Socy 1010 chapt 8

National crime victimization survey-

less than half of all crimes are reported

Age-Crime Curve-

15-24 yr olds account for 40-50% of crime







What are degradation ceremonies? Know definition and specific examples.

formal attempt to publicly banish someone from a group(scarlett letter)

Seans evidence for biological/genetic factors in criminality?


Basic tenets of differential association


Sykes & Matzas techniques of neutralization.

1.Denial of responsibility
2. denial of injury
3. denial of the victim
4. condemnation of condemners
5. appeal to higher loyalty

Mertons typology of deviant responses to anomie.

1. innovation- using illegitimate means to achieve goals
2. ritualism- choosing not to persue goals but abiding by societys norms
3. Retreatism- rejecting both the goals and legit means
4. Rebellion- rejecting and seeking to replace both the goals and the

Possible explanations for US falling crime rate in the late 90s.


Efficacy of deterrence crime policy.

laws are not working

Flaws in uniform crime report data


Relation between social class and crime based on self report studies.
