H. Biology Final Part A

The biosphere is

the living world

Life's basic unit of structure and function is the


Measurements of a plant's growth over a two week period represents


A map is an example of a


The process by which organisms keep their internal conditions relatively stable is called


What are themes of biology?

Form and function; interaction with the environment; reproduction and inheritance; biological systems; cellular basis of life; energy and life; regulation; adaption and evolution; biology and society; scientific inquiry.

The cells of multicellular organisms are often

specialized to perform particular functions

Levels of organization in a multicellular organism from the simplest to the most complex

cell, tissue, organ, organ system.

What is the term for all parts of Earth inhabited by living things?


Which organization level includes all of the other levels?


Many biologists call the broadest category of life a


Cell specializations in multicellular organisms allow cells to

perform different functions

The amount of light and temperature are examples of

factors to which living things respond.

What term prefers to cells having different jobs in an organism?


A group of cells that together perform a similar function is called a


An organ system is a group of organs that

works together in performing a major body function.

A logical conclusion based on observations is called a


You suggest that the presence of water could accelerate the growth of bread mold. This is a


A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test

a single variable

The work of scientists generally begins with

making observations and asking questions.

Thinking that someone is at the door when you hear the doorbell is an example of an


In science, a hypothesis is useful only if

it can be tested.

The idea that "all living things are made up of cells" is a


Biology is the scientific study of


An experiment that tests the effect of a single variable is called a

controlled experiment