American Red Cross Lifeguard Tests A

You notice a patron that is swimming laps who suddenly slips under water without a struggle and does not resurface. This person is probably:

b. A passive victim who needs help.

Primary responsibilities of a lifeguard include:

c. Inspecting the pool and rescue equipment before the facility opens and paying close attention to patrons in the water by actively scanning the assigned area. b. Move the victim directly onto a backboard.

3. A man is unexpectedly pushed from behind and falls from the deck into the water and is in distress. After you activate the emergency action plan (EAP), what are included in your next steps.

d. Extend a rescue tube to him while remaining on deck, then provide any additional care.

Which of the following is a primary responsibility of a lifeguard?

a. Enforcing facility rules and regulations and educating patrons about them

5. For a head, neck or spinal injury in deep water:

a. Minimize movement of the victim's head and neck using the head splint technique.

While scanning your zone, you notice a person motionless in the water. The steps you follow in a water emergency are performed in the following order:

c. Activate the EAP, enter the water, perform an appropriate rescue, move the victim to a safe exit point, remove the victim from the water and provide emergency care as needed.

7. While scanning the pool, you witness a patron struggling while swimming and then go under water. Which of the following applies?

a. You have duty to act and perform the appropriate rescue.

A lifeguard can no longer see some of the patrons at one side of the swimming area from his station because of glare from the afternoon sun. To maintain effective patron surveillance, the lifeguard should:

a. Adjust his position slightly to remove the glare spot from his surveillance area.

A patron starts running on the deck. You blow your whistle to get her attention. Next, you enforce the rules and regulations by:

c. Telling her she could slip or fall and she must walk on the deck.

When caring for a suspected head, neck or spinal injury in water, proper manual in-line stabilization is:

b. Provided using the head splint technique.

Working with other lifeguards, facility staff and supervisors as a team is:

b. One of the primary responsibilities of a lifeguard.

You are a lifeguard on surveillance duty during a busy family swim session. It is important to:

b. Scan all areas in your assigned zone of coverage and carry your rescue tube with you at all times.

13. A head, neck or spinal injury rarely happens:

a. In deep water at a supervised facility.

Which of the following is true about accidental fecal releases (AFRs)?

c. Require water treatment, temporary pool closure and immediate lifeguard attention.

You are lifeguarding during a family swim session when you notice a swimmer swimming full lengths of the pool under water. What should you do?

c. Immediately stop him from continuing the activity and explain the dangers of the activity.

After removing a conscious victim you suspect has a spinal injury from the water, you should do all the following except:

c. Dry the victim off and apply the pads of an AED.

17. Two lifeguards are on surveillance duty during a public swim. You are on a break. One lifeguard activates the facility's EAP for a submerged passive victim and enters the water. Which steps should you take next to assist in the rescue?

b. Bring the backboard to the lifeguard and assist in removing the victim from the water as the other lifeguard clears the pool.

A lifeguard keeps an eye on the patrons of the pool, checking the bottom, middle and surface of the water. He is demonstrating:

b. Effective scanning.

A mother and her son walk over to you; she states that he fell on the pool deck and hit his head. You notice he has blood and fluid running from his ear and he is feeling dizzy. What steps should you take next?

d. Provide manual stabilization while the other lifeguards prepare to backboard him.

The lifeguard supervisor expects the pool to be very busy in the afternoon. For effective patron surveillance, she sets up multiple lifeguard stations to reduce the number of patrons watched by each lifeguard. This type of coverage is called:

d. Zone coverage.

To effectively scan, you must:

d. Move your head and eyes as you scan to look directly at each area rather than staring in a fixed direction.

When providing care to a conscious person you suspect of having a head, neck or spinal injury and who was injured from a fall on the pool deck:

d. You do not move the victim unless the scene becomes unsafe.

A woman collides with another swimmer while diving into the pool and asks the lifeguard for help. Without doing an assessment, the lifeguard tells the woman she can continue swimming. The woman leaves the facility and seeks medical attention from a hospital after she begins to feel tingling sensations in her arms and legs. The lifeguard may be:

c. Negligent.

During a weather-related power failure at a facility, you should:

a. Clear everyone from the pool.

During in-service training, lifeguards practice the steps of recognizing a distressed swimmer, rescuing an active victim, informing management and speaking with witnesses. The lifeguards are practicing parts of a(n):

b. Emergency action plan.

You enter the mechanical room and find a maintenance worker lying on his back on the floor next to a ladder. You check the scene and determine it is safe to enter. During your primary assessment, you find the victim is unconscious but breathing. You must leave to get help, what should you do?

a. Move him into the H.A.IN.E.S. position.

Which of the following is true if the manager of the facility has assigned you as the only lifeguard conducting patron surveillance?

a. You have been assigned to total coverage.

Which of the following pieces of equipment need to be easily accessible for emergency use:

b. Backboard, AED

A technique to minimize movement for a victim with a suspected head, neck or spinal injury who is face-down, at the surface and in water less than 3 feet deep is the:

b. Head splint technique.

If three lifeguards are on duty, emergency back-up coverage takes place:

c. When a lifeguard enters the water for a rescue.

Which of the following is the least important for a safe group visit to a pool?

c. Ensuring there are multiple activities planned for the group

While caring for someone with a suspected spinal injury, you secure the straps on a backboard in the following order:

d. Upper chest, hips, thighs

It is the primary responsibility of facility management to provide all but which of the following?

d. Educating patrons about and enforcing facility rules

The hazard communication standard includes having MSDS information available. What is included in this information?

b. Contains information about what type of chemicals are in use at the facility

A patron dives into the shallow end of the lap pool. You suspect she has a head, neck or spinal injury because she has:

c. Blood in the ears and nose.