Cog-ling Quiz 2

What is the general concept of a "token test"?

A test of sentence-level auditory comprehension involving imperative sentences with increasing complexity directing the patient to touch or manipulate a set of tokens

During single-word reading comprehension tests, patients with _________ tend to choose a foil that is visually similar to the test stimulus.

Compromised visual processing

Which standardized aphasia test was one of the first to emphasize the importance of qualitative scoring of responses rather than simply counting errors?

Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia (MTDDA)

Which standardized aphasia test allows the clinician to not only determine the presence of aphasia in a client but also the type of aphasia?

Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination

How language is used and how ideas and intentions are communicated in social contexts is known as?

Language Pragmatics

Baselines and ceilings are used in standardized tests to shorten testing time and avoid administering tests that are too difficult or too easy for the client?


Picture vocabulary tests are not valid tests of single-word comprehension for adults with brain injury because they contain words that are not commonly used in daily life.


Sentence comprehension is typically tested by asking patients to perform gestural or manipulative responses to spoken instructions or yes-no questions.


What is the medical term for death of brain tissue caused by loss of blood supply?


What term is used for the "phenomenon where brain function is disrupted in regions remote from the site of injury but connected to it by neuronal pathways?


What are paraphasias?

The substitution of one word for another and/or the substitution or transposition of sounds in words.

A pouch that is formed in weakened arterial walls, that are a source of cerebral hemorrhages are called:


Aphasias caused by hemorrhagic strokes are almost always caused by intracerebral hemorrhages.


What is responsible for the communication between Broca's area and Wernicke's area?

Arcuate fasciculus

What two types of aphasia occurs when the pathways connecting the perisylvian region with other regions of the brain are affected.

Transcortical motor aphasia and mixed transcortical aphasia

What is the motor speech area that is responsible for planning and organizing speech movements?

Broca's Area

A patient that shows impaired ability to comprehend simple spoken or written materials, has semantic and short term memory impairments, and exhibits trouble with recall of verbal materials will most likely be diagnosed with _____________.

Wernicke's Aphasia

Which of the following is a standardized aphasia test?

All of the above are aphasia tests

Increasing sentence length may facilitate brain-injured adult's comprehension if the increased length also adds redundancy


All of the following are types of cohesive ties except


The Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia is an appropriate screening test for patients with mild reading impairments.


Many variables affecting sentence comprehension also affect comprehension of discourse in brain injured adults. What are two of the most important variables affecting discourse in brain injured adults?

Salience and Directness

In test of confrontation naming, brain injured patients name pictures, drawings and objects. Tests of responsive naming differ in that the patient gives one-word answers to questions.


Which variables affect the ease in which brain-injured adults can retrieve and produce words when given a naming test?

Length and phonologic complexity
Semantic characteristics
Frequency of occurrence
(all of the above)

Which variables may affect brain-injured adults' single-word comprehension

Frequency of Occurrence
Frequency of occurrence
(all of the above)

TRUE or FALSE: Most versions of a token test replace the shape of a rectangle with a square because of the greater frequency of the word "square" in the English language.


TRUE or FALSE: Success in an oral reading requires the patient to comprehend what is being read

False, only testing oral reading

Comprehensive language tests measures a patient's communication performance in:

(All of the Above)

TRUE or FALSE: Passage Dependency is a term coined by Tuiman to reflect the extent to which readers must rely on information from printed texts to answer test questions correctly.


TRUE or FALSE: Most standardized reading test for normal adults and children do not require written answers to test items but allow the test-taker to check off, circle, or underline their choice from an array of possible multiple-choice answers.


Which of the following variables does NOT affect the ease with which brain-injured adults can retrieve and produce words in tests of naming:

Frequency of occurrence
Semantic characteristics
Length complexity
phonological complexity
(all of the above affect this)

TRUE or FALSE: Comprehensive language tests provide a general sense of an individual's speech, auditory comprehension, reading, and writing.


Language pragmatics includes:

Speech acts
Conversational behaviors
Social Behaviors
Conversational rules and conventions
(all of the above)

TRUE or FALSE: Increasing sentence length may facilitate brain-injured adults' comprehension if the increased length also adds redundancy.


TRUE or FALSE: Hemorrhages that occur in the brainstem, basal ganglia, or cerebellum rarely, directly cause aphasia.


