Mrs. Vaughan Exceptional Children Arkansas State University ASU Beebe FINAL

Stuttering occurs when the flow of speech is abnormal or interrupted repeatedly. What component of language is affected by this?

b. Phonology

IDEA 2004 requires that an IEP must include

b. how the child will be included in state or district-wide assessments of student achievement.

Researchers have suggested that high school programs for students with mild disabilities must

b. determine students' strongest learning modes.

The ability to use conceptual, social, and practical skills to function in everyday life is described as

a. adaptive behavior.

Successful inclusion is based on

a. the individual's ability to adapt to society's expectations in conjunction with society's willingness to adapt to the needs of the individual.

Although largely considered a landmark case for ending racial discrimination, Brown v. Board of Education set a precedent for access to education for

a. students with disabilities

The least restrictive environment is

c. individually determined.

Typical" as defined by the cultural perspective is determined by

c. values that are established within a given society.

The least restrictive environment (LRE) requirement in IDEA states that students with disabilities should

b. be educated with their nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.

According to IDEA 2004, the term "learning disabilities" includes students who have learning problems resulting from

a. a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes.

The actual funding of services for individuals who are gifted is

d. primarily a state function.

An otologist is a medical specialist who

a. conducts an extensive examination of the ear.
b. provides medical treatment or surgical intervention.
c. assists individuals in the selection and use of an amplification device.
Correctd. All of the above.

A major purpose of general education is to

c. presumably provide education for everyone.

A person who is partially sighted

c. has visual acuity greater than 20/200, but not greater than 20/70 in the better eye after correction.

Impoverished environments may affect children because of

a. inadequate nutrition.

Goals for early intervention programs may include

a. lessening the long-term impact of the disability.

A mild condition in which a very small slit is present in one or several of the vertebral structures is

c. spina bifida occulta.

The cause(s) of severe disabilities is (are) most often associated with

b. genetic factors.

IDEA requirements for nondiscriminatory and multidisciplinary assessment testing procedures include

c. a team approach to assessment.

Available research indicates that students with disabilities are

c. dropping out of high school at a high rate.

The primary age range for gang members is

d. ages 12 to 24.

Parents from some cultures may not seek extra assistance for their child because of

c. concern about immigration status.

Suggested support for people with disabilities should

a. encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in communities and families.
b. provide services that are flexible and individualized.
c. improve existing social networks and natural supports.
Correctd. All of the above.

Early intervention delivery models include

c. a combination of home and center-based programs.

The most commonly used administrative approach of providing services to students who are gifted is

a. enrichment.

An audiologist is trained to

b. deal with the functional impact of a hearing loss.

Assistive technology refers to

a. computers.
b. wheelchairs.
c. electronic devices.
Correctd. all of the above.

Spasticity is a classification of cerebral palsy in which an individual experiences

a. stiff and difficult movement.

According to Silverman, the most damaging aspect of the socialization of girls in relation to giftedness is

b. society's encouragement of dependence in females.

A condition in which an excess of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the skull is

b. Hydrocephaly.

As a teacher, when dealing with family responses to a child with a disability, it is important to

c. be aware of the family's religious beliefs and views of education.

Conceptualizations of giftedness have expanded to include mental abilities such as

a. memory capacity.
b. divergent thinking.
c. reasoning ability.
Correctd. all of the above.

Developmentally appropriate practice is grounded on the belief that there has been too much emphasis on _____ for preschool-aged children.

d. academic learning

Nondiscriminatory assessment seeks to eliminate

a. test bias.
b. assessment errors.
c. measurement bias.
Correctd. all of the above.

Sometimes, people with autism who develop language

b. fail to interpret contextual factors.

Researchers have found that youth characterized as ________ experience the greatest number of positive adult outcomes.

b. self-determined

Cooperative learning has primarily been successful in

c. creating learning opportunities for both students with or without disabilities.

An important goal in preschool programs for children with severe and multiple disabilities is to

b. prepare the child for inclusive school placements.

A purpose of the Part C program for infants and toddlers as mandated in IDEA 2004 is to

a. minimize the potential for future developmental delay.

A teacher notices that when directions are given in class a particular student does not follow instructions and watches the other students to see what they are doing before beginning a task. This student may be experiencing what type of problem?

d. Receptive Language Disorder

IDEA 2004 requires that the individualized family service plan include

a. family resources, priorities, and concerns relating to the development of the infant or toddler.

According to the developmental approach, typical development can be determined

a. by comparing a child's growth pattern to a group average.

Norm-referenced assessments

a. compare an individual's performance to his or her peers.

Hyperactivity is typically thought of as

a. a general excess of activity.

Amy is a student who is unable to memorize her multiplication tables. Despite her teacher's interventions she is not making progress. After a referral was initiated, a multidisciplinary assessment was used to determine Amy's strengths and weaknesses. The

a. determine student eligibility and educational need.

A principle that characterizes school accountability under the No Child Left Behind Act and IDEA 2004 is

a. an emphasis on challenging academic standards for all students.

Most identifiable causes of severe intellectual disabilities are

d. genetic in origin.

Inclusive schools that are successful in promoting student achievement and valued post-school outcomes

a. promote high expectations.
b. monitor student progress frequently.
c. provide schoolwide academic and behavioral support.
Correctd. All of the above

Children with disabilities whose fathers are involved in their education

a. evidence better social skills.
b. perform better in school.
c. are less likely to exhibit violent or delinquent behavior.
Correctd. All of the above.

A problem related to ataxia is

d. difficulty in maintaining balance.

Absence seizures are characterized by

b. brief periods of inattention.

Down syndrome is caused by

c. chromosomal abnormality.

Determining who will be labeled socially deviant is guided by the principle that

a. normal behavior must meet societal expectations.

