Mrs. Zipperle - V.U. U.S. HIST 140- Final Exam Review

What was the focus of the National Woman's Suffrage Association?

the vote for women

Policy proposed to keep China open to trade with all countries and prevent German and Japanese expansion.

Open Door Policy

What invention allowed modern skyscrapers to be constructed in the 1890s?


Social movement against he consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Temperance Movement

Where did Southern blacks migrate to in the 1890s?

northern cities

What was the topic of Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives in the 1890s?

how the poor lived in the cities

Era marked by personal greed and corrupt partnerships between business and politics.

Gilded Age

Where the majority of immigrants lived in the United States after 1900.

in the cities

Connected the land East of the Mississippi with the West, stimulating a land rush in the West.

transcontinental railroad

Revolutionized the cattle industry by allowing ranchers to fence in their cattle.

barbed wire

Group that was pushed off their lands and onto reservations in the middle of the nineteenth century.


Land set aside for Indian use. Often had poverty and starvation.


Which industry fueled the American economy during the 1920s?


What led to an increase in business productivity and overall efficiency during the 1920s?

assembly-line and specialized management

Who worked in the factories after the mobilization of U.S. troops in 1917?


A fear of internal subversion and Communist revolution in the U.S. in 1919 and 1920.

Red Scare

What was the U.S. response to the outbreak of WWI?


Correspondence that promised Mexico its lost provinces if it declared war on the U.S.

Zimmerman Telegram

Laws designed to legalize and expand racial segregation in public facilities in the South.

Jim Crow laws

What triggered the outbreak of WWI in 1914?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

Reformers with a broad agenda of concerns between 1890 and 1916 were called this.


Journalists who wrote stories about corporate and political wrongdoing.


Why did the United States go to war with Spain in 1898?

to secure Cuban independence from Spain

What provoked the United States to enter the Spanish American War?

the sinking of the USS Maine

What did Congress do after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

endorsed a declaration of war against Japan

Place where Japanese Americans were sent during WWII to stop espionage and subversion.

Internment Camps

Law passed in 1941 to make arms, munitions, and other supplies available to Britain at little to no cost.

Lend-Lease Act

Japan's plan to knock out a significant portion of American naval bases in the Pacific on December 7, 1941.

attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

What event sparked the beginning of WWII in 1939?

Germany's invasion of Poland

1940 battle in which the British handed Hitler his first major defeat.

Battle of Britain

Government retirement program for the elderly funded by payroll taxes.

Social Security

Who came to the conclusion in 1933 that the U.S. entered WWI because of the greed of U.S. munitions makers and bankers?

Nye Committee

What was the 3-part goal of FDR's New Deal?

relief, recovery, reform

New Deal program that guaranteed bank customers that their deposits would be reimbursed if the banks failed.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

President Roosevelt's program to bring the U.S. out of the Great Depression.

New Deal

To what was FDR referring when he said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"?

terror caused by the Great Depression

What triggered military action in Korea in 1950?

Communist North Korea invaded South Korea

What did the Soviets do in 1957 that triggered U.S. spending on STEM courses?

launched Sputnik

Organization created after WWII to gather relevant information for national defense and intelligence.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Program created to provide job training, education, and low-interest home loans to veterans.

G.I. Bill

Two reasons the U.S. emerged from WWII as the most powerful nation in the world.

atomic bomb and production capacity

Peacetime military alliance between the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe after WWII.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The Manhattan Project was started in 1942 to develop a super-bomb before which country?


The intense rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States that began in 1947.

Cold War

The German's last desperate counterattack through Belgium in December 1944.

Battle of the Bulge

Where did the Allies plan to make a launching site for an attack on the Japanese mainland in 1944.


Campaign to fight for democracy abroad and against racism at home during WWII.

Double V Campaign

Allied assault against the Germans at Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944.


What did the East Germans do to stop the mass exodus of East Germans to West Berlin in 1961?

built the Berlin Wall

Situation in 1962 in which the world's two superpowers came close to nuclear war.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Federal civil rights law that prohibited sex discrimination in education in 1972.

Title IX

Failed 1961 invasion to overthrow Cuban nationalist Fidel Castro.

Bay of Pigs

What happened at the civil rights demonstration in Washington, D.C. in August 1963?

MLK's "I have a dream" speech

Name two people who fought to improve conditions of migrant farm-workers in California.

Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta

Who concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby had acted alone after Kennedy's death?

Warren Commission

Program passed in 1965 that provided universal compulsory insurance for the elderly.


Who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955, sparking the Civil Rights Movement.

Rosa Parks

President Kennedy's New Frontier pursued initiatives in these areas.

poverty and civil rights

What form of music challenged American social and cultural norms in the 1950s with its sexually suggestive language?

rock and roll

President Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957 to help these students integrate Central High School

Little Rock Nine

1990 law that required private and public businesses to be accessible to people with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Why did the U.S. intervene in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991?

oil resources

What happened to defense spending under President Reagan?

it increased beyond the spending levels of the Vietnam War

Reagan's defense initiative that surprised his advisers and caused angry responses from critics and the Soviet Union.

Star Wars

When did Jimmy Carter's treaty return the Panama Canal to the Panamanians?

the year 2000

When were the Iran hostages held in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran returned to the U.S.?

the day President Carter left office and President Reagan took over

The theory that a Communist victory in South Vietnam would cause all of Southeast Asia to fall to Communism.

Domino Theory - unsound, only Laos and Cambodia fell

Scandal in 1972 in which the Nixon campaign bugged Democratic party headquarters in Washington, D.C.


Papers published in the New York Times in 1971 exposing a secret government study critical of U.S. policy in Vietnam.

Pentagon Papers

What was the final outcome of the Vietnam War in Vietnam?

South Vietnam fell to Communism

1964 resolution giving the president authority to repel armed attacks and prevent further aggression.

Gulf of Tonkin resolution

1968 attack by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese against key cities and American bases in South Vietnam.

Tet Offensive

President George H.W. Bush's military operation in 1991 supported by Congress and the American people

Operation Desert Storm

Which president left office in 2001 with a federal budget surplus and the longest economic boom in history?

Bill Clinton

Why was President Clinton impeached?

perjury and obstruction of justice