Augustine and John Hick's Theodicy

Epistemic distance

A distance in knowledge separating humans from God, it means that God's existence is not obvious.

Counterfactual hypothesis

The idea that certain higher virtues would not exist if there were not certain bad things.


Process by which humans are made fit for heaven by the trials of life.


A defense of God in the face of the problem of evil.


The group of people who will go to heaven, this group are predestined by God.

Original sin

The idea that all humans share in the guilt of Adam and Eve's sin.


The idea that God has already decided whether someone go to heaven or hell.

Natural evil

Evil that is inherent in the world such as earthquakes.

Moral evil

Evil that is caused by human free will, such as murder.

Inconsistent triad

Epicurus' idea the concepts of evil, a benevolent God and an omnipotent God cannot coexist.


The idea that the powers of good and evil are equal. This idea is rejected as heresy by Christians.

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The idea that evil is not a thing but a lack of good.