Macbeth Test 10/25/13

Another name for the three witches:

the weird sisters

Scottish nobels include:

Lennox, Ross, Angus, Menteith, Caithness

Commander of the English Forces:


son of Siward, killed by Macbeth:

Young Siward

Act 1 Scene 1 opens with the weird sisters planning to meet....


Duncan hears the news that Macbeth and Banquo fought heroically against Norway at a military camp in....


Macbeth slews the traitorous ______ and carries his head on a stick


Who firsts mentions Banquo?


Ross comes from Fife to tell king Duncan that who was killed?

the Thane of Cawdor

Macbeth gains wait title granted by Duncan?

the Thane of Cawdor

What had the witches been up to when the arrived to Macbeth?

one was killing swine and the other was plotting revenge on a sailor's wife that did not give her chestnuts

Where do the witches first meet with Macbeth?

a heath near Forres

Macbeth's original title?

Thane of Glamis

he will never be king but he shall be the father of future kings (as told by the witches)


Macbeth's prophecy of three titles include:

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, The King hereafter of Scotland

Macbeth's father (the former thane of Glamis)


it really upsets Macbeth that the witches did not mention him having any...


___ and _____ tell Macbeth that he is the new Thane of Cawdor

Ross and Angus

Banquo calls the witches

instruments of darkness

Macbeth refers to the witches' prophecy as

supernatural soliciting

Macbeth's castle:


Duncan intends for _____ to be king after he dies


____ never uses the word murder

Lady Macbeth

Who is coming to Inverness to celebrate Macbeth's new title?

King Duncan

Who will take care of the plans for murder?

Lady Macbeth

The reasons why Macbeth does not think they should kill Duncan:

Macbeth is Duncan's kinsman, subject and host, everyone adores Duncan and it would disrupt nature

Macbeth reacts the most when called a _____


Who will Macbeth and Lady Macbeth frame for the crime of killing the king?

Duncan's chamberlains

Duncan looks like _______ father

Lady Macbeth

Who denounces her gender roles?

Lady Macbeth

Who is walking in the forest on the night that Duncan is murdered?

Fleance and Banquo

Macbeth envisions a ____ before he murder's Duncan

a bloody dagger

Lady Macbeth summons Macbeth by a _____ to signal that the chamberlains are asleep

ringing a bell

What word can Lady Macbeth and Macbeth not utter after killing Duncan?


Who finds it easy to wash the blood off of her hands?

Lady Macbeth

Macbeth's second hallucination is...

voices in his head saying "sleep no more!

Who is the comic relief?

The porter

The porter compares himself to the.....

gatekeeper of hell

Who arrives and is knocking on the door to Inverness on the morning of Duncan's death?

Lennox and Macduff

Apparently the night was ________ when Duncan was murdered.

stormy and dark

who discovers the murdered Duncan?


Where does Malcom go?


Where does Donalbain go?


Macbeth makes his first death wish after....

Everyone discover's Duncan's death

_____ and _____ talk about the strange things going on in nature after Duncan's death

Ross and an old man

The three foul things in nature that have occurred since Duncan's death:

the falcon was killed by an owl, duncan's horses ate each other, and the sun does not rise in the sky

Where is duncan's body?


Where is Macbeth crowned king?


Macduff goes returns where instead of to the crowning of Macbeth?

Fife (his home)

Where is the king's palace (Macbeth's new home)?


Who is the "guest of honor" at Forres?


Macbeth persuades ___ men to kill Banquo by saying it would be just too painful and he would tell everyone.


Where is Banquo with Macbeth is plotting his murder?

riding horses