
What is one factor that affects the growth of bacteria in food?


Which is a TCS food?


The risk of physical contamination can be reduced by...?

Purchasing food from reputable suppliers

How long must shell stock tags be kept on file?

90 days after the last sheelfish was sold or served from the container

Cut melons should be stored at what internal temp?

41*F or lower

Ready-to-eat TCS (time/time controlled safety) food must be date marked if it will be stored longer than...?

24 hours

How long can ready-to-eat TCS food be stored in a cooler?

7 day

What is the minimum internal cooking temp for seafood?

145*F or higher for 15 seconds

What is the 3rd step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table?


Which piece of jewelry is a food handler allowed to wear?

Plain-band ring

What should a manager of a quick service operation do if a food handler reports having a sore throat and a fever?

Restrict the food handler from working with food

How should the temp of a shipment of sour cream be taken when it arrives at an operation?

Remove the lid and put the thermometer stem into the sour cream

Which is a chemical contaminant?

Tomato juice served in a pewter pitcher

How many people must have the same symptoms to be considered an outbreak?

At least 2

What is the temperature danger zone?

F (CFA is 40-140

What does TCS stand for?

Temperature control for safety

To be excluded form work you must have...?

vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice
sore throat or fever gets you restricted from food

What 4 ways can something be thawed?

1. Cooler at 41* or lower
2. Under running water at 70* or lower
3. Microwaved-cooked after
4. As part of the cooking process

What needs to be at 165 for 15 secs?

poultry, stuffed meat, dishes including previously cooked

What needs to be at 155 for 15 secs?

meat, shell eggs (hot held), ground seafood

What needs to be at 145 for 15 secs?

seafood, game, shell eggs served immediately

What needs to be at 145 for 4 mins?


What needs to be at 135?

fruits and veggies

What does cleaning do?

It removes food and other types of soil from a surface

What does sanitizing do?

It reduces the number of pathogens on a clean surface to safe levels

Pathogens are likely to grow well in a meat stew that is...?

between 41
F and 135

The temperature of a pot of beef stew is checked during holding. The stew has not met the critical limit and is thrown out according to house policy. Throwing out the stew is an example of which HACCP principle?

Corrective action

Using one set of cutting boards for raw poultry and another set of cutting boards for ready-to-eat food reduces the risk of...?


When receiving a delivery of food for an operation, it is important to ...?

inspect all food immediately before storing it

For which condition should you reject a shipment of fresh chicken?

Flesh is sot and leaves an imprint when touched

Which item is stored correctly in the cooler?

Macaroni salad stored above raw salmon

If cleaned and sanitized, an empty food container can be reused for...?

food storage.

What is one way that food should NEVER be thawed?

at room temperature

Food must be cooled from 135*F to ___ within 2 hours.


What type of container should be used to transport TCS food from the place of preparation to the place of service?


When transporting food off-site, how should information such as reheating instructions be communicated to off-site staff?

Labels on food

Hot TCS food being held for off-site service must be at what temperature?

135*F or above

Hot food can be held intentionally without temperature control for __ hours.


Raw shrimp and potato salad must be stored _____ when being transported for off-site service.


Which action could contaminate food at a self-service area?

allowing customers to reuse plates

What is the definition of sanitizing?

reducing the pathogens on a surface to safe levels

The effectiveness of chemical sanitizers is NOT affected by


To make sure that the chemical sanitizer being used on a food-prep surface is at the correct strength,

use a test kit to check the sanitizer's concentration when mixing it

The first step in cleaning and sanitizing items in a three-compartment sink is

rinsing, scraping, or soaking items

If a food-contact surface is in constant use, it should be cleaned and sanitized at least every...?

4 hours

In a heat-sanitizing dishwasher, what is the minimum temperature for the final rinse?


What is the only certain way to prevent backflow?

air gap

What is the second basic rule of an integrated pest management program?

deny pests food, water, and a nesting or hiding place

A food handler who has just bused tables must do what before handling food?

wash hands

As part of handwashing, food handlers must scrub their hands and arms for

10-15 secsonds

What is the intended use for a hand antiseptic?

reduce pathogens on skin

To work with food, a food handler with an infected hand wound must...

cover the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single-use glove

A food handler who is forming hamburger patties should change gloves

when the gloves are dirty or torn

How should food handlers keep their fingernails?

short and unpolished

What action should a manager take when a food handler reports being diagnosed with a food-borne illness caused by Shigella spp.?

Excluded the food handler from the operation and contact the local regulatory authority

Which probe should be used to check the temperature of a pork roast?


Peanuts and soy products are tow possible food items that can be dangerous for people with

food allergies

Wheezing and hives are symptoms of

food allergies

Why are preschool-age children at higher risk for getting a food-borne illness?

they have not yet built up their immune systems

What is the first step in developing a HACCP plan?

conduct a hazard analysis

Which organization makes recommendations for food safety regulation of the food-service industry?

Food and Drug Administration

Which agency enforces food safety in a food service operation?

state of local regulatory authority

When should staff members receive food safety training?

when hired, and the periodically after that

Which pathogen is commonly linked with salads containing TCS foods?

Shigella spp

Which is a biological contaminant?

norovirus in shellfish

What is a cross-connection?

link between sources of safe and dirty water

How high should floo-mounted equipment be from the floor?

At least 6 inches

How should flatware that has been cleaned and sanitized be stored?

with the handles facing up

The six conditions bacteria need to grow are food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, and


F.A.T. T.O.M. stands for...?


Using the same knife to chop carrots for a salad immediately after cutting up raw chicken is an example of


What is the main reason for food handlers to avoid scratching their scalps?

spreading pathogens to food

Hot TCS food being held for off-site service must be at what temperature?

135*F or above

What are the seven HACCP Principles?

1. Conduct a hazard analysis.
2. Determine critical control points (CCPs).
3. Establish critical limits.
4. Establish monitoring procedures.
5. Identify corrective actions.
6. Verify that the system works.
7. Establish procedures for record keeping and do

What does HACCP stand for?

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point