What is the type of aphasia that causes patients to write at a slanted angle, with letter omission, and in non-cursive penmanship?

Broca's aphasia

This aphasia syndrome, located in the posterior superior temporal lobe, is characterized by poor comprehension, poor short term memory and recall, and fluent speech littered with paraphasias and neologisms.

Wernicke's aphasia

What type of aphasia is caused by damage to association fiber tracts?

Conduction aphasia
Transcortical motor aphasia
Transcortical sensory aphasia
(All of the above)

TRUE or FALSE: Ischemic stroke occurs when an artery is blocked and part of the brain loses its blood supply.


The most common cause of aphasia in adults is:


TRUE or FALSE: Wernicke's area and Broca's area are thought to be connected by a brand of nerve fibers called arcuate fasciculus.


_____ is when a patient fails to recognize familiar stimuli in a sensory modality even though basic perception in that modality is preserved


This type of nonfluent aphasia is characterized by a large lesion in the perisylvian zone and severe impairments in all functions of language including verbal paraphasia, poor word retrieval, poor repetition, and poor comprehension.


What are the 2 primary input modalities?

Vision and Audition

True or False: There are many freestanding tests of brain-injured adults' reading comprehension.


True / False: Single word comprehension of brain-injured adults is not strongly affected by whether items in stimulus arrays are real objects, drawings, or pictures.


When assessing language, yes-no questions may test which of the following?

Perception of surroundings
General knowledge
Personal information
Knowledge learned in school
(All of the above)

There is NO universal list of component skills for reading. TRUE/FALSE


Story Retell Procedure (SRP) provides a valid, reliable, and sensitive tool for assessing what part of language

Connected language

Rate at which clinicians administer sentences in sentence comprehension tests can have clinical consequences in testing outcomes. TRUE/FALSE


Questions that can be answered without reading the related text are said to be

Passage independent

Aphasias caused by hemorrhagic stroke are almost always by extracerebral hemorrhages.


Which type of stroke has the characteristics of quick/ severe symptoms?


________ is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States


Aphasia may be caused by...

Nutritional deficiency
(All of the above)

Which one is not a common symptom of a stroke?

Abrupt burst of energy and increased muscle tension

Successful performance during a limb apraxia test requires functional adequacy of which brain region(s)?

Wernicke's area (where meaning of examiner's request is deduced)
Lower parietal lobe (through which information from Wernicke's area is relayed to)
Premotor cortex (sets up a motor plan to be executed)
Motor cortex
(All of the above)

Apraxia of speech is characterized by variable articulatory errors and trial-and-error articulatory groping in a context of slow and effortful speech.


Broca's Aphasia and Global Aphasia are both examples of fluent aphasia.


Which of the following is NOT a condition that must be met for process-oriented treatment for aphasia:

Patients with irreversible aphasia are included.

Though the emphasis in treatment has shifted from efficacy to effectiveness, most existing studies of aphasia treatment are efficacy studies.


Delaying or eliminating counseling, education, and support during the first weeks after the patient becomes aphasic will not have important and irreversible negative effects on the patient and the patient's family.


Those with ______ global aphasia evolve to less severe forms with the first week or so after onset. Those with ______ global aphasia slowly evolve over months or years to less severe forms of aphasia. Those with ______ global aphasia experience profound c

Acute, evolving, chronic

Which of the following is NOT a message delivery technique that impacts the auditory comprehension ability in persons with aphasia:

Use of syntax

Treatment to improve comprehension of spoken sentences typically consists of drills in which patients answer questions, follow directions, or verify the meaning of sentences.


In the treatment of discourse comprehension, what are four ways in which you may manipulate the stimulus:

Familiarity, length, redundancy, speech rate

What is a "literacy history"?

A comprehensive look of how much reading the patient did before becoming aphasic and reading topics of special interest to the patient to give the clinician a sense of the patient's level of reading competence before the onset of aphasia.

What is the medical term for death of brain tissue caused by loss of blood supply?


What term is used for the "phenomenon where brain function is disrupted in regions remote from the site of injury but connected to it by neuronal pathways"?


What are paraphasias?

The substitution of one word for another and/or the substitution or transposition of sounds in words.

