SCMH test 2

Gamma Radiation is a shorter wavelength than:-radio waves-all of the above-microwaves-visible light-x-rays

all of the above

what practical use has been found for gamma rays?-generating light and heat-medical application-cooking food & heating water-detecting speed of vehicle-carrying radio signals

medical application

what characteristic of waves is measured in Hertz?-amplitude-energy-frequency-length-speed


which statement best describes transverse waves?-a wave a frog would make jumping up and down on a lily pad-echoes-the transverse wave moves particles in the direction that the wave is moving-the energy moves perpendicular to the wave direction-special type of longitudinal wave

a wave a frog would make jumping up and down on a lily pad

How fast can light travel in one second, if its moving through a vacuum?-30,000 kilos-300,000 kilos-18,600 kilos-3,000,000 kilos

300,000 kilos

waves transfer energy from:-one speed of wave to another-one place to another-one frequency to another-one wavelength to another-none of the above

one place to another

the higher the frequency of a sound wave:-louder it is-the faster it travels-the longer the wavelength-lower the pitch-the shorter the wavelength

the shorter the wavelength

of the kinds of waves listed below, which one does not result in the transport of matter?-seismic wave-sound wave-subsonic wave-x-ray-ocean wave


the Doppler Effect is best describes as:-a change in wave frequency when neither source receiver is moving-how humans see the colors red and blue-how bats fly and locate their food-how dolphins navigate in the world's oceans-a change in wave frequency when source or receiver is moving

a change in wave frequency when source or receiver is moving

which type of radiation is commonly used to sterilize medical equipment?-microwave radiation-ultraviolet radiation-infrared radiation-radio waves-fluorescence

ultraviolet radiation

Which is not associated with broadcast radio waves?-frequency modulation-electron motion in an antenna-amplitude modulation-frequency slices or bands-none of the above

none of the above

which of the following would cause an electromagnetic wave to be emitted?-writing an equation that has the wave form in it-constructive interference of any kind of wave-destructive interference of sound waves-trying to separate electrical from magnetic phenomena-acceleration of an electric charge

acceleration of an electric charge

this ability of microwave ovens to cook food depends partly upon the fact that microwaves are:-absorbed in dry air and thus heat the whole oven and its contents-absorbed quickly by water molecules, which does nothing to heat food-scattered by water molecules, which helps heat the glass door of the oven-absorbed quickly by water molecules, which generate heat

absorbed quickly by water molecules, which generates heat

when we hear a sound change from a higher to a lower pitch, this means:-the wavelength has changed-the sound wave has bounced-the speed has changed-the frequency has changed-none of the above

the frequency has changed

which of the following has a frequency of 440Hz?-a middle A musical note-high C musical note-an AM radio station-an FM radio station-a TV station

a middle A musical note

a light wave has a wavelength of about:-400-100 nanometers-7500-4000 angstroms-a meter to a millimeter-a few meter to more than a few thousand kilos-a millimeter to a micron

7500-4000 angstroms

what aspect of a sound wave makes it seem loud to people hearing the sound?-wavelength-velocity-frequency-wavelength-amplitude


which of the following is strictly a longitudinal wave?-sound waves-light waves-any electromagnetic waves-water waves-laser light

sound waves

which of the following is the same for all kinds of electromagnetic waves?-speed-energy-wavelength-frequency-transmission


light passing through a window glass is an interaction called:-scattering-transmission-greenhouse effect-absorption-reflection


sound waves cannot travel through:-very dense materials-helium-water-a vacuum-glass


electromagnetic waves are produced:-where electromagnetic waves are bent-when electrical charges are acceleratedwhere there is heat and light-none of the above

when electrical charges are accelerated

another word for constructive interference is:-Doppler effect-acceleration-reinforcement-amplitude-destructive


cats eyes are more sensitive to _______ than humans-xrays-gamma rays-visible light-radio waves-infrared waves

infrared waves

Which sound wave frequency is outside the range of a human's ability to hear?-200Hz-10000Hz-20Hz-2000Hz-5Hz


Human skin can be strongly affected by what type of electromagnetic radiation?-UV radiation-xrays-visible light-radio waves-gamma rays