The Regular Teacher Initiative is characterized by

a. general and special education teachers working as partners to achieve a common goal.

Dual diagnosis involves persons who have

b. intellectual disabilities and emotional disturbance.

Effective collaboration means

a. parents are viewed as active partners in the process.

A(n) _____ disorder is characterized by repeated interruptions, hesitations, or repetitions that seriously interrupt the flow of conversation.

a. fluency

IDEA gives parents the right to

a. consent in writing prior to assessment for special education services.
b. question their son or daughter's special education program and placement.
c. make recommendations about educational programming.
Correctd. All of the above

The term "exceptional" describes individuals who

c. deviate either higher or lower from the norm and may require specialized services.

IDEA is based on the principle that

a. all students are able to benefit from education.

IDEA 2004 mandates that the individualized education program must describe

b. how each student's progress toward meeting annual goals will be measured.

IDEA mandates that students who bring a dangerous weapon to school are

a. entitled to continue receiving services although there may be a change in educational placement.

A language disorder due to brain damage and resulting in impairment of language comprehension, formulation, and use is known as

b. aphasia.

The definition of disability in the Americans with Disabilities Act requires that the person

a. have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

Echolalia refers to speech patterns in which the youngster

d. repeats back only what has been said to him.

The purpose of screening students suspected of having a learning problem is to determine

c. whether investigation is necessary.

Disorders that may result in depressed mood, social withdrawal, irritability, and other serious medical conditions include

c. anorexia and bulimia.

The intent of the ADA is to

d. create a fair and level playing field.

The team responsible for developing the IEP for a child in an inclusive setting should include

d. all of the above.

A comparison of working and nonworking individuals with disabilities revealed that working individuals were

b. more satisfied with life.

An abnormality in the speech-sound production process that results in inaccurate or inappropriate execution of the speaking act is known as

b. an articulation disorder.

IDEA 2004 mandates that the transition planning process for students with disabilities begin

a. at age sixteen.

An IEP for students with disabilities who come from culturally diverse backgrounds

a. must be based on individual needs.
b. must include specific cultural or linguistic considerations that are relevant.
c. must be provided in the LRE.
Correctd. All of the above.

Adults with aphasia caused by injury to the front part of the brain

a. can often comprehend better than they can express.

A term that best describes how effectively a person with intellectual disabilities is able to manage his or her own behavior is

a. self-regulation.

Criterion-referenced assessments are helpful

c. for planning instructional programming.

Dropping out of school occurs most frequently for which group?

d. Hispanics

The most essential part of early intervention programming for children with disabilities is

a. parent training.

A(n) _____ placement emphasizes the child's chronological age over his or her developmental level.

b. age appropriate

Cerebral palsy is

d. a neuromuscular disorder resulting from damage to the brain.

At what age should parents become concerned if their child has consistent problems with bowel and bladder control that is not a function of any physical disorder?

b. Four or five

Children with ADHD may be described as

a. fidgety.
b. impulsive.
c. deficit in academic performance.
Correctd. all of the above.

Characteristics of autism include _____.

c. engagement in repetitive activities

Head Start programs

b. require that at least 10% of enrollment be set aside for children with disabilities.

Self-help skills include:

a. eating, dressing, and maintaining personal hygiene.

Special education includes

a. specially designed instruction.
b. no cost to parents.
c. services that are provided in all settings.
Correctd. All of the above

Diabetes is a condition in which there is

d. an inadequate secretion of insulin.

The age of onset is a critical factor in determining

d. the type and extent of intervention necessary to minimize the effect of the hearing loss.

Generally, gifted students are

b. well-adjusted and socially adept.

Another name for congenital rubella is

b. German measles.

A learning disability is a condition that includes

c. both academic and behavioral problems.

IEP goals should relate the core deficits of the disorder. What are they?

d. Communication and social interaction skills

A fundamental purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act is to

d. prevent discrimination against people with disabilities.

An oral malformation in which a reduced division of the nasal and mouth cavities occurs is known as a(n)

a. cleft palate.

Adaptive and functional life skills are described as

c. skills that help students learn daily living and social skills.

Special education attempts to

a. focus on individual strengths, needs, and preferences.

A surgical procedure that uses an implant to restore hearing through stimulation of the auditory nerve is known as

b. cochlear implant.

Students with disabilities eligible under Section 504/ADA but not eligible under IDEA are entitled to

b. reasonable accommodations or modifications in their educational program.

The intent of a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability is to

a. provide an opportunity to achieve the same level of performance and enjoy benefits equal to an average, similarly situated person without a disability.

Pre-referral interventions are designed to

a. identify behavior and academic problems.
b. reduce the likelihood of more restrictive placement.
c. make environmental adaptations.
Correctd. A and B

IDEA defines seriously emotionally disturbed using which of the following criteria?

b. Is an inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors

An example of acceleration is

a. early entrance to school or college.
b. curriculum compacting.
c. grade skipping
Correctd. all of the above.

The theory of multiple intelligences assumes in part that intelligence is

c. the capacity or ability to solve problems or fashion products of consequence.

Effective programs for infants and toddlers with severe and multiple disabilities are

d. child and family-centered.

Advocates for early intervention programs indicate that

d. timing is critical, the earlier the better.

Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) emphasizes

a. child exploration and play.

A student who is inordinately fearful about future events, and has difficulty separating from a parent or another close relationship is likely to be experiencing

c. anxiety disorders.

The ratio of males to females with autism is as high as

b. 4 to 1.

Some gifted children are involved in preschool programs that

a. focus on the development of academic skills.

Effects of child abuse on young children may include

a. withdrawal.
b. aggression.
c. enuresis.
Correctd. All of the above.