Ecology Test 1


Ecology at the lowest level of organization involves the individual interacting with the environment

interference competition

preventing access to resources

exploitative competition

depleting resources

field, lab, observational, manipulative

approaches to ecology


general categories of terrestrial environments; related to particular climate and, to a lesser extent, soil characteristics

9 major biomes

tropical rain forest, tropical dry forest, tropical savanna, desert, temperate woodland and shrubland, temperate grassland, temperate forest, boreal forest, tundra

temperature, atmospheric circulation, precipitation

large scale patterns of climate variation

Coriolis Effect

deflection of winds clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern hemisphere

Nalini Nadkarni

Researcher: found that much of the nutrients in the rainforest canopies are associated with epiphytes

Gregor Mendel

Researcher: discovered characteristics pass from parent to offspring in form of discrete packets

Dan Jenzen

Researcher: studied extinct megafauna as former seed dispersers in the Costa Rica dry forest

Robert McArthur

Researcher: studied ecology of warbler species in North American forests

Margaret Davis

Researcher: used pollen to track long-term changes in vegitation

Tropical Rainforest

within 10 latitude of equator

Tropical Dry Forest

10-25 latitude

Tropical Savanna

N/S of Dry Forests


30N and 30S

Mediterranean Woodland and Shrubland

climate cool and moist most of year, but hot and dry in summer

Temperate Grassland

extremely widespread distribution

Temperate Forest

40-50 latitude

Boreal Forest

50-65N latitude


North of Arctic Circle 66, 33'N


not a specific biome
cooler than surrounding lowlands
important "habitat islands


percent of earth's surface covered by water


percent of the Earth's water found in oceans

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus/calcium

5 elements that make up 93-97% of biomass of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria

Hardy Weinberg Principle

states that in a population, mating at random in the absence of evolutionary forces, allele frequencies will remain constant: (p+q)^2=p^2+2pq+q^2


an individual having two different alleles of a gene at a particular locus

directional selection

In a population of birds, large beak size is selected against and average and small sized beaks are selected for. This is an example of what type of selection?


Locally adapted and genetically distinctive populations within a species are referred to as


The alternate form of a gene


the net movement of water molecules through a semi=permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration


a thin but distinct layer in a large body of water (e.g. an ocean or lake) in which temperature changes more rapidly with depth than it does in the layers above or below

metabolic water

refers to water created inside a living organism through oxidizing energy-containing substances in their food

relative humidity

the ratio (times 100) of the water vapor density in air to the saturation water vapor density at a given temperature


zone that is the interface between land and river or stream


has low primary productivity, the result of low nutrient content. These lakes have low algal production, and consequently, often have very clear waters, with high-drinking quality


the category of animals that eat non-living organic matter


a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions


an aquatic creature is considered this if its body fluids have higher water concentration and lower salt concentration than its external environment

Batesian Mimicry

a form of mimicry typified by a situation where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species


a creature whose body temperature varies with environmental temperatures is considered to be this

Thermo Neutral Zone

defined as the range of environmental temperature where an organism's metabolism is steady at resting rate

CAM photosynthesis

limited to succulent plants in arid and semi-arid environments


an organism that uses inorganic molecules as a source of carbon and energy

matrix forces

refers to water's tendency to adhere to container walls


what does a coprovore eat?

the Hydrologic Cycle

Evaporation and Transpiration==>Clouds==>Precipitation==>Evaporation and Consumed by organisms and Groundwater and Surface Water==> Rivers, Ponds, Streams==> Ocean

Benthic, Pelagic, Littoral, Neritic, Oceanic

Marine Environments


amount of dissolved salt in water


oceans contribute this percent of total photosynthesis

Semidiurnal Tides

two low and two high tides daily

Diurnal tides

single low and high tide each day


where rivers mix with the sea


study of freshwater systems


Great Lakes contain this percent of freshwater in the world


high biological production, but may be depleted of oxygen

natural selection

changes genotypic and phenotypic frequencies in populations

random mating, no mutations, large population size, no immigration, equal fitness between all genotypes

conditions necessary to maintain constant allele frequencies

stabilizing selection

acts to impede changes in a population by acting against extreme phenotypes and favoring average phenotypes

disruptive selection

creates bimodal distributions by favoring two or more extreme phenotypes over the average phenotype in a population

genetic drift

genetic change due to chance


large-scale weather variation


small-scale weather variation, usually measured over shorter time period

high specific heat

absorbs heat without greatly changing temperature

latent heat of evaporation

1 g of evaporation cools 580g of water by 1 degree celsius

latent heat fusion

1 g of water gives off 80 cal as it freezes


physiological changes in response to different conditions such as temperature


organism thrives in physically extreme conditions


grows best in cold temps


grows best in hot temps


metabolism keeps body temp relatively constant


rely mainly on external energy sources


rely heavily on metabolic energy

water vapor density (WVD)

water vapor per unit volume of air

saturation WVD

quantity of water vapor air can potentially hold (changes with temp)

total atmospheric pressure

pressure exerted by all gases in the air

water vapor pressure

partial pressure due to water vapor

saturation water vapor pressure

pressure exerted by water vapor in air saturated by water

vapor pressure deficit

difference between WVP and SWVP at a particular temp


body fluids and external fluid are the same concentration


body fluids have a lower water concentration and higher salt concentration than external environment

Ex. Serengeti, East Africa

Tropical Savanna

Ex. Amazon, Brazil

Tropical Rainforest

Ex. Costa Rica

Tropical Dry Forest

Ex. Saharra


Ex. Mediterranean basin

Mediterranean Woodland and Shrubland

Ex. Prairie and Pacific Grassland of North America

Temperate Grassland

Ex. Eastern Asia

Temperate Forest

Ex. Siberia, Russia

Boreal Forest



Ex. Himalayas