UV radiation

if you are observing a light source moving very rapidly toward you, the Doppler Effect predicts that the light will be:-red-shifted-radiated-transmitted-blueshifted-bent


of the types of radiation listed below, the only one that humans can detect is:-none of the above-gamma rays -infrared waves-xrays

none of the above

humans eyes are most sensitive to this color-green-yellow-blue-violet-red


sound waves with low frequencies:-have low amplitudes-have high pitches-are more likely to experience destructive interference-have low pitches-travel at faster speed than sound waves

have low pitches

white materials scatter all wavelengths of visible light in all directions in a process called:-diffusion-refraction-reflection-absorption-transmission


compared to microwave radiation, infrared radiation:-is a faster wave-has shorter wavelengths-is a slower wave-is visible to the human eye-has longer wavelength

has shorter wavelengths

the fundamental difference between electromagnetic waves and other types of waves is that electromagnetic waves:-do not experience constructive or destructive interference-all have the same wavelength-are invisible regardless-move more slowly than all other types of waves-transfer energy without transferring mass

transfer energy transferring mass

individual particles in a transverse wave move:-perpendicular to the medium-in large circles-parallel to the wave direction-perpendicular to the wave direction-in small circles

perpendicular to the wave direction

all electromagnetic waves travel at:

300,000 km/sec

bats navigate by emitting high pitched sound waves and...-listening for an echo from obstructions-calculating wave crests per second-attracting various insects toward the sound-hoping humans do not hear them

listening for an echo from obstructions

line-of-sight communications and radar rely heavily on what type of electromagnetic wave?-xray-microwaves-radio waves-gamma rays


in the periodic table of elements, the only element lighter than helium is:-hydrogen-oxygen-argon-neon-silicon


lasers are extremely important in science because we use them to:-absorb protons-kill bacteria without harming other cells-determine what elements make up a substance -make very precise measurements-bounce light off stars

make very precise measurements

in today's periodic table, elements are arranged in order of:-number of electrons in the nucleus of the atom-the alphabetical listing of the atoms-atomic size of the atom-number of protons in the nucleus of the atom-number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom

number of protons in the nucleus of the atom

regarding the periodic table, which statement below best follows the scientific method?-the periodic table made predictions that could be tested-info that refuted Mendeleev's hypothesis was ignored-the periodic table has not changed in 100 yrs-Mendeleev's listed the elements alphabetically

the periodic table made predictions that could be tested

lasers can be used to make extremely accurate measurements of:-distance-color-density-none of the above


In the periodic table of the elements, a 'period' refers to the:-vertical column-atom mass of the atom-number of neutron-the horizontal row-number of protons in the atom

the horizontal row

Inert gases:-all contain oxygen-are also called halogens-have very little common-have similar chemical properties-form a compound known as a salt

have similar chemical properties

an atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons is known as:-an electron-a neutron-a proton-an ion-a nucleus

an ion

when two or more covalently bonded atoms combine chemically, we refer to the physical result:-an electron-water-an uncuttable-a molecule-an element

a molecule

the Rutherford atom model did not work because there is a problem with:-uniform motion and Maxwell's equations-uniform motion, Maxwell's equation, and the first law of thermodynamics-uniform motion

uniform motion, moxwell's equeations, and the first law of thermodynamics

the first to prove and atom is mostly empty space by using alpha particles was:-Thompson-Rutherford-Dalton-Democritus-Mendeleev


an electrically neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom is called a(an):-proton-nucleus-electron-ion-neutron


it was first discovered that atoms have a nucleus when:-Rutherford split the nucleus of uranium atoms-some alpha particles were deflected by gold nuclei in Rutherford's experiment-Einstein hypothesized the existence of the nucleus-scientists photographed the nucleus of uranium

some alpha particles were deflected by gold nuclei in Rutherford's experiments

the basic concept of an atom was put forth originally because:-older ideas that were borrowed by Babylonians-it was philosophically satisfying that particles could be divided only so small-the invention of the magnifying glass led to ideas about progressively smaller particles

it was philosophically satisfying that particles could be divided only so small

photons are emitted when electrons:-collide within the electron cloud-none of the above-collide within the electron cloud-are in excited states

are in excited states

in 1808, which person borrowed the name 'atom' from Greek writings and described it as indivisible?-John Dalton-Danial Bernoulli-Dimitri Medeleev-Ernest Rutherford-Albert Einstein