A pouch that is a source of cerebral hemorrhages and is formed in weakened arterial walls is called:


Aphasias caused by hemorrhagic strokes are almost always caused by intracerebral hemorrhages.


What is responsible for the communication between Broca's area and Wernicke's area?

Arcuate fasciculus

What is the motor speech area that is responsible for planning and organizing speech movements?

Broca's Area

A patient that shows impaired ability to comprehend simple spoken or written materials, has semantic and short term memory impairments, and exhibits trouble with recall of verbal materials will most likely be diagnosed with _____________.

Wernicke's Aphasia

Where do most cerebral thromboses affecting the brain occur?

Internal Carotid Arteries
Vertebral Arteries
Basilar Artery
(All of the above)

Hemorrhagic strokes destroy white matter while Ischemic strokes do not destroy white matter.


Someone with Broca's aphasia may have difficulty:

Planning speech movements
Organizing speech movements
(Both A and B)

Which of the following is not an alias of Wernicke's Aphasia?

Motor Aphasia

A Defining characteristic of Transcortical Motor Aphasia is echolalia


Aneurysms are pouches formed in weakened arterial walls and are a common source of cerebral hemorrhages.


Permanent damage of the ____________ (area) in adult brains almost always causes language impairment.

Perisylvian region in the left hemisphere

An Ischemic stroke is caused by?

An obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain

True/False: Asking patients to point to their body parts or to objects in the environment is a good way to assess the patient's comprehension of single words and spoken directions.


Which error is the most common for patients with aphasia?

Semantic confusions (mother for father)

What is the most useful measure for classifying aphasia patients on the basis of their speech production?


The two most influential variables that may affect comprehension of spoken discourse are....

Salience and Directness

True or False: In oral reading tests for people with aphasia, success in oral reading does not require comprehension of what is read.


Which of the following is NOT a standardized aphasia test?

Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia
Porch Index of Communicative Ability
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
(All of the above are Standardized Aphasia Tests)

What denotes the relationships among semantic units in discourse that are created by linguistic devices called cohesive ties?


True/false. Language pragmatics denotes how language is used and how ideas and intentions are communicated in social contexts.


Which is not a characteristic of hypoperfusion?

Considered a stroke

What do ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes have in common?

Caused by a reduction in oxygen to the brain

This type of non-fluent aphasia is also known as expressive aphasia, motor aphasia, or anterior aphasia. It is caused by damage in the posterior inferior region of the frontal lobe in the language-dominant hemisphere. Patients with this type often omit fu

Broca's Aphasia

What type of aphasia is characterized by impaired comprehension of spoken or printed verbal materials and caused by damage to the temporal lobe?

Wernicke's Aphasia

__________ destroy white matter (nerve fiber tracts), but _________ do not destroy white matter (nerve fiber tracts).

Ischemic strokes; hemorrhagic strokes

True or False: Patients with visual agnosia are still able to recognize people/objects even though can't recognize them visually.


What is a Callosal Disconnection Syndrome?

A disorder that appears when nerve fiber tracts connecting the brain hemispheres are damaged or destroyed

__________ strokes occur when an artery is blocked and part of the brain loses its blood supply.


This test for aphasia takes the longest to administer, averaging 2 hours. It measures a patient's performance across a wide range of tasks and can be used both as an initial evaluation and to test change over time.

Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination

Which variable DOES NOT affect single-word comprehension in adults with brain trauma?

The ability to answer yes or no

Which variables affect the ease with which brain-injured adults can retrieve and produce words in tests of naming?

Semantic characteristics
Length and phonology complexity
Frequency of occurrence
(all of the above)

True or False? When assessing client's with limb apraxia, clinicians should be aware that pointing may be difficult and client's may score poorly.


A patient has difficulty naming "cup", "plate" and "knife" in isolation during a test. Later that day the patient has no problem naming these items during lunch time. What variable most likely accounts for this?


True or False? Other than taking them longer to comprehend the sentences and making more errors, brain injured adults exhibit different patterns of difficulty across syntax types as do non-brain-injured adults.

FALSE: they exhibit the same pattern of difficulty.

TRUE or False? The form of stimuli to be named (drawings, photographs, real objects) has little effect on most brain-injured adults' naming performance.


