Sadlier Oxford Level Blue Unit 15


(v.) to make hard to understand or do
syn: to confuse, muddle, mix up
ant: to simplify, clarify, smooth ease


(adj.) considerate toward other
syn: polite, well-mannered, respectful, civil
ant: rude, impolite, ill-mannered, discourteous


(n.) a lack of ease and well-being
syn: pain, distress, irritation, suffering
ant: comfort, peace, calm


(v.) to get rid of or do away with
syn: to remove, omit, leave out, exclude, drop
ant: to take in, admit, acquire, retain, preserve


(v.) to cause to feel great sadness; to feel very sad
syn: to sadden, mourn, regret
ant: to rejoice, celebrate, gladden


(adj.) having to do with what is right and wrong; being good and just
(n.) the lesson taught by a story or experience
syn: (adj) honorable, upright, honest; (n) a message, teaching
ant: (adj) immoral, wicked, bad, wrong


(v.) to burn on the surface; to dry out with heat
(n.) a slight burn
syn: (v) to singe, brown, blacken, shrivel


(adj.) of a serious nature; very strict and harsh; causing pain or hardship
syn: grave, stern; tough, bitter; brutal, rough
ant: unimportant; mild; merciful


(n.) an unusual sight or public display
syn: a scene, a show, exhibition, marvel


(adj.) having to do with serious story with sad ending; very unfortunate
syn: dreadful, awful, sad, disastrous, unhappy
ant: amusing, funny, humorous, comical, happy


(n.) something of little importance; a small amount (v.) to treat carelessly or playfully
syn: (n) a bit, knickknack, trinket; (v) to fiddle, play, toy
ant: (n) a lot, lots of


(adj.) being everywhere; of, for, or shared by all
syn: worldwide, broad, general, widespread
ant: local, limited, narrow