Respiratory System

___ zone is passageway for air; warms, ___, cleanses air; includes everything down to ____; passes air to ____ zone

conducting, humidifies, bronchioles, respiratory

____ zone is the actual site of gas exchange; includes respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ____, alveoli

respiratory, ducts

Thin walled veins under nasal ___ warm incoming air; ____ humidify air; filtration and cleansing take place because of nasal ___, ___, respiratory mucosa (contains ____, lymphocytes, ___ antibodies); epithelial cells secrete _____; nose/nasal cavity also

epithelium, sinuses, hair, fibrisae, lysosomes, IgE, defensins, odor, voice

____ is a muscular funnel from nasal cavity to larynx; contains ___ for airborne pathogens, ____ (palatine and lingual tonsils), _____

pharynx, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

____ provides patent airway that gets food/air into proper passageways, important in sound production (____); contains ____, which covers laryngeal inlet when swallowing; __ cartilage framework, cricoid/thyroid make up ___ __; contains ____ folds (superio

larynx, phonation, epiglottis, 9, voice box, vestibular, glottis, sound, cartilaginous, glottis

Trachea contains C shaped ___ cartilage ring that keeps trachea open; opening in C is posterior, allowing room for ____ to expand when food moves through; ____ muscle controls airflow

hyaline, esophagus, trachealis

Trachea is composed of an inner layer of _____ columnar epithelial cells that contain ___ cells and are ciliated (____ escalator); also composed of ___ ___ that contains lymphatic ____, mucus/serous glands, and tracheal cartilage; inferior end (lowermost

pseudostratified, goblet, mucociliary, CT, nodules, carina, bronchi

Blood supply to the lungs include ___ and ___ circulation; Pulmonary ___ branch along bronchi and feed into pulmonary ____ networks; ____ arteries will provide systemic blood to all lung tissues except ___; run along branching bronchi

arteries, capillaries, bronchial, alveoli

Lungs are composed of _____ CT; ____ surface is broad, flat, pressed against rib cage; ____ surface is smaller, ___ surface that faces mediastinum; has slit that transmits the primary bronchus, BVs, LVs, nerves (_____); ___ ___ is the indent on the left l

elastic, costal, mediastinal, hilum, cardiac impression

___ bronchi are similar to trachea and contain ____ CT, supported by ____ cartilage; ___/tertiary bronchi are formed by irregular ____ plates (rings replaced with plates as tubes get smaller); ____ are 1 mm in diameter, no ___, ciliated cuboidal epitheliu

primary, elastic, hyaline, secondary, cartilaginous, bronchioles, cartilage, smooth, terminal, mucus, respiratory, alveolar

____ account for most of the lung volume, huge SA for ___ ___; have alveolar ___, which connect adjacent alveoli together, allowing for the ability to ___ pressure throughout lung and provide alternate air routes; supplied by ____ capillaries, surrounded

alveoli, gas exchange, pores, equalize, pulmonary, elastic

Alveoli contain ___ (type 1) alveolar cells, which are thin, broad cells that cover ___% of alveolar surface, able to facilitate gas exchange between alveolus and blood because they're so ____; ___ (type 2) alveolar cells are round, cuboidal, cover remain

squamous, 95, thin, great, 5, repair, surfactant, phopholipids, collapsing, macrophages

____ ____ includes the alveolar air-blood barrier; composed of ____ alveolar cells, ___ endothelial cells, and a basement membrane between epithelia and wall of ____; gas exchange occurs by simple ____ (there is a broad ___ ___ for diffusion to take place

respiratory membrane, squamous, capillary, capillary, diffusion, SA

Double layered membrane; ___ pleura lines surface of lungs, ___ pleura lines pleural cavity, which is filled with fluid that reduces ___ and acts as lube allowing lungs to glide over ____ wall during breathing; ___ ___ keeps membranes in contact and keeps

visceral, parietal, friction, thoracic, ST, pressure gradient, compartmentalizes

____ ___ refers to breathing and the typical respiratory cycle; change in ___ in thoracic cavity, so it drops below ____ pressure, drawing air in; rises above ____ pressure to expel air; when diaphragm contracts, dome flattens and thoracic ____ goes up, c

pulmonary ventilation, pressure, atmospheric, atmospheric, volume, in, diaphragm, forced

Neural control of breathing depends on input from _____ respiratory centers (medulla and pons), central and peripheral input (____), and voluntary control; ___ ___ must coordinate muscles needed for breathing; inspiration is __ seconds, expiration is __ s

brainstem, receptors, NS, 2, 3,

Automatic, unconscious cycle of breathing is controlled by ___ pairs of respiratory centers in the ______; respiratory ___ in the medulla include the ___ respiratory group and the ____ respiratory group; VRG is the primary generator of the respiratory ___

3, brainstem, nuclei, ventral, dordal, rhythm, inspiratory, expiratory, inspiratory, rate, depth, integration, pons, stretch, medulla, pontine, sleep, vocalization

Receptors are used to control rate/depth of breathing as necessary to maintain ____ levels of pH, ____, pO2; central chemoreceptors are found in the ___ (bilaterally in ____) and monitor the pH of ___; peripheral chemoreceptors are found in the ____ and a

homeostatic, pCO2, brainstem, medulla, CSF, carotid, blood, stretch, Hering-Breuer, medullary, irritant, impulses

