
Primary Colors are:

red, blue, and yellow

Secondary colors are:

orange, green, and violet

Intermediate colors are:

yellow green, yellow orange, red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue green





warm colors are:

red, orange, and yellow

cool colors are:

blue, green and violet

Name three characteristics of color:

hue, value, intensity

monochromatic means;

make use of only one hue

analogous means:

made up of three or four colors from the color wheel

What are the three characteristics of color?
a. hue, value, intensity
b. pigment, medium, hue
c. light, spectrum, value
d. intermediate, primary, secondary

a. hue, value, intensity

What are the three primary colors?
a. red, violet, green
b. red, orange, yellow
c. blue, green, violet
d. red, blue, yellow

d. red, blue, yellow

What are the three secondary colors?
a. red, orange, blue
b. green, orange, violet
c. blue, green, violet
d. blue, green, violet

b. green, orange, violet

What are the three cool colors?

blue, violet, green

What are the three warm colors?

red, orange, yellow

What is a color + white?


What is a color + black?


What is a color scheme of one color blue its tints and shades?


What color scheme is three to our coors that touch on the color wheel?


Which colors look like that recede into the painting?

cool colors