John Dalton

atoms in the same column of the periodic table have the same:-outer shell electron configurations-atomic mass and atomic size-number of neutrons in the nucleus-number o electrons in the nucleus-inner shell electron configuration

outer shell electron configurations

the elements in the periodic table are arranged based on the:-mass of the nucleus-valence electrons at all times-number of neutrons in the nucleus-number of electrons surrounding the nucleus-number of protons in the nucleus

number of protons in the nucleus

Rutherford's model of the atom cannot work because:-atoms would be constantly absorbing energy-atoms would not have symmetrical shapes-compounds could not be easily formed-atoms would be constantly emitting energy

atoms would be constantly emitting energy

evidence for the theory that an atom is mostly empty space was supported by the research which these scientists?-Rutherford-Thompson-Bernoulli-Bohr-Dalton


Which instrument below emits photons that have wave crests in exact alignment?-telescope fitted with a spectroscope-light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-spectroscope which is not part of a telescope-a source of alpha particles in a physics laboratory

light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

the fundamental building block for all matter, which is the smallest representative sample a substance that maintains chemical elemental identity is called:-atom-molecule-electron-chemical compound-elemental


an atom with two protons in the nucleus is called:-lithium-hydrogen-plutonium-helium-oxygen


a photon is emitted by an atom when one of the atom's electrons:-is removed from the atom-shifts to a lower energy level-leaves the atom-collides with other electrons-shifts to a higher energy level

shifts to a lower energy level

the word atom was coined from:-roman terminology-Mendeleev's early work-work by Pauli-an ancient Greek term

an ancient Greek term

in the innermost electron shell, there can only be _______ electron-8-16-4-1-2


what is an atom's spectrum?-the total collection of different photons an atom can emit-the allowed orbit closest to the nucleus-the atom's place in the periodic table -the atomic mass of the atom

the total collection of different photons an atom can emit

who is thought to have first coined the word atom?-Rutherford-Thomson-Dalton-Bohr-Democritus


the atomic theories of Democritus and Dalton:-neither was based on observations in nature-Dalton's theory depended upon observation; Democritus' theory did not-Dalton used the term atom; Democritus did not-both were based on observations in nature

Dalton's theory depended upon observation; Democritus' theory did not

old oil can be ______ and used over again-burned-broken down into elements-refined and recycled-all of the above

refined and recycled

which of the following represents the most stable arrangement of electrons?-atoms with completely filled valence shells-elements that are positioned on the far right column of the periodic table of elements-inert gases such as helium, neon, argon-atoms with a total of 2, 10, 18, or 36 electrons-all of the above

all of the above

chemical bonds are:-the attraction among atoms resulting from the destruction of electrons-an unstable configuration among two or more elements-the redistribution of electrons between atoms, leading to a more stable configuration-sharing of protons in the lowest energy level

the redistribution of electrons between atoms, leading to a more stable configuration

the electrons at the outer energy level of the atom are called:-outer field electrons-the atomic number -valence electrons-iconic electrons

valence electrons

if a chemical bond forms spontaneously, then:-energy will be released in the reaction-energy will be needed in the reaction-a change in state will always occur-a change in color will always occur

energy will be released in the reaction

Noble gases are called so because they:-are considered more important than other elements-don't chemically interact with other elements-can chemically interact with many other elements- are very valuable

don't chemically interact with other elements

chemical bonds occur when electrons are ______ atoms-stripped off-expelled from-rearranged between-all of the above

rearranged between

metallic bonds create materials with properties that make them:-polar-able to change shape without breaking-brittle-good insulators

able to change shape without breaking

an example of something that is not a polymer is:-fur and cellulose-spider webs and plastic-nylon cotton-meat-plasma and gas

plasma and gas

sodium chloride (NaCI) atoms form a crystal lattice that is held together by:-hydrogen bonds-salt bonds-covalent bonds-ionic bonds-van der Waals bonds

ionic bonds

a piece of gravel by the side of road is most likely held together by:-covalent bonds-ionic bonds-van der Waals forces-crystal lattice

