I can explain how geologists use the character of rocks to reconstruct the sequence of
events in Earth history.


I can draw labeled sketches of the three major types of unconformity and explain their

Unconformity is an erosion surface representing a gap in time between the formation of two sections of rock. Gap in time may be 1000s or billions year. Look for contrasts in orientation, types of rocks between adjacent rock units
Angular Unconformity: Arc

I can explain what happens during radioactive decay and define the terms: parent
isotope, daughter isotope, half-life.


I can describe how to use the relative proportions of parent and daughter isotopes to
figure out the numerical ages of rocks.


I can explain why some radioactive isotopes can not be used to determine ages of older


I can use numerical dating techniques on igneous rocks to estimate the age sedimentary


I can explain the development of the major components of the Earth System during the
early part of Earth's history


I can describe how geologists correlate rocks between two different regions.


I can name the three Eons and Eras of geologic time and identify when they began and


I can identify the age of the Earth and cite evidence used to determine this age


I can explain how life on Earth changed during the last 542 million years as older species
became extinct and new ones evolved.


I can interpret the history of an area from a geologic cross section
