Great depression

what were the causes of the stock market crash

-everyone buying stocks led to a bull market
-speculation fueled "get rich quick" mentality let to inflated stock values and a crash
-buying on margin
-not regulated

how did buying on margin contributed to the stock market crash

people used money and borrowed money that they didn't have and then couldn't pay it back to the banks

Goals of the new deal

stabilize the economy, help the economy recover, relieve human suffering

1st thing president roosevelt did when he went into office

made the new deal to stop the depression

Hoover's philosophy about the depression

believed that the economy would fix itself, the government should not be involved with the individual and people should care of problems on their own

what does it mean when someone says that the market is a "bull market

the market is continually rising

main causes of The Great Depression

installment plans- people could buy things that they cannot afford.
buying on margin- only applied to stock market, buying stock when you don't have enough money for it
farming economy failing- overproduction
bank failures- loaned too much
federal reserve


buying stock because you think the market is going up

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929 the stock market crashes

why did thousands of banks collapse in the yearly years of the depression?

people took out loans that they couldn't pay back

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

protective tariff that failed because european nations passed PT's too

where people could go and get food during the GD?

food banks

what were the causes of the dust bull

hot temperatures, drought, bad farming techniques

nickname given to shantytowns


why did hoovers popularity drop in 1932

he sent in people to kill war veterans

what court case pinned Science against religion

monkey scopes trial

what amendment established prohibition


what amendment established women's suffrage


What amendment repealed prohibition?


What limited the amount of immigrants allowed from a specific country into the U.S.?

Emergency Quota Act

What term is used to describe the large exodus of African Americans from the South to the North?

Great Migration

What name is given to the era that celebrated African American culture, music, and art during the 1920s?

Harlem Renaissance

What was the icon for young women in the 1920s?


What were the 2 criticisms of the New Deal?

too expensive, create a welfare state- trying to pack the supreme court

New Deal Program that regulated the stock market


New Deal Program that created "Bank Holidays

EBRA - Emergency Bank Relief Agency

New Deal Program that insured people's money in banks


New Deal Program that gave government subsides to farmers to stop production that allowed crop prices to rise


New Deal Program that established minimum wage and prices of goods


New Deal Program for young men to build national parks and clean up forests


New Deal Program that created jobs and brought electricity to the rural areas of the U.S.


New Deal Program that gave jobs to artists, musicians, and writers


New Deal Program that built bridges, schools, government buildings, etc


New Deal Program that provided "safety nets" for the unemployed, disabled, elderly, and children of the unemployed


New Deal Program that provided government subsides to areas effected by a natural disaster


List the New Deal Programs that fall under the "reform" category of the New Deal.




List the New Deal Programs that fall under the "relief" category of the New Deal.


explain In detail with explanations and examples, the difference between FDR's response to the GD and Hoover's response to the GD
for FDR must include criticisms
for Hoover's response use his philosophy to back up why he made the decisions he made

FDR won the election by a landslide. He had fireside chats to address worries and just talk about the future of the country. In the first hundred days of his presidency he passed laws that expanded government role in economy that became known as the New D