ionic bonds

which of the following is not characteristic of hydrogen bonds?-separation of positively and negatively charged ions-links of hydrogen to oxygen and other negative ions -malleability and metallic bonds-linking the 2 sides of the DNA double helix

malleability and metallic bonds

which makes the best electrical conductor?-covalent bonds-ionic bonds-hydrogen bonds-metallic bonds

metallic bonds

An example of metallic bond is:-DNA-hydrogen gas-NaCI-an alloy

an alloy

if you drop a material that is held together by ionic bonds, one likely outcome is that it will:-bend-shatter-flow across the floor-do nothing


the weakest type of bond is:-ionic-metallic-covalent-van der Waals

van der Waals

the strongest type of bond is:-ionic-metallic-covalent


metals are held together because of:-a sea of electrons-a sharing of electrons-an attraction between the polar molecules-a transfer of negative electrons

a sea of electrons

ionic solids are held together because of:-a sea of electrons-a sharing of electrons-an attraction between the polar molecules-a transfer of negative charges: electrons

a transfer of negative charges: electrons

covalent solids are held together because of:-a sea of electrons-a sharing of electrons-an attraction between the polar molecules-a transfer of negative electrons

a sharing of electrons

_____ results in a sharing of many electrons between atoms.-metallic bonding-ionic bonding-covalent bonding

metallic bonding

polar molecules are:-never dipoles-always dipoles-sometimes dipoles

always dipoles

solids that do not have long-range order to the arrangement of their atoms are called:-glass-ionic solids-metallic solids


where would you not expect to find plasma?-the sun-sealed in a magnetic bottle-in an ice cube-neon lights

in an ice cube

which state of matter maintains a constant volume but not a fixed shape?-gas-plasma -liquid-crystal


most polymers are characterized as:-permanently stable compounds-interesting to study, but having little value in our lives-a collection of small molecules combined into long chains-found in synthetic products, but not in nature-hard and brittle

a collection of small molecules combined into long chains

which statement is true of liquid crystals?-could not be akin to the 'lipid bilayer' molecules in the primitive oceans-liquid crystals become less structured in the presence of an electric field-under the influence of an electric field, liquid crystals from partially ordered structure of molecules-polymers broken into individual parts reform a liquid crystals

under the influence of an electric field, liquid crystals from a partially ordered structure of molecules

the arrangement of the atoms in glass is:-regular and repeating-irregular in all places-locally regular but overall nor regular-all of the above-none of the above

locally regular but overall not regular

the US govt once considered nylon as a(an);-weapon of war-strategic material-form of currency-national uniform-none of the above

strategic material

______ is an example of an exothermic reaction-burning wood-creating electricity-making ice-dissolving salt-none of the above

burning wood

______ reacting with iron is an example of oxidation-chlorine-sodium-oxygen-carbon-none of the above


in which of the following places is more polymerization that de-polymerization occurring?-silk cocoon-cow stomach-compost heap-art gallery

silk cocoon

to save money, you bought a tougher cut of meat. which of the following will you be using if you use a meat tenderizer?-distillation-condensation reaction-de-polymerization-precipitation-dehydration synthesis


HCI reacting with ______ produces water plus salt-oxygen-NaOH-CaSO-carbon-none of the above


which of the following common household products is an acid?-detergent-vinegar-milk-ammonia-salt


which chemical reaction shows combustion?

CaO + 2HCI-->CacI2 + H2O

to see an everyday example of oxidation, you might observe:-growing hair-glass breaking-a nail rusting-a thunderstorm-a light bulb shining

a nail rustin

exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions differ in that:-energy is given off only in exothermic reactions-energy is given off only in endothermic reactions-the total energy in all involved electrons is the same before and after an exothermic reaction

energy is given off only exothermic reactions

a high octane rating in gas causes less engine 'knock' because:-high octane gas is easier to distill than low octane-high octane is less complex hydrocarbons than low octane-high octane can withstand high compression in a cylinder without igniting-the isomer n-heptane is the primary component

high octane can withstand high compression in a cylinder without igniting

no matter what element we consider, the electrons in the first shell are never:-stripped off the atom-valence electrons-excited-all of the above-none of the above

none of the above