Chapter 8 - Basics of Electricity - Milady's Standard Esthetics

Alternating Current (AC)

Rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.

Amp (A)

Unit that measures the amount of an electric current (quantity of electrons flowing through a conductor).


Process of forcing liquids into the tissues from the negative toward the positive pole.


Positive electrode.

Blue Light

Therapeutic light that should be used only on oily skin that is bare; contains few heat rays, is the least penetrating, and has some germicidal and chemical benefits.


Process of forcing acidic substances into deeper tissues using galvanic current from the positive toward the negative pole.


Negative electrode.

Circuit breaker

Switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit at the first indication of overload.

Complete circuit

The path of an electric current from the generating source through conductors and back to its original source.


Any substance, material or medium that easily transmits electricity.


Apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current.


Galvanic current is used to create an alkaline chemical reaction that emulsifies sebum and debris.

Direct Current(DC)

Constant, even-flowing current that travels in one direction only.

Electric Current

Flow of electricity along a conductor,.


Form of energy that when in motion, exhibits magnetic, chemical or thermal effect; a flow of electrons.

Electromagnetic radiation

Energy in the form of electromagnetic waves; also called radiant energy because it carries, or radiates, energy through space on waves.


The use of electrical devices for therapeutic benefits.


Special device that prevents excessive current from passing though a circuit.

Galvanic Current

A constant and direct current (DC); used a positive and negative pole to produce the chemical changes of desincrustation, an iontophoresis.

Infrared Light Rays

Infrared light has longer wavelengths, penetrates more deeply, has less energy, and produces more heat than visible light. Makes up 60% of natural light.

Insulator (nonconductor)

Substance that does not easily transmit electricity.

Iontophoresis (ionization)

Process of introducing water-soluble products into the skin by using electric current such as that from the positive and negative poles of a galvanic machine.

Kilowatt (K)

1000 watts


Acronym for Light Amplification Stimulation Emission of Radiation; a medical device used for hair removal and skin treatments.

light therapy

the application of light rays to the skin for the treatment of wrinkles, capillaries, pigmentation, or hair removal.


a device that mimics the body's natural electrical energy to reeducate the tube and facial muscles; improves circulation and increases collagen and elastin production.


One-thousandth of an ampere.


Currents used in electrical facial and scalp treatments

Ohm (O)

Unit that measures the resistance of an electric current.


(Light Therapy), this is a form of treatment used for various skin conditions using artificial light wavelengths from the ultraviolet (blue light) part of the sun's spectrum.


Process by which light from a laser is turned into heat.


Negative or positive pole of an electric current.


Apparatus that changes alternating current to direct current.

Red Light

Therapeutic light used on dry skin in combination with oils and creams; penetrates the deepest and produces the most heat.

Sinusoidal Current

Alternating current similar to faradic current; produces mechanical contractions and is used during scalp and facial manipulations.

Tesla High-Frequency current

Thermal or heat-producing current with a high rate of oscillation or vibration; also called Violet Rays

Ultraviolet Rays (UV)

invisible rays that have short wavelengths, are the least penetrating rays, produce chemical effects, and kill germs; also called cold rays or actinic rays.

Visible Light

The primary source of light used in facial and scalp treatments.

Volt (V)

unit that measures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor.

Watt (W)

Measurement of how much electric energy is being used in one second.


Distance between two successive peaks of electromagnetic waves.

White Light

Referred to as combination light because it is a combination of all the visible rays of the spectrum.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Also known as electromagnetic spectrum of radiation. Made up of all forms of energy whose spectrum ranges from the longest waves to the shortest.

Intense Pulse Light

Light device that uses multiple colors and wavelengths (broad spectrum) of focused light to treat spider veins, hyperpigmentation, rosacea/redness, wrinkles, enlarged hair follicles/pores, and excessive hair.

Invisible Light

Light at either end of the visible spectrum of light that is invisible to the naked eye.


Acronym for light emitting diode. A device used to reduce acne, increase skin circulation, and improve the collagen content in the skin.

Yellow Light

A light emitting diode which aids in reducing inflammation and swelling.

The pressure of the flow of electrons through a conductor is measured by:


Which of the following conditions are contraindications for electrotherapy ?

pacemaker; open cuts or sores; epilepsy

Electricity travels:

186,000 miles per second

UVA rays can penetrate the skin down to the:


Psoriasis and acne can be treated by using:

ultraviolet light

What skin benefits have LED devices been shown to provide?

helps control acne; improves collagen content; reduces redness

A volt is a measurement of how much electric energy is being used in:

1 second

All of your electrical equipment must be:

UL certified

How should you disconnect your equipment?

grasp the plug and pull it straight out from the outlet

What do broad spectrum sunscreens protect against?

UVA and UVB rays

Which type of light is referred to as "combination" light?

White light

Intense pulse light is used to treat:

spider veins

Invisible rays make up about ____ of natural sunlight.


Which of these devices generally uses alternating current?

curling iron