nurse as an educator final

first thing you need to know when you go to teach a pt

what the patient already knows

the main goal of a nurse educator

to be independant and take care of self

fitts and posner's motor learning

associative stage:
-pt focuses on how to do skill
-goal: fine tune skill
-better organization and movement coordinated
-increase complexity of task
-increase distractions
-encourage to do alone

Development stages

teaching methods for toddlers:
-orient teaching to caregiver
-use repetition and imitation
-stiulate all senses
-provide physical and emotion safety
-allow play of objects

Teaching strategies for age 65+

-use concrete examples
-make relevant and meaningful
-one concept at a time
-use repition and reinforcement
-keep explanations brief
-speak slow, low pitched
-good light
-short sessions and rest periods

psychomotor domain

best method of instruction:

which instruction method is best for bedside


main goal of humanistic learning theory

-motivation derived from person's needs
-subjective feelings about self
-desire to grow
think of maslow's hierarchy of needs

where would you see social learning

role modeling

locus of control

the location of control of behaviors as either self-directed or directed by others. persons with internal or external locus of control differ particularly in the degree of responsibility thank from their own actions.


submission or yielding to predetermined goals through regimens prescribed or established by others

health promotion model

-most often used in nursing
-health-promoting lifestyles
-Uses approach behaviors rather than avoidance-of-disease behaviors
-individual characteristics and experiences
-behavior-specific cognitions and affect
-behavioral outcome


-ability to read
-8th grade leel is considered literate


ability to understand

how to understand readability

-multi-syllable words
-how long the sentence are

if you were to judge one whole culture


the difference between male and female brain

males able to put things together better

when the whole family isn't educated, socioeconomic

poverty cycle

disabled categories


heathcare consumers

use internet to diagnosis self

if we need to recommend someone to look on internet for medication


problem with chat groups

one person could dominate - tell person you can talk about it 1:1 later

ehealth code of ethics purpose

-establishment of standards
-To ensure confident and informed use of the health related information found on the web
- Protects consumers using internet-based resources to obtain accurate healthcare information and services
-Candor: Disclose information a

when planning an eval, what do you do first

determine what you want to evaluate

when do you want to assess

assessment first, then eval at end

is pt education less effective with child and people with disabilities


RSA eval model (matching)

make adjustments in an edu activity as soon as they are needed
whether learners have acquired the knowledge or skills taught during the learning experience
deteremine the effects of outcomes of teaching efforts - what happene


the right to self-determination


telling truth; honesty


a binding social contract or convenant; a professional obligation to respect privileged info between health professional and client

informed consent





failure to exercise an accepted degree of professional skill or knowledge by one rendering professional service that results in injury, loss, or damange to recipient


the notion of doing no harm


doing or not doing an act, pursuant to a duty, that is reasonable person in the same circumstances would or would not do


the equal distribution of benefits and burdens

behavioral objective (matching)

find out what's missing: