Unit 1 AP HUGE

cultural ecology

an area of inquiry concerned with culture as a system of adaption to environment.

Cultural barriers

work against diffusion. Certain innovations, ideas, or practice are not accepted or adoptable in some cultures because of attitudes

Expansion Diffusion

an innovation or idea develops in a hearth and remains strong there while also spreading outward

Contagious Diffusion

a form of expansion diffusion where nearly all nearby individuals are also affected.

Hierarchical Diffusion

a pattern where the main channel of diffusion in some segment of those who are susceptible to what is being diffused.

Stimulus Diffusion

not all ideas can be readily and directly accepted by a recieving population. some too vague, unattainable, different or impractical for immediate adoption.


emerged by geographers who argued that the natural environment merely serves to limit the range of choices available to a culture.


the representation of a real world phenomenon of a certain level of reduction

Relocation Diffusion

involves the actual movement of individuals who have already adopted the idea or innovation and who carry it to a new, distant location, where they proceed to spread.

independent invention

a trait with many hearths that developed independent of each other.

cultural diffusion

the process of the spread of an idea or innovation from its hearth to other places.

time-distance decay

caused by time and distance during the diffusion process.

environmental determinism

it holds the human behavior individually and collectively is strongly affected, controlled, or determined by the physical environment.

Functional region

is the product of interactions, of movement of various kinds.

Perceptual (vernacular) region

intellectual constructs designed to help us understand the nature and distribution of phenomena in human geography.


location, decisions, pattern, and landscapes.

culture trait.

a single attribute of a culture.

culture complex

a culture that may exhibit a particular culture trait, but will consist of a discrete combination of traits.

cultural hearth

area where culture traits develop and from which the culture traits diffuse.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

allow us to locate things on the surface of the Earth with extraordinary accuracy.

thematic maps

tells stories, typically showing the degree of some attribute or the movement of a geographic phenomenon.

absolute location

places, locations determined by a frame of reference, typically lines of longitude and latitude.


art and science of making maps

reference maps

show locations of places and geographic features

Human Geography

study of people and places and how they interact with other places.

Formal Region

a place marked by visible uniformity

Activity spaces

places we travel routinely in our daily activity.

Mental maps

maps in our minds of places. we have been or heard of

Relative Location

describes a place in relation to other human and physical features.


fifth theme of geography, the mobility of people, goods, and ideas across the surface of the planet.

Perceptions of places

beliefs about a place developed through books, movies, stories or pictures.

sense of place

state of mind, meaning and emotion of a place by remembering important event that occurred in that place or by labeling a place with a certain character.


an outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide.


fourth theme of geography uniqueness of a location.


regional outbreak of a disease


space on Earth's surface synonymous for geographic


a set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships and heightening interdependence without regard to country borders.

physical geography

the study of physical phenomenon on Earth such as land, plants, location, etc.

Medical Geography

study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a geographical perspective.


the third theme of geography, an area marked by a degree of formal, functional, or perceptual homogeneity of phenomenon

spatial interactions

when two countries can rely on each other for raw materials and satisfy each other's needs


design of a spatial distibution

cultural Landscape

visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.

sequent occupance

cultural succession and its lasting imprint.


first theme of geography, highlights how the geographical position of people and things on the Earth's surface affects what happens and why.


how something is distributed across space. Raises questions about how the arrangement came about. Location of geographic phenomena.

physical landscape

core element of geography.

Geographic Information System (GIS)

used to compare a variety of spatial data by combining layer of spatial data in a computerized environment.

Generalized Map

the map of world precipitation is a generalized map of annual precipitation received around the world.