
Battle of Gettysburg

-July 1863
- 40,000 casualties
- Union Victory
- Turning Point in war.


April 1862
- Over 20,000 casualties
- Major Union victory in the Union theater.

Sherman's March to Sea

- Winter of 1864
- General Sherman led Union forces through Georgia
- Devastates land and cities in his path.

Battle of Antietam

Sept 1862
- Over 20,000 casualties
- Won by Gen McInnis Union Army over Gen Lee.
- Deadliest day in U.S. History.

First Battle of Bull Run

-July 1861
- 1st land battle of the war
- Neither side prepared.
-Confederacy won.


- April 1865
- Final battle before Lee surrendered his army to Gen Grant and ends war at courthouse.

California, Union

__________ was admitted to the ______ through the Compromise of 1850

Fort Sumter, Civil War

In the battle of _____________, the first shots of the ________________ were fired.

Emancipation Proclamation, Union

President Lincoln issued the _______________________ several days after the major __________ victory in Antietam.


The battle of ___________ is considered the turning point of war.


Most soldiers of Civil War died from _______

Battle of Bull Run, Manassas, Confederate

The early Civil War, first of ________, took place near ____________ and was surprising ___________ victory.

Stonewall Jackson, Battle of Bull Run

__________________ earned his famous nickname for not fleeing at the ______________________.

South Carolina Secedes

The news headline "______________" was caused by the election of Abraham Lincoln.

Anaconda Plan, Union's

The _________________ was the nickname for the ________ naval blockade of the Confederacy.

Emancipation Proclamation

The _______________ freed slaves only in rebelling states of the South.

President Lincoln

___________________ believed that it was illegal for states to secede.

Jefferson Davis, Confederacy

_____________, former US Senator from Mississippi, was elected President of the ____________.

General Robert E. Lee, Courthouse

___________________ surrendered to General Grant on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox ____________, Virginia.

Industry, farming

Prior to the Civil War, the North's economy was based mostly on _________, while the South's was based on _________.

Southerners, Democratic

Most _________ who wanted to expand slavery belonged to the _____________ political party.

John Wilkes Boothe , Ford's Theater

_______________ assassinated President Lincoln at _______________

Northern Republicans, Carpetbaggers

____________________ who moved to the South after the war were called ________________.


Southerners who supported Reconstruction were called __________.

Sherman, Savannah

General _______ was the Union General that led his army in destroying everything in a path from Atlanta to ___________.

Freedmen's Bureau, aid

The purpose of the _________________ after the Civil War was to provide _______ to freed slaves.

Abraham Lincoln

President of the U.S. His election spurred the South to secede.

Jefferson Davis

President of the confederacy after serving as a congressman from Mississippi.

Frederick Douglas

was a former slave and prominent abolitionist who urged President Lincoln to recruit former slaves to fight. He believed African Americans would earn the right to full citizenship in the U.S., and have the right to vote, own property, and be allowed the f

Stonewall Jackson

leading Confederate general who earned his famous nickname at the First Battle of Bullrun.

Ulysses S. Grant

leading Union General and became top general of the entire Union Army.

Robert E. Lee

Led the Army of North Virginia and the Confederacy's top forces. Surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox ending the Civil War.

Gold, California

In 1848, _____ was discovered in ______________


The period following the Civil War during the U.S government worked to reunite to nation and to rebuild the southern states

Ten Percent Plan President

Abraham Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction; once 10 percent of voters in a former Confederate state took a U.S loyalty oath, they could form a new state government and be readmitted to the Union

Thirteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment that outlawed slavery

Freedmen's Bureau

An agency established by Congress in 1865 to help poor people throughout the South.

Black Codes

Laws passed in the southern states during Reconstruction that greatly limited the freedom rights of African Americans

Radical Republicans

Members of Congress who felt that southern states needed to make great social changes before they could be readmitted to the Union

Civil Rights Act of 1866

A law that gave African Americans legal rights equal to those of white Americans

Fourteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment giving full rights of citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United states, except for American Indians

Reconstruction acts

The laws that put the southern states under U.S military control and required them to draft new constructions upholding the Fourteenth Amendment


The process used by a legislative body to bring charges of wrongdoing against a public official

Fifteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment that gave African American men the right to vote

Lincoln, Southern, secede

Some people predicted that if __________ was elected president of the United States, the ____________ states would ________

representatives, Union, Confederate States of America

In February 1861, _______________ from states that had left the ________ met in Montgomery, Alabama and adopted a constitution for the _________________

State, South Carolina

The first state to leave the _________ was ___________________.

Alexander H. Stephens, Confederacy

___________________ was Vice President of the ________________

Popular Sovereignty

Letting residents decide if a state should have slavery

Kansas, Free

There was bitter fighting and conflict in ___________ before it voted to be a _______ state

Northerners, Union

_______________ felt they were fighting the Civil War to preserve the ___________

South, States' rights

The _______ felt they were fighting the Civil Was for _____________


A new idea felt they were fighting for states' rights


To perform or carry out


The period after the Civil War was call