Grammar: Present Habits and Past Habits

Use (USED TO + infinetive) for activities and states that happened regularly in the PAST but NOT now

Usamos (USED TO + infinitivo) para actividades y estados animicos que sucedian regularmente en el PASADO, pero NO ahora

We used to have more free time

Sol�amos tener mas tiempo libre

Use (WOULD + infiniteve) for regular activities in the PAST which no longer happen now.

Usamos (WOULD + infinitivo) para las actividades que hac�amos regularmente en el pasado y que ya no las hacemos ahora.

People would sit around and watch TV. Now people watch TV individualy

La gente se sentaba alrededor y veia la televisi�n. Ahora (se ve / la gente ve la televisi�n) de forma individual

Use frequency adverbs as (Always, Usually, Generally, Normally, Typically, etc) + Present Simple for present habits or + Past Simple for past habits.

Usa adverbios de frecuencia como (Always, Usually, Generally, Normally, Typically) + Presente Simple para h�bitos actuales or + Pasado Simple para h�bitos del pasado.

They usually watch YouTube clips together

Ello suelen ver videos de YouTube juntos

We normally went out every friday

Nosotros normalmente sal�amos los viernes

Use Always + Present Continuos to talk about repeated activities that often annoying.

Usa Always + presente continuos para hablar de actividades repetitivas que te molestan

Why are they always talking on their mobiles?

�Por qu� est�n siempre hablando por telefono?

Use Always + Past Continuos to talk about repeated activities that often annoyed.

Usa Always + Pasado Continuos para hablar de actividades que te molestaban

You were always talking when we saw a movie.

Siempre estaba hablando cuando veiamos una pel�cula

Use WILL + infinitive to talk about activities which are present habits, often with frequency adverbs.

Usa WILL + infinitivo para hablar acerca de las actividades presentes, a menudo con los adverbios de frecuencia

I will always have a coffee in the morning

siempre tomo cafe por la ma�ana

They 'll often play a computer game together

A menudo suelen jugar un juego de ordenador junto