Anatomy Practical 1 Femoral Region

Surface Anatomy: Identify and Palpate bony landmarks

ASIS, Pubic Tubercle, Pubic Symphesis, patella, tibial tuberosity, shaft of tibea

What is the Midinguinal point?
What can be palpated here?

1. Midway from ASIS and Pubic Symphysis
2. Femoral Artery

What is the mid-point of the inguinal ligament?

Midway from the ASIS and Pubic tubercle

What is the relationship of the nerves and vessels passing beneath the inguinal ligament?

Femeral Nerve, Femeral Artery, Femeral Vein, Femeral Canal (Lateral to Medial)

What are the borders of the Femoral Ring?

Anteriorly: Inguinal Ligament
Posteriorly: Pectineal Ligament
Medially: Lacunar Ligament
Laterally: Femoral Vein

What constitutes a sac and what are the likely contents of a femoral hernia?

Contents of a femoral hernia include intestinal gut. The sac is the peritoneal covering over the gut that also is involved in a hernia.

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a condition where part of an organ protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it.
However you can also herniate a disk.

What are the normal contents of the femoral canal?

The femoral canal (most medial compartment of femoral sheath) contains the (1) lymphatic vessels draining into the (2)deep inguinal lymph nodes, (3)empty space and (4)loose connective tissue. The empty space allows for distension of the adjacent femoral v

From which areas of the body does lymph drain to superficial inguinal nodes?

Lymph from superficial tissues of penis and scrotum (clitoris and labia majora in woman)

Describe the origin and course of the Great Saphenous vein. What is the relationship to the medial malleolus, the patella, and the pubic tubercle?

The great saphenous vein begins as the dorsal venous arch, which travels anteriorly to the medial malleolus, up the medial leg, a hands-breadth medial and posterior to the patella and drains into the femoral vein through the saphenous ring which is 4cm in

What are the tributaries of the long saphenous vein?

1. Superficial circumflex iliac vein
2.Superficial lateral femoral vein/lateral accessory vein?
3. Superficial inferior epigastric vein
4. Superficial external Pudendal vein

Does the great saphenous vein have valves? Where are the perforating veins?

1. Yes
2. The perforating veins are spread throughout the leg and connect deep veins to superficial veins

What is saphena verix?

A saphena varix is swelling where the great saphenous vein empties into the femoral vein.????
Saphena verix = varicose saphenous vein
Varicose veins = are generally superficial veins that become enlarged and twisted, valves no longer work so backflow occu

What does saphenous mean?

Saphenous means wandering -Dr. McGarvey
Visible (greek) -Monkhouse

What are the branches of the femoral artery?

The femoral artery gives of the profunda femoris,
the profunda femoris gives off the medial and lateral circumflex arteries as well as perferating branches to medial and posterior compartments.

What gives rise to an abnormal obturator artery and why is it significant in femoral hernia repairs?

Genetics can give rise to an abnormal obturator artery which exits near the femoral canal?? so when performing femoral hernia repairs the surgeon must be careful not to severe the obturator artery

What is the function of the profunda femoris artery?

Supplies blood to posterior and medial thigh muscles as well as gives off medial and lateral circumflex arteries

What is meralgia paraesthetica?

Pain in the lateral side of the thigh as a result of compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve

Lateral border of Fem triangle


Medial border of Fem triangle

Adductor Longus

Superior Border of Fem triangle

Inguinal ligament

Roof of Fem Triangle

Fascia lata

Floor of Fem Triangle

iliopsoas, Pectineus, Adductor Longus

Fem heath ant.

Transversalis Fascia (ant.)

Fem sheath post

Psoas fascia (post.)