Which variables affect the difficulty of sentence comprehension tests for brain-injured adults:

Length and syntactic complexity
Reversibility and plausibility
Personal relevance
Semantic relationships
(all of the above)

When using the "treat to test approach" it is important to choose tasks in which the patient's performance was completely erroneous on the test, in order to challenge the patient.


This reading impairment sometimes accompanies aphasia and is characterized by the loss or impairment in direct (lexical) route and therefore depend on the indirect (phonological) route. This requires the patient to use letter-by-letter decoding to deduce

Surface Dyslexia

Which type of patient with aphasia is not a good candidate for process-oriented treatment?

Those who are too ill or weak
Those who are too severely aphasic
Those who elect not to participate in treatment
(all of the above)

True or False: Individuals who are globally aphasic at 1 month or more after onset are likely to remain globally aphasic for the rest of their lives.


True or false: Production of spoken messages and production of written messages use different cognitive processes.

False: they use many of the same ones. Writing resembles speech

True or False: Therapy using conversation coaches to focus on conversation partners of PWA has been thoroughly tested and is an evidence-based practice.


Task-switching drills are helpful to PWAs who have problems with:

Change in topic
Change in speaker
hanges in conversational roles
(all of the above)

Following the onset of aphasia, the goal of the Speech Language Pathologist in the first few weeks is to:

Help patients and families prepare for participation in normal life
Provide strategies for dealing with communication breakdown and emotional instability

Brookshire is an advocate for functional and social approaches to aphasia intervention because

Functional and social approaches acknowledge that aphasia has lifetime consequences for people with aphasia and their families and empowering the person with aphasia to reestablish personal autonomy and a sense of well-being are important intervention goa

According to the treatment program titled Clinician Controlled Auditory Stimulation for Adults, which of the following message delivery techniques influence the auditory comprehension of people with aphasia?

Rate of speaking
Pause insertion
iving the person extra time to respond
The length of the information presented by the speaker
(all the above)

Functional social intervention approaches involve

Guiding the PWA and his or her significant others to understand how to best support each other and communicate with each other

PWA who have surface dyslexia are encouraged to use ________ to find word problems, and PWA who have deep dyslexia are encouraged to use ________ to find word problems.

Phonological analysis; whole word recognition

Which of the following is NOT one of the Nine Principles of Social Approaches to Aphasia?

Intervention should only include quantitative measures.

True/false. In the treat to the test approach, treatment tasks resemble the tests used to measure the patient's impairments


True/False. The treat underlying processes approach does not focus on cognitive processes that underlie several communicative skills.


Scripts are mental representations of familiar situations (i.e., ordering at a restaurant) that may contribute to ______ comprehension processes.


Which of these options is the most efficacious in treatment of patients with aphasia?

Early intervention

ersons with global aphasia often have unreliable yes-no responses.


The process by which readers relate a writer's intended meanings to their own knowledge and experience is called:

Semantic mapping

In the treatment program Clinician Controlled Auditory Stimulation for Aphasic Adults what message delivery technique is defined by "The use of words such as "ready," "listen," or "point to the rule?

Alerting signals

The primary way in which readers deduce relationships among words is known as?

Syntactic Analysis

It is common for treatment of writing impaired aphasic patients to focus solely on writing.


The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) is a treatment approach that solely focuses on improving standardized test scores.


In persons with aphasia (PWA), writing resembles his/her _____________.


The prototypical treatment for impaired single-word comprehension is a pointing drill.


Which of the following is a process in which readers relate a writer's intended meanings to their own knowledge and experience?

Semantic Mapping

Who found that prestimulating with semantically related words worsened aphasic adult's word retrieval?


What is connected speech made in response to requests such as, "Tell me how you make scrambled eggs"?

Procedural Discourse

Sentence completion tasks using highly constrained sentences, containing word combinations that are common in daily life (e.g., a cup of _____) are the strongest facilitators of volitional speech.


Life participation groups have a goal to help PWAs and others restore the person's participation in society


Which is an example of a question you would ask to assess procedural discourse?

How do you cook scrambled eggs?

Studies have shown that specific treatment procedures provide meaningful changes in targeted skills and patients can obtain generalization of these changes in their daily life.


Permanent damage of the ____________ (area) in adult brains almost always causes language impairment.

Perisylvian region in the left hemisphere

An Ischemic stroke is caused by...

An obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain

Aphasias caused by hemorrhagic stroke are almost always by extracerebral hemorrhages.

