
Which area of the brain is responsible for coordinating complex motor functions?
A) Frontal lobe
B) Occipital lobe
C) Reticular activating system
D) Cerebellum


A demyelinating disorder, such as multiple sclerosis, would cause all of the following symptoms EXCEPT:
A) a reduction of white matter in the central nervous system.
B) increased saltatory conduction.
C) slower propagation of signals along the axon.
D) a


What structure in the middle ear generates vibrations that match the sound waves striking it?
A) Basilar membrane
B) Tympanic membrane
C) Cochlea
D) Malleus


In the human visual pathway, what cell type comprises the bundle of fibers called the optic nerve?
A) Photoreceptors
B) Bipolar cells
C) Ganglion cells
D) Fovea cells


All of the following brain areas are associated with the experience of emotion EXCEPT the:
A) temporal lobes.
B) amygdala.
C) hypothalamus.
D) pons.


Acetylcholine is stimulatory to which of the following?
I. Skeletal muscle
II. Postganglionic neurons
III. Cardiac muscle
A) I only
B) I and II only
C) II and III only
D) I, II, and III


Cortisol has a direct inhibitory effect on:
A) the posterior pituitary.
B) the hypothalamus.
C) the adrenal cortex.
D) glycogen mobilization.


Instead of perceiving a series of lines in the figure below, humans perceive two shapes: a circle and a rectangle. What best accounts for this phenomenon?
A) The principles of Gestalt psychology
B) Bottom-up processing
C) Parallel processing
D) Weber's La


Suppose that a researcher subliminally flashed words for negative and positive emotions (i.e., sad, happy) for a millisecond before showing subjects a neutral picture of people in a room. The words flashed so quickly that they were only perceived as a fla


If a two-year-old child repeatedly asks his mother for his favorite toy after it has been lost, what understanding has the child obtained, according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
A) Schemas
B) Conservation
C) Object permanence
D) Formal ope


After hearing a telephone number, one only has a few seconds to write it down before the information is lost. What aspect of Baddeley's information processing model accounts for this ability?
A) Phonological loop
B) Visuospatial sketchpad
C) Episodic buff


The "candle problem" is a famous experiment whereby the subject is given a wax candle, a small cardboard box containing several thumbtacks and a book of matches. The subject is asked to affix the candle to a corkboard so that wax will not drip onto the fl


Alcohol withdrawal syndrome occurs when an individual with a dependence on alcohol suddenly limits or stops alcohol consumption. Symptoms of withdrawal can be very dangerous, including seizures, uncontrollable shaking of the extremities, and other nervous


A patient recently-admitted to the ER is reported to have had a stroke. At present, he is having some trouble communicating with hospital staff. When he addresses the doctor, he seems to have great difficulty forming sentences. His speech is rather monoto


According to the James-Lange Theory:
A) motivation follows action.
B) emotion follows physiologic arousal.
C) physiologic arousal follows emotion.
D) emotions are validated by inner dialogue.


Which of the following is true regarding nerve cells?
A) Sensory neurons are also referred to as efferent neurons.
B) Interneurons are also referred to as afferent neurons.
C) Motor neurons transmit information from receptors to the brain.
D) Sensory neur


Which component of the nervous system is NOT involved in the initial reflexive response to pain?
A) Spinal cord
B) Cerebral cortex
C) Interneuron
D) Motor neuron


A child has experienced nervous system damage and can no longer coordinate the movements to dribble a basketball, although she can walk. Which region of the central nervous system was most likely affected
A) Forebrain
B) Midbrain
C) Hindbrain
D) Spinal co


The temporal lobe deals with all of the following EXCEPT
A) language comprehension.
B) memory.
C) emotion.
D) motor skills.


Which part of the brain deals with both homeostasis and emotions?
A) Cerebellum
B) Pons
C) Hypothalamus
D) Thalamus