Weathering and Soils vocab


involves the physical breakdown and chemical alteration of rock at our near Earth's surface

mechanical weathering

accomplished by physical forces that break rock into smaller and smaller pieces without changing the rock's mineral compostion

chemical weathering

involves a chemical transformation of rock into one or more new compounds

frost wedging

water works into cracks of rock, the freezing water enlarges the cracks, and angular fragments are eventually produced


process that generates these onion-like layers


important rock structures that allow water to penetrate to depth and start the process of weathering long before the rock is exposed

exfoliation dome

when weathering cause slabs to seperate

spheroidal weathering

weathering attacks edges from two sides and corners from threes sides, these areas wear down faster than a single flat surface


the decayed remains of animal plant life (organic matter

parent material

the source of the weathered mineral matter from which soils develop


the vertical differences, which usually become more pronounced as time passes, divide soil into zones or layers

soil profile

presents an idealized view of a well developed soil profile in which five horizons are identified

Soil Taxonomy

a devised system scientist have created for classifying soils


true soil

soil erosion

natural process; it is part of the constant recycling of earth materials that we call