False - They are caused by intracerebral Hemorrhage

Which type of stroke has the characteristics of quick/ severe symptoms?

Embolic - artery occluded by material moving with the blood.
Thrombotic - artery occluded by a plug of material accumulating in a fixed location.

________ is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States


Aphasia may be caused by...

Nutritional deficiency
(all of the above)

Which one is not a common symptom of a stroke?

Abrupt burst of energy and increased muscle tension

Successful performance during a limb apraxia test requires functional adequacy of which brain region(s)?

Wernicke's area (where meaning of examiner's request is deduced)
Lower parietal lobe (through which information from Wernicke's area is relayed to)
Premotor cortex (sets up a motor plan to be executed)
Motor cortex

Apraxia of speech is characterized by variable articulatory errors and trial-and-error articulatory groping in a context of slow and effortful speech.


Broca's Aphasia and Global Aphasia are both examples of fluent aphasia.


There are two types of stokes, ______, occurs when an artery is blocked and part of the brain loses blood supply, and ______, which is caused by bleeding in the brain.

Ischemic, hemorrhagic

A type of aphasia characterized by damage to the lower part of the prefrontal cortex, affecting speech planning and causing right-side hemiparesis.

Broca's aphasia

Which form of apraxia shows an absence in the motor plan of an intended action?

Ideomotor apraxia

Which may be an experience of a patient with split-brain syndrome?

Alien hand syndrome

Wernicke's aphasia is typically caused by damage in the temporal lobe of the language-dominant hemisphere.


__________ is applied to patients whose only obvious symptom is impaired word retrieval in speech and writing.

Anomic aphasia.

Damage confined to Broca's area or Wernicke's area usually produces chronic Broca's or Wernicke's aphasia.


Apraxia represents:

A label for several syndromes characterizing difficulty in volitional movement

What is the general concept of a "token test"?

A test of sentence-level auditory comprehension involving imperative sentences with increasing complexity directing the patient to touch or manipulate a set of tokens

Rate at which clinicians administer sentences can have in sentence comprehension tests can have clinical consequences in testing outcomes.


Questions that can be answered without reading the related text are said to be

Passage independent

Which of the following is NOT a condition that must be met for process-oriented treatment for aphasia:

Patients with irreversible aphasia are included.

Though the emphasis in treatment has shifted from efficacy to effectiveness, most existing studies of aphasia treatment are efficacy studies.


Delaying or eliminating counseling, education, and support during the first weeks after the patient becomes aphasic will not have important and irreversible negative effects on the patient and the patient's family.


Those with ______ global aphasia evolve to less severe forms with the first week or so after onset. Those with ______ global aphasia slowly evolve over months or years to less severe forms of aphasia. Those with ______ global aphasia experience profound c

Acute, evolving, chronic

Which of the following is NOT a message delivery technique that impacts the auditory comprehension ability in persons with aphasia:

Use of syntax

Treatment to improve comprehension of spoken sentences typically consists of drills in which patients answer questions, follow directions, or verify the meaning of sentences.


In the treatment of discourse comprehension, what are four ways in which you may manipulate the stimulus:

Familiarity, length, redundancy, speech rate

What is a "literacy history"?

A comprehensive look of how much reading the patient did before becoming aphasic and reading topics of special interest to the patient to give the clinician a sense of the patient's level of reading competence before the onset of aphasia.

Spoken direction tasks require patients to perform sequential pointing or manipulative responses in response to directions spoken by the clinician.


Normal listeners rely on __________ to comprehend language. If that fails to produce unambiguous meanings, then the listener will resort to ___________.

Top-down processes, text-based processes

Readers with surface dyslexia must rely on phonological analysis to identify problems with words while readers with deep dyslexia must rely on whole-word recognition to identify problem words.


Contemporary process-oriented aphasia treatment philosophies consider ______ when designing and implementing treatments.

Functionality (the daily life utility of skills)
Generalization (transfer of skills learned in the clinic to the patient's daily life)

The primary objective of aphasia treatment is to:

Improve daily life communication

Which of the following is NOT a type of aphasia group used for treatment?

Aural Rehabilitation Groups

Functional communication treatment programs downplay communication in natural contexts.


What does PWA stand for?

Persons With Aphasia