Chapter 12

In 1949, what was the outcome of the civil war in China?

Mao and his people won changing it to a communist nation and renaming it the People's Republic of China.

HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate possible subversive activities by

communists, fascists, and Nazi's

Which countries remained under Soviet control after WWII?

Czecholslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria

Who first spoke of the "iron curtain"?

Winston Churchill

How did the American Public view General MacArthur after president Truman fired him?

they saw him as a hero

General MacArthur chose what city for a counterattack against North Korea?


In 1950, what event began the conflict on the Korean peninsula?

The North Korean army invaded south of the 38th parallel

In China's civil war, the united states backed

the nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi

The CIA participated in the Cold War by

carrying out secret operations in other countries

John Foster Dulles, Eisenhower's secretary of state wanted what?

to resolve the Suez Crisis peacefully

After the U.S refused to fund the Aswan dam, Egypt's government

nationalized the Suez Canal

What happened on September 2, 1949, to change U.S.- soviet relations ?

Soviet Union set off an atomic bomb

What led to Senator McCarthy's downfall?

the broadcast of the McCarthy hearings on television

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged, convicted, and executed for

passing secrets about nuclear science to the soviets

J Robert Oppenheimer was investigated because

he had friends and family who belonged to the communist party

NATO and the Warsaw pact were examples of

military alliances made for "collective security

In an attempt to gain control over West Berlin, the Soviet Union

set up a total blockade cutting off that section of the city

what was one place on the globe where the cold war was "hot"?


why was the conflict between the Soviet Union and the US described as the "cold" war?

the two sides did not engage each other directly in a military conflict

what best describes the underlying cause of the Cold War?

political and economic differences between the US and the SU

why did Albert Einstein oppose development of hydrogen bomb

thought it would lead to an arms race

in the Korean war, united nations forces fought with who against who?

fought together with US against North Korea

At what period before WWII had there been a red scare?

1917-1920, after the Russian revoltion

A consequence of convert CIA operations in Iran in the 1950s was

new government installation

term implying bullying tactics, reckless charges, and unsubstantiated evidence


war to achieve specific goals rather than the total defeat of the enemy

limited war

never-ending effort to acquire more powerful weapons than one's enemy

arms race

fear of communists, both outside and within the US

red scare

overabundance of weapons that would result of total destruction

mutually assured destruction

US policy to use force to help countries in the Middle East fend off communism

Eisenhower Doctrine

general in command of US forces in the Korean War

Douglas MacArthur

US diplomat who wanted to contain communism within its current borders

George Kennan

weaker country under the control of a stronger country

satellite state

american convicted and executed for passing nuclear secrets to the soviets

Julius Rosenberg