exam 1: total quality management (TQM)

What is the clinician's primary obligation?

The timely delivery of quality care within the bounds of the clinical circumstances presented by the patient.

How do we ensure quality of care?

The Control Cycle of the Diagnostic Process (plan-do-check-act)

What is the acronym used to describe total quality management (TQM)?

CEAR (pronounced "care")

What does the C in CEAR stand for?

Criteria-Intended to maintain a standard or to introduce a planned improvement into the diagnostic process

What does the E in CEAR stand for?

Execution- the implementation of activities intended to meet the stated criteria

What does the A in CEAR stand for?

Assessment- comparing the impact of execution against the stated criteria

What does the R in CEAR stand for?

Response- those activities intended to reconcile the differences between the stated criteria and the observed outcome (i.e., how the process might be improved to meet the criteria or standard)

What are some possible response options?

-Reconsider the criteria
-Redesign the activities intended to achieve the criteria
-Review the assessment process
-Remediate without changing the criteria or the actives intended to achieve the criteria
-Reject the samples that do not meet the criteria

TQM should ... (3 things)

-be customer (patient) driven
-reflect a comprehensive & integrated approach to the diagnostic process

T/F: findings must be publicized


What are the three Factors Affecting the Quality of the Diagnostic Process?

-performance of the clinician (technical performance, interpersonal skills)
-amenities of care (convenience, comfort, safety, privacy)
-performance of the patient

Quality Assurance in the Diagnostic Process includes...

-ID the customer (1� customer is the patient)
-ID the things the customer values

What is encompassed in "Identifying the things the customer values"?

-understand the customer's expectations (chief complaint)
-establish specific criteria/standards for meeting the expectations (informed consent/treatment plan)
-ensure the product/service meets/exceeds the standard
-provide acquire info to the customer ab

What does it mean to "Push Quality 'Upstream'"?

-as the process deviates from optimal design, its quality/value decreases at an accelerated rate
-adding quality at the production stage of a product/service is more effective than inspecting for or correcting mistakes

What is meant by "Eliminate Waste"?

-there is no minimum standard of "good enough"; there is only "better and better"
-eliminate the unnecessary
-put everything in order so that they can be easily accessed
-build self-discipline & make orderliness routine

Describe "The Assessment of Quality in the Diagnostic Process".

-inferences can be drawn about the quality of the diagnostic process: structure, process, outcome

Describe "Structure" of "The Assessment of Quality in the Diagnostic Process".

-attributes of the setting:
-material resources
-human resources
-organizational resources

Describe "Process" of "The Assessment of Quality in the Diagnostic Process".

-the patient's activities seeking care
-the clinician's activities
-patient assessment (developing the database)
-data assessment (developing the problem list)
-developing, recommending, and implementing strategies for intervention

Describe "Outcome" of "The Assessment of Quality in the Diagnostic Process".

-the effects of the diagnostic process of improving the health of the patient
-the patient's satisfaction with care
-improvements in the patient's knowledge
-changes in the patient's behavior

The _____________ __________ is a key source of information about the quality of the diagnostic process and its intermediate outcome.

treatment record