagreement


a situation that affects the functioning of the family


a person not involved in the conflict, but helps to settle the conflict


an agreement in a conflict in which both sides are willing to give up a little of what they want


a demanding or difficult task or situation that can be a source of distress


an answer to a problem

Medical Emergency



ongoing illness in which airways have ongoing swelling

breathing emergency

someone is not breathing or is having trouble breathing