Finance of sport Mid Term

Definitions of 5 ways to financing an organization

- debt financing: organizations borrow $ that must be repaid over a period of time, usually with interest
-equity financing: a share or portion of ownership is exchanged for $ (funds obtained w/o incurring debt)
-reinvestment of retained earnings: finance

most common model for team ownership

Multiple owners/ private investment syndicate model

financial statements

the primary source of information used to asses the financial health and performance of an organization

the organization's ability to pay short-term liabilities or debt with its short-term assets


based on finical statements, _________ provides key information about the condition and performances of a company and are vital for managers to understand


three interrelated sectors of finance

-balance sheet, income statements, cash flow statements
-money and capital markets, investments, financial management
-financial management, financial economy, investments

a profitability ratio that measures what percentage of an organization's total sales or revenues was net profit or income?

net profit margin

the measure of uncertainty about future conditions that may affect the value of money?


_____ risk premium= ____ credit quality and _____ total risk

1) increase

_____ risk premium= ____ time invested and _____ total risk

1) increase

the likelihood of low or negative future returns

Investment Risk

the rate of return required over and above the risk-free rate?

risk premium

risk of time, capital finance, operating budgets, league loan pools, economic conditions

Sources of risk

what is determined by comparing the risk of one asset to another?

level of risk

the purchasing power of a dollar?

Real Value

devaluation of money over time?


factors impacting the change in value of money?

-inflation: the devaluation of money over time
-risk: uncertainty about future and future returns
-liquidity: the ability for assists to be converted into cash

____ is based on estimates of future inflation rates, interest rates, and business activity

discount rate

as the discount rate ____, the present value of future income ____.

2) decrease

today's value of future cash flows?

Present Value

the power of compounding interest is enhanced if the compounding occurs______?

more often

discount rate?

measure of risk or uncertainty of time
-utilized in estimates of present/future value
-often called capitalization rate

the present value formula is the inverse of the future value formula?


the supply and demand is the same for sports as it is in general?


issues encountered at the macroeconomic level?

national income, unemployment,and inflation

the allocation of an item's loss of value over a period of time?


_____ is the quantity of a product or service desired by consumers?


when demand increases then ticket price _____?


depreciation method that is most aggressive at allocating loss of useful life to the early years of the asset's use?


the major disadvantages of forming a business under which structure is that there is double taxation of profits and the cost of forming the business and operating the business is higher that then other structures?

c corporation

purpose of budgeting

financial plan that sets out a businesses financial targets expressed in monetary terms

not an advantage of zero-based budgeting?

unrealistic and forces prioritization

the most common approach to budgeting amongst sport organizations?

Modified zero-based budgeting

capital expenditure budget?

-analysis of potential additions to fixed assets
-long-term decisions involving large expenditures

Future Value


Debt Ratio
Interest Compounding

DR= total liabilities/total assets
IC=EBIT/interest expenses

Present Value
Present Value annuity


compounding interest intervals

-divide annual interest rate by compounding rate



D=(cost-salvage)X(remaining years/sum of years of useful life)