____ control is important for singing, speaking, breath-holding; originates from motor cortex of ___ lobes because it bypasses the ___ and sends signals to motor neurons that go to respiratory muscles when holding breath

voluntary, frontal, medulla

___ pressure in the pressure on the outside of body (___ mmHg at sea level); if intrapulmonary pressure=intraplural pressure (____ pressure=0), lung will collapse; ____ pressure always equalizes itself with atmospheric pressure (___ pressure=pressure lowe

atmospheric, 760, transpulmonary, intrapulmonary,-, +, intrapleural, lymphatic, atmospheric, intrapulmonary

During inspiration, the thoracic cavity ___, ___ pleura are pulled out (cling to rib cage), ____ occurs if intrapleural pressure is not maintained, ____ law states the V is directly proportional to T

expands, parietal, pneumothorax, Charles

___ is a passive process in which muscles relax and elastic recoil occurs; ____ ___ is a result of phrenic nerve stimulation of diaphragm, prevents lungs from ___ too suddenly, smoothing transition between inspiration and expiration

expiraiton, respiratory braking, recoiling

Flow is directly related to change in ___ and inversely related to _____, which is mainly caused by ___ resulting in diameter changes of bronchioles; diameter is dependent on nerve stimulation, ____, irritants; ___ ___ is the ease of lung expansion and ca

pressure, resistance, friction, histamine, pulmonary compliance, volume, pressure, surfactant, alveolus, collapsing, radius

____ dead space refers to the passageways that air gets stuck in and never exchanges; ___ dead space comes about because of tissue that has been damaged

anatomic, alveolar

Hyperpnea- increased rate/depth in response to _____,___,___
Hyperventilation- increased rate (__ __) due to ____ demands
Hypoventilation- low respiratory rates leading to buildup of ____

SOB, stress, exercise, pain, pulmonary ventilation, metabolic, CO2

____ gas exchange describes O2 into blood, CO2 into lungs; ___ ___ describes movement of O2/CO2 in blood; ___ gas exchange describes loading/unloading of O2

alveolar, gas transport, systemic

_____ law is that total pressure equals sum of pressures; pp changes as atmospheric pressure changes; alveolar pressure changes because there's a certain amount of ___ in body; pp determines rate of ___ (greater the gradient, faster diffusion)

Daltons, humidity, diffusion

___ gas exchange is the diffusion of O2 and CO2 across a respiratory membrane; Henry's law states that the amount of gas that diffuses depends on ___ in water and partial pressure in ____; at air blood barrier, gases will diffuse down gradient until pp in

alveolar, solubility, air, air, water, solubility, water, gradients, area, altitude

Must be close matching of ___ and perfusion (ratio is .8/1); dependent on pulmonary ___ and bronchioles; ratio is higher at ___ (more air, less blood), lower at base (blood is being pulled by gravity, less air, more blood); poorly ventilated areas get les

ventilation, arteries, apex, blood, constrict, ventilation

___ transport is accomplished by Hb of ____; 1-4 molecules=____, 0 molecules=____ (reduced Hb); in arterial blood, 98.5% of O2 is ___, 1.5% is ___ in BP; each gram of Hb can carry ___ mL of O2; ___ blood is 95-98% saturated, ___ blood is 70% saturated; if

O2, RBCs, oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, bound, dissolved, 1.34, arterial, venous, Hb, loading

___ ___ is transported in 3 forms: bicarb ion in ___ (catalyzed by ___ ___), chemically bound to Hb (____), or dissolved in BP; loading occurs because there is a high ____ in tissues (gradient=46-40mmHg), when CO2 goes into bloodstream, it produces ___ in

CO2, bicarb, CAH, carbaminohemoglobin, bicarb, plasma, chloride, O2

O2 moves into tissues because of pressure ____ (95-40 mmHg); ___ coefficient describes the fraction of O2 unloaded (blood to tissue is ___% saturated, blood leaving tissue is __% saturated); ___ reserve is 4-5 minutes of O2 reserve

gradient, utilization, 98, 70, venous

___ adjusts unloading based on needs of tissue; factors include ambient ___, temperature, ___ effect (Hb/O2 bond ___ as pH decreases), BPG (byproduct of ___ metabolism, promotes unloading); increase in all of these factors decrease Hb ___ for O2 (increase

Hb, pO2, Bohr, weakens, RBC, affinity, unloading, epi, thyroxin

__ effect describes the rate of CO2 unloading in response to needs of tissue; low levels of ___ increases CO2 transport; when pO2 is lower and __ is not saturated, more ___ can be carried; reduced Hb is more likely to load ___

haldane, pO2, Hb, CO2, H+

Breathing adjusted to maintain normal values of arterial blood:
pO2=___ mmHg
pCO2=___ mmHg
Order that they effect breathing:

pH, pCO2, pO2

___ ventilation adjusted to brain pH; high H+ in ___ stimulates central chemoreceptors; H+ can't pass __ ___ ___, but CO2 can (binds with water in CSF to form ___ ___, which releases H+); most common cause of acidosis is ____; ___ occurs, which results in

pulmonary, CSF, BBB, carbonic acid, hypercapnia, hyperventilation, pCO2, ventilation, Hb, 60, respiratory